Body Language – Military UFO whistleblower

Military UFO whistleblower

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1 year ago

There are too many real whistleblowers who are exposing the criminal actions of the deep state and the dimwit in diapers crime family. This ass clown is there to distract and discredit the real whistleblowers. Look for a bunch more.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

On a side note to GOMF, you might want to do a search for the video: Malachi Martin on Alien Life — “Aliens have been monitoring the Earth for at least 600 years”. Outside of his interviews with Bernard Janzen, which are Fr. Martin’s best ones (imo), this one ranks up there, too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

I did find it. He mentions the 600 years in passing, but did not say what they were doing and why. Martin did a huge number of interviews. I figure that we have nothing to fear from aliens if they are around. If they have the technology to get here, they could also have wiped us out like a cockroach infestation at any time. In our barbarous history, we certainly have given them plenty of reasons to do so. Look for a massive effort to distract from the millions in Biden bribes. No coincidence that Trump is indicted on the same day as the Biden- Obama corruption is exposed by congress.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Exactly why I appreciated Fr. Martin’s comments. No speculation, no hype, no fear, just facts. I think there is going to be a lot of speculation about this and the next story. The media will make it sound factual, complete with believe me look. The ET deniers will insist they are daemons. The timing of this whistleblower is too convenient. I think it’s obviously meant to be a huge distraction from the extreme corruption evidence and the evidence of treason on Biden, Obama, Clinton, and their ilk.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

After I made this reply, I saw Taylor Marshall is already at it, with there are no aliens; they are fallen angels; they are deamons! Once I learned Marshall slandered Fr. Martin, falsely accusing him of everything Marshall, himself, is guilty of, I caught on to his game. Even Anthony Stine (Return to Tradition website) who was with Marshall in that slanderous video, did more research and came out in full support of Fr. Martin and recently, without mentioning Marshall by name, called him out for being a money grubbing opportunist.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

As I understand it, there are a finite number of demons, since 1/3 of the angels rebelled and were banished. I think they are too busy possessing crooked Democrats and Republicans, and evildoers all over the world to bother with aliens.

1 year ago

“Earning your trust every night” she said while she looked down in shame…

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago

After the Bush family, the Clintons, the Obama’s, and 51 “intelligence” officials, I don’t think I can take another person saying, “Trust me”.
Elizabeth Vargas is like every other newscaster on the planet. They give you the “believe me” look, and “emote” their story in a very disingenuous way. It’s an insult to the average person’s intelligence.
These morons always have a tell.
They’re cock-sure of themselves, but they can’t pour their own coffee at a convenience store…
They’re going to keep up these distractions, trying to redirect everyone’s attention, in a very futile way.

Joe Busic
Joe Busic
1 year ago

Creating new fear, seems like.

1 year ago

Perfect analysis/opinion, Mandy! I totally agree with you. This isn’t anything we didn’t already know and to stage a big deal about it (plus add to that what Mickey said below about Las Vegas) at this time is intended to distract from ongoing information gushing out about the complete corruption of government at every level. My guess is that soon all internet service will suddenly crash. They will tell us (with the biggest believe me looks we’ve ever seen) that the ETs did it, which makes it entirely Donald Trump’s fault because he started Space Force and pissed off the ETs.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago

Looks like an infomercial for MonkeyPox Cream, with a real, live recipient.

1 year ago

well this just in – go fig of course
‘Vegas cops, residents claim to have seen UFO, aliens’
so now am guessing an APB has been put out,
hours after watching this video people are saying there in my back yard.