Body Language – Kanye West Live TMZ Interview


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6 years ago

I had not watched any of this because I don’t watch any TMZ…. I find it incredibly moving and honest.
Firstly I can’t believe this was not flashed in front of me on Facebook and YouTube as a suggested video because it is exactly my sort of subject matter.
Secondly I can believe this was not flashed in front of me because it is incredibly powerful in the wrong direction for FB & YT.

While I go and watch this again several times and share it before I make more comments I just want to say that the love Kanye is talking about is not the romantic love that people only think about these days but the love that means empathy, understanding, compassion, and forgiveness.

The hate that lives in people over Trump will give them high blood pressure and a stroke. Then they better hope that the conservative nurse caring for them understands the Kanye love or they might not get their bedpan in time!

6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

my thoughts exactly 🙂

6 years ago

this was a great interview….i did a lot of it just enjoying the waking up . enjoy

6 years ago

So refreshing to see at least some people actually talking and – amazing – thinking too.

6 years ago

Slavery was bad, so were Jim Crow, segregated schools, “red-ining” (housing segregation in Chicago), but so were feudalism, religious persecution and genocide (still going on big time), monarchy, attempts at world conquest, human sacrifice, witch burning, Manifest Destiny (justified the removal and in some cases genocide of Native Americans), and the depredations of Genghis Kahn, the Mongol Hordes, The Vikings and countless others. The bottom line is that human beings have demonstrated a tremendous capacity to mistreat and oppress others, as well as justify it, throughout human history. I don’t think any racial or identity group has not participated in this at some point It probably started with clubbings of rival tribes during pre-verbal caveman days. Not to put words in his mouth, but I think Kanye’s point is that to engage in tribal identity politics just keeps the hatred going, and that modern Americans are probably the least oppressed of any society in human history. To buy into a victim mentality is a choice in this day and age. We are far from a utopia, but have opportunities that people of any color did not have 70 years ago. Like I said before, I respect the guy for making people think, and challenging entrenched belief systems. Say yes to freedom and no to hate.

6 years ago

I am so glad you did this whole interview. There is no way in the world I would have ever seen it otherwise. I have to admit that in my belief system, I don’t like or respect the hip-hop culture as I understand it, and until I saw this would have probably dismissed anything Kanye had to say. It is refreshing to see somebody push the envelope of the “Identity Plantation” or the “Mob” as he calls it. You are so right about belief systems. The gentleman who was caught up in his, sadly, was like a kid covering his ears, closing his eyes and humming to prevent hearing something he did not want to hear. I have a new found respect for Mr. West, and thanks again for presenting it. I am surprised that it did not get censored.

6 years ago

I am glad Kanye called these people out. This show has always disgusted me, and I refuse to watch it. All that these people exist is to find misery in other people’s lives, or turn anything that could remotely perceived to be negative into delivering another person misery. They only search for negativity and magnify really what is usually a bunch of nothing into trying to make it something, just so they can justify having a “show.” At the same time you watch and listen to one of these little young minion pseudo-reporters have their momentary light on tv to deliver their offering of “is it salacious enough news? Huh? Huh??” — you look at them as they are genuflecting their delivery to the lawyer TMZ dude to see if he likes, and this reporter individual doesn’t look like much at all. It all starts coming together — “Who are you to be throwing stones at glass houses? At least we, the audience, have heard of who you are attacking! While you, nothing pseudo-reporter little TMZ minion, are a nobody!!” This show and its little people are so annoying. Hearing Kanye call them out reminds us what extreme demands these people live under. Yes, they wanted it. Yes, they are extremely wealthy because of it. Yes, the public has made it possible for them. But they still are real people with real lives and this is yet another example in our world where the courtesy of civility is necessary for better living and relations.

Levi Reed
Levi Reed
6 years ago

Hmmmmm.. I have to say after the years of watching snippets of what Kanye was doing in his ever glamorous, crappy rappy wannaby music career, or lack thereof. After abhorring the idea of paying any attention to him, other than to shake my head with annoyance any time his name was heard…. This Ol’ Utah farm boy has to take back many sentiments I have thought about this young man…. I never would have calculated that he had it in him to be such a leader among the sheep we see running the media biz. By Leader, I mean someone who is a thinker not a drone…. I never thought I would say, Kanye is exactly the type of person we need to hear from.. I hope he keeps thinking for himself instead of being lead by the nose. I hope he stays humble after realizing he has made more fans in his honesty , than in his mediocre try to impress, what hes was told, is what his fan base was supposed to be.. Thanks for your insights Mandy.. You always have a way of clearing the muck and mire out of the way for us simpletons

Jennifer Conway
Jennifer Conway
6 years ago

This was GREAT! And 100% pure

6 years ago

This is the best interview I’ve seen since Timothy O’Leary nearly laughed a host into a stroke! So sad the former fan could no longer care for the hug he got from his former idol. He did good. I never keep up with these cult of personality types, but he is speaking fundamental truths that made fundamental changes in every person in that room. I think that says a lot about the power of love. I think once he’s had time to allow this transformation to settle in, he will be far more eloquent than even an MLK. My hat’s off to Kanye. We need more people like him. Thanks for sharing your insights Mandy. They made the experience far more enjoyable.

6 years ago

Shame on me for jumping on the bang wagon of the 400 year slave choice concept!. Personally he should have used a different example, but he made so true points. Funny how after the fact, the only thing that was focused on and talked about was his 400 yr. Slave concept choice. But it was good interview overall honestly. the majority just missed the key points.

6 years ago
Reply to  buggyjewel

The majority will always miss the key points. But, that remark DID get it more coverage than he would have gotten. Outrage spreads far with these SJWs.

6 years ago

This was so good, it is worth watching a few times. Thank you for posting along with your commentary. Not only does Kanye challenge a revisited revolutionary concept of “free thought,” he teams that with a “pure love” concept approach between people allowing others’ free thought, even if the parties involved do not agree. This video was a demonstration of how people in their belief systems have such a difficult time of breaking out into accepting the simple act of hearing this man out on a concept they believe will harm them. When in reality, it is only words which are completely innocuous to them.

They are not reasonable people, and this is only a sampling of the hordes of unreasonable people in our world. I have had to tell myself in these types of situations: “You cannot reason with unreasonable people.” Bless Kanye, he has not figured this out yet, or he just has a lot more patience than I have. He is much younger than I am. I learned decades ago that this is like reasoning with a wall. It is one-sided consideration. They expect you to consider their side, but there is no way they will listen to you. I don’t waste my time or efforts with these people. Thank you again Mandy, for providing this interesting and enlightening video.

6 years ago
Reply to  Susan

Yes, he’s young. But I think he is off to a phenomenal start.

6 years ago

An interesting analysis. I don’t believe he’s got much in RAM.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmer

Could you please explain to me what RAM is?

6 years ago
Reply to  TB

It’s a Dodge. Stay away from them. 🙂 Actually its the memory you’ve got readily accessible for quick referral. Unless I missed it.

6 years ago
Reply to  redneckdavinci

Thank you !

6 years ago

Okay now I realize where that random liposuction slur posted on YouTube was born.

6 years ago

the hands go up. the mouth starts screaming!

6 years ago

Raised my hand for Ye.

6 years ago

Mad Chatter, Would you pretend I’m an idiot with tech and explain how we can share these videos on Minds? The heart is willing, but the mind isn’t tech.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

Thanks. That actually makes me feel less dumb! 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

I just went to her channel on Minds and reminded it from there. I had tried that method, it’s just that it doesn’t show the cool picture and it’s all about looking good nowadays. Which leaves me out.

6 years ago

I knew long ago how media is painting kanye in yellow

6 years ago

it looks like he is suffering from a bipolar disorder, that’s anything but a strong mind. i actually feel sorry from him. too much “personal feelings” in this Analysis. “it was a choice”? gimme a break. that’s just sick.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

Didn’t you watch the Video? He said “400 years of slavery sounds like a choice”. it’s where and when Black people suffered and were Raped, Beaten under the Power of White Slave Masters who abused and kept them under Suppression. Maybe he didn’t communicate well what he was trying to say (mental slavery by Media, Government etc) but as he said it it’s as bad as he would say the holocaust was a choice. He is standing there like the Mesias but the truth is he is nothing else than a sellout which is suffering from a bipolar disorder. Btw, i don’t like your troll comment at all, just a try to discredit my comment .

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

dude, google it yourself, or just spit it out what you wanna say

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

TBH, you can’t be never sure when Kanye opens his mouth what he is trying to say, bc there is so much nonsens coming out of his mouth and his twitter. Here and there he says something bright, especially when he is talking about the Industry etc.

If you would have read my comment above, you would have seen where i said he eventually meant smth else, he just put it poorly together.

I guess Mandy is a Trump supporter and tbh, i don’t care. This Site should be about Body Language and what i don’t like is that in some of her Videos there is too much personal “feelings” which isn’t very impartial.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

it doesn’t irritate me. it doesn’t conflict with my bias. It seem to be you don’t even read my comments. Like i said, i couldn’t care less what her bias is. It’s funny how you think you know me and how you try to speak to me like you’re above me, you ain’t. In my opinion it’s just unprofessional, bc she doesn’t even try to be impartial.

I actually like her (iternet persona) and her Videos, but some of them are just her own “propaganda”, it kinda feels like that. it seems to be you’re a moderator / admin or whatever on this site which gives you some sort of might (i guess you think that). Is that the reason you talk to people like that who doesn’t have the same opinion or just write compliments in the comments? from above?