Note: All comments in my videos are strictly my opinion.
Body Language – Putin Vs Wagner Group
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The CIA did not succeed.
I love Bombards!!!
I love Bombards!!!
I love Bombards!!!
I love Bombards!!!
Absolutely what I was thinking. They bought off the Wagner Group just like they have enabled other terrorists against their enemies to destabilize countries through history.
I love Bombards!!!
I love Bombards!!!
The general looks at his watch, says, “Well, it’s Sleepy Joe’s time to put a lid on it again”.
Putin raises an eyebrow, and says, “Do you SMELL what The Vlad is cooking?”…
All that casual walking in the courtyard, there is absolutely no danger around them.
We’ve seen a lot of this, for the last couple of years.
I love Bombards!!!
Putin played them all –
Everything is a show. Enjoy the show!!
Yikes !!!