Body Language – Trump, Ramaswamy’s endorsement

Trump, Ramaswamy's endorsement

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1 year ago

This, along with the retiring of the Desanctimonious nickname is a good example of the transactional nature of Trump. If you are a threat or an opponent , you get the nickname and the cracks. If you can be an asset, you might be useful. Vivek, knew from the start he had no chance, so he threaded the needle, praising Trump and talking America First in order to be in this category. He’s probably hoping for something better, but I see him having some use in the financial regulatory sector. He succeeded in raising his profile without alienating anyone but Trump’s enemies, but he’s still a huckster.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Huckster, politician. Is there a difference? Just saw the comment I posted is waiting for approval. I have no idea why.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

It has been bizarre and entertaining at the same time to watch all of the posturing of the candidates trying to pretend that this was a normal primary. Vivek is smarter than most of them and was funny calling them out.

wheat field
wheat field
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

I mostly agree. The “huckster” label I think is unfounded. Thus far I’ve seen nothing from Vivek that I haven’t liked (interviews, debate performance, Iowa town halls). He ran the sort of campaign I was expecting from DeSantis. It was obvious to everyone that there is no anti-Trump lane to the 2024 GOP nomination. Vivek has the smarts and message delivery skills to differ with Trump without actually attacking him. MAGA/America First is bigger than Trump, and I think Trump needs to be ok with people who feel like they can challenge him on some things, so long as they are still unquestionably Trump2024. That said, if he pivots against Trump, he will quickly go the way of DeSantis.

1 year ago
Reply to  wheat field

I use the term “huckster” in the sense of him being a salesman. If you look at his career and how he made his money he was selling investments in future drugs and other speculation, some of which did not work out too well for his customers, as it always does to a certain degree. He was smart enough to shelter himself from most of the negative consequences when things did not go as he thought they would. He is very smart, thinks on his feet and has really good skills of communication and persuasion, but like all salesmen, those dealing with him need to take that into account.

wheat field
wheat field
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Ok. I haven’t heard “huckster” used in a favorable or even neutral way before. But yes, Vivek is a salesman. Some people note that and reflexively conclude, “he must be up to something.” Yes, bad people (politicians especially) use slick speaking skills to fool people. But if everyone avoided persuasive speakers and flocked to those who aren’t, Bob Dole and Fred Thompson would have been political rock stars. We (MAGA/America First) needs effective messaging. When someone who can do that comes along, let’s not automatically dump on him.

I have no inside information about his “true motives” so I’m still watching him. But thus far he’s exactly what I want to see. He doesn’t shy away from people who disagree with him (Bill Maher, DC Draino). He didn’t give weasel-word responses to tough questions in his Iowa town halls (for example, straight talk by a political candidate on Ethanol in Iowa is unheard of). He made it a point to explain that he cannot make promises about anything that requires approval from the Legislative Branch. Presidential candidates don’t know what sort of Congress they will have to work with. So he explained that his only promises are what he knows he could Constitutionally do with just the power of the Executive Branch. Things like that have shown me that he is on another level from most candidates who come along. I’m looking forward to seeing more.

wheat field
wheat field
1 year ago

I think Vivek is more AmericaFirst than TrumpFirst. He thinks he would be a better president. But I’m fine with that since he is not delusional about his ability to beat Trump, and sees Trump2024 as clearly the best option. A lot of the negativity about him (pharma snake oil, Soros connection, etc.) comes across as typical smear-job tactics done on anyone who says the things he does. I think it’s fine to be skeptical and to want to see more before trusting him. I was the same way about Trump at first. But so far, I haven’t seen anything from him I haven’t liked. Interviews with lots of people I respect (Tucker, Ron Paul, Don Jr.). His debate performance was solid. So long as he remains solidly Trump2024, I look forward to seeing more from him.

Dave S
Dave S
1 year ago
Reply to  wheat field

He took Soros money, too.

wheat field
wheat field
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave S

Fake news. The “Soros money” was a scholarship from PAUL Soros. Although he was the big brother of the evil George Soros, he was nothing like George Soros. It’s a stupid smear attempt on Vivek, along with many others. At the very least, check Vivek’s responses to all the smears that have been made about him:

wheat field
wheat field
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave S

Reposting this because I’m guessing it was flagged for having a link

Fake news. The “Soros money” was a scholarship from PAUL Soros. Although he was the big brother of the evil George Soros, he was nothing like George Soros. It’s a stupid smear attempt on Vivek, along with many others. At the very least, check Vivek’s responses to all the smears that have been made about him:

1 year ago

Vivek is one I haven’t figured out yet. Okay, he does talk the talk, but which way does he walk? Are the red flags false flags the elite are dropping on him or are they legit? One thing I do know is that something is up behind the scenes. I don’t know what, but time will tell. I also don’t know if Vivek is in on it or if he is being played by Pres. Trump. In this video it did appear that Pres. Trump was focused on the crowd and he had something churning around in his mind. Thank you, Mandy, for pointing out about the snake poem he keeps in his pocket. I never did pay much attention to that detail, but it could prove to be important. What confuses me even more is that the very next night these two were at another rally and Trump’s demeanor with Vivek was different from the previous evening. Last night Trump was more focused on Vivek than on the crowd. He was especially watching Vivek’s hands and seemed to be satisfied with Vivek, unlike the night before. Maybe take a look at that, too?

Off topic, I saw a clip of Alex Soros from a link on Citizen Free Press, which warned it was painful to watch, and it sure was! It was like listening to Obama speak without a teleprompter. Maybe Mandy might take a look at that and give us her impression, especially after Alex posted a picture of a window with a bullet hole and next to that a picture of a fan of money that added up to $47. Also saw an interview Tucker recently did with Catturd (I love Catturd!) wherein they talked about the very real likelihood of the elites attempting to eliminate Trump, should he prevail.

wheat field
wheat field
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

I respect the skeptical approach. I didn’t give Vivek much thought (other than enjoying his debate moments) until I tuned into one of his streamed Iowa visits. The raw transparency made it interesting. From there I looked up more about him and was impressed with how often he puts himself out there for interviews. He handles himself very well with a wide range of people. I think people who assume he’s faking everything are grossly underestimating how hard that would be. What also disappoints me is seeing fellow Trump supporters feeling compelled to hallucinate bad things about him. Until I see something otherwise, I have to believe that what I’ve seen is what it looks like: Vivek is America First and Trump 2024. And now that he’s dropped out, there’s really nothing on the front burner about Vivek, so “time will tell” as you said.

BTW, Catturd is another name that likes what he has seen so far from Vivek.

As far as eliminating Trump in some form or fashion, I would expect it. I don’t think a JFK event (to phrase is delicately) is the plan, because that would elevate his image, justify the righteous anger of MAGA, and make demons out of everything anti-Trump. I think it will take the form of betrayal by the RNC. The Deep State would provide an orchestrated domino effect to build mounting negativity around Trump. I assume they’ll get their sham felony conviction. Then some sensational new allegations. Then, RINOs will trade their recent Trump endorsements for backstabbing. The media and Big Tech will play their usual roles. With that in place, the RNC will be able to declare that “due to recent developments” Trump is no longer a viable candidate, and they disqualify him. I’ve yet to hear anyone explain that the RNC does not have that power.

There are lots of other Deep State gameplans that can be imagined. We got caught flat-footed by the election rigging and Jan 6 setup last time. All I can hope is that Team Trump is doing some “pre-mortem analysis” on how things could go wrong so that they can prevent or counter those outcomes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

There were some very strand behaviors coming out of Davos. Many were speaking as if Trump’s return was inevitable. They also invited the head of the Heritage Foundation and the new President of Argentina, both of whom excoriated the elites on their core beliefs. That meeting showed something very odd is afoot.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Yes, it was different this time. That’s why I posted about Alex Soros and about Tucker’s interview with Catturd. If you haven’t seen them, check them out. I believe dangerous and frightening stuff is going to come out of Davos, unless there is Divine intervention. Keep rattling those beads! BTW, Malachi Martin spoke about what’s going on in the world today in an interview he did with Bernard Janzen 30 (!!!) years ago! People didn’t see it back then, but it sure is screaming in our faces now. Even Helen Keller could see and hear it, if she were alive today.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Thanks. I will check them out. My election integrity group is meeting tomorrow with Dr. Douglas Frank to strategize about getting our crooked elections back under control. This time, there are actual elected officials and candidates involved, so I think tides are turning in multiple areas. Bringing my faraday bag, because this time I suspect the feds will be using all their dirty tricks to spy on the whole process.

1 year ago

I agree with GO M-F in that I doubt Vivek ever planned to be President. He only had to launch his brand in a big way, because nobody had ever heard of him before and he had to do it without any big [DS] money. He is smart enough to not want to take Trump’s place as target #1 of the demon hordes.

1 year ago

Read every ones comments and under stood some of it.
I wish i was in a league so i can say am so out of my league,
oh well it is what it is…
How ever i did notice as soon as the speaker guy started speaking
he sounded just like Obama,wounder if theres a blood line hmmmm
I am wondering if it means anything at the end when the speaker
lifted both his hands up in the air like Nixon lol and had his rite hand
fingers spread wide open and yet his left hand fingers were closed,
is it a medical thing or maybe a hidden sign ???
Just asking if any one would like to comment on that or this ???

1 year ago

Do you think that you can read the body language on this clip? Seems to me they want dead.

Shirley Hall
Shirley Hall
1 year ago

I ­­­­­­a­­m ­­­­ma­­k­­i­­ng 28­­5­­ Dollars e­­a­­ch­­ h­­o­­u­­r ­­­­f­­o­­r w­­o­­r­­ki­­n­­g­­ ­­­­on­­l­­i­­n­­e. ­­I n­­e­­v­­e­­r ­­­­t­­h­­o­­u­­g­­h­­t bx13 t­­h­­a­­t ­­­­i­­t ­­­­w­­a­­s ­­­­l­eg­­i­­t­­ b­­u­­t­­­­ ­­m­­y b­­e­­s­­t­­­­ ­­f­­r­­i­­e­­n­­d­­ ­­e­­a­­r­­n­­s ­­­­29,0­­0­­0 d­­o­­l­­l­­a­­r­­s ­­­­ev­­e­­r­­y ­­m­­o­­n­­t­­h ­­d­­­­o­­i­­n­­g t­­h­­i­­s ­­a­­n­­d­ ­br20 s­­h­­e sh­­o­­w­­e­­d m­­e­­ ­­h­­o­­w­.

C­­h­­e­­c­­k­­ It………………………….

Kelly Strange
Kelly Strange
1 year ago


Kelly Strange
Kelly Strange
1 year ago


Donna Procher
Donna Procher
1 year ago

Another good one. Thank you.
I have read, as you suggested, he may have been reaching for the snake poem, but like, Dave 5, I believe he is showing the hidden hand; that is, he is suggesting VR is a part of the freemasons.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago

I hate to say it, but Vivek is just another Barack Obama, only on the Republican side. If you can’t see the speech patterns, the self-assuredness, and understand how it relates to his professional life and collegiate life, you may want to do your homework.
I don’t trust his immigration status or his virtue signaling. It’s great that he speaks in a patriotic way, but he is a first generation American in his family. His parents are from India, that won’t change.

wheat field
wheat field
1 year ago

The negatives about Vivek I’ve seen being passed around fall into these categories:

– Superficial: “he talks like Obama so he must be a Leftist like Obama” “his name rhymes with snake” “Oooo! Trump gestured to his snake poem while Vivek was endorsing him!” “he says all the right things so he must be too good to be true”
– Racial/religious smears: being Indian and Hindu, birther attack
– Deceptive misinformation: “Soros money/WEF connection” (see vivek2024(dot)com/fake news for his responses to smears and rumors)

I also notice that they come from either internet trolls or smear videos by people I’ve never heard of before. But interviews and commentary from everyone I have heard of (Tucker Carlson, Ron Paul, Don Jr.) have all been positive. Because of that, the smear campaign against him feels very “manufactured.”

I also think that many Trump supporters have been so disappointed by DeSantis that they just assume that Vivek must be the same way. Vivek differed with Trump and ran against him, but he never attacked Trump. DeSantis did. Vivek gave a solid endorsement and expressed a commitment to make Trump 2024 happen. DeSantis gave a lackluster, backhanded “endorsement.”

We’ll see over time whether Vivek’s messaging remains consistently on target. No Deep State/WEF globalist or whoever he is supposedly a plant for wants anyone speaking out against them the way he is. Yet there is a concerted effort to claim that, in everything with Vivek, up is down, and right is left.

Francis Hamre
Francis Hamre
1 year ago
Reply to  wheat field

Are you on the Vivek campaign?

wheat field
wheat field
1 year ago
Reply to  Francis Hamre

Well there is no Vivek campaign anymore. But I have no affiliation with him or his campaign.

Dave S
Dave S
1 year ago

Reach in the coat? The hidden hand.

wheat field
wheat field
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave S

This is just like when Leftists accuse someone of flashing a “white power” sign or something. Trump is running for President, not third base coach.

wheat field
wheat field
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave S

Alright. I just have to call B.S. on the idea that the most popular post on this video is that Trump is giving some kind of secret Freemason hand signal. I’m a fairly average/mainstream guy, so I’m comfortable believing that most people have no idea what that is, what it might mean, why Trump would be so into it that he would want to communicate something to his “secret signal club,” and if he did, what exactly is Trump communicating? I don’t know much about Freemasons, and certainly didn’t know that they’re into giving secret hand signals.

“Hidden hand” seems to refer to the “Napoleon portrait pose” where you have your hand tucked into your coat or shirt. Ok… What does that have to do with Freemasons, Trump, and Vivek?

Out of all who voted this the most popular comment, someone explain this to an average guy. Because so far, it is the dumbest anti-Vivek take I’ve come across so far. If this is actually “common knowledge” then please post a link to the least sketchy website you can find that explains this. Whether anyone responds or not, I expect that I’ll be disappointed.

Dave S
Dave S
1 year ago
Reply to  wheat field

So if u don’t know much about them, I suggest u study up — but it sounds like ur pretty comfortable being a “no – nothing” (which was actually a political party in the U S in the 19th century.) Bet u didn’t know that either. Sounds like not wanting to be informed is your thing. Here is a book u can read written by a Freemason:Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry – or simply Morals and Dogma,[a book of esoteric philosophy published by the Supreme Council, Thirty Third Degree, of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States. It was compiled by Albert Pike, was first published in 1871 and was regularly reprinted thereafter until 1969.]
Did u know that: the statue of liberty was crafted by a French mason? That it was not built with “the pennies of schoolchildren”? That the Eiffel Tower was also a Masonic structure? That the streets of D.C. form an “open pentagram” centered on the White House? That L’Enfant [a mason] had been hired to work w/ Jefferson to design the capital city, but TJefferson objected to his refusal re: the many occult symbols they wanted? That the 3 stars on D.C.’s flag are for DC, London and the Vatican – all of which have obelisks and domes (male & female symbols). I could continue for several hours, but am afraid it would be a wasted effort on my part. I am a history major, Phi Alpha Theta, taught middle school through college, and know whereof I speak.

wheat field
wheat field
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave S

Even though that is just 12 more things that have nothing to do with Trump, Vivek, and the deep meaning of someone putting their hand in their coat…that was still the PERFECT response. Thank you.

Dave S
Dave S
1 year ago
Reply to  wheat field

U also need help in counting.