Body Language – Jerome Powell, Interest Rates

Jerome Powell, Interest Rates

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1 year ago

Is it just me? In less than 2 minutes I physically cringed as I clearly saw Dr. Mengele Fraudxi’s face on Powell and that image didn’t go away. Listening to Mandy’s analysis, it seemed to me that in addition to Powell, she was simultaneously reading the witch doctor. Did anyone else sense that? It was very uncomfortable.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Both are snake oil doctors. “Believe in my fake money- believe in my fake safe and effective vaccine , tell me what you want, I’ll tell you what you need, just believe me, satisfaction guaranteed.” Starting about the time civilization got big enough that if the masses revolted, could not be controlled with force alone, belief systems had to be used to prevent the elites from being ousted. I kept thinking of the Aztec high priest assuring the masses that one more human sacrifice would appease the gods and end the drought.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Voodoo Economics and the Witch Doctor’s “science”. I like your analogy to the Aztec high priest.