Body Language – Kanye, A Handled Trump Takedown?

Kanye, A Handled Trump Takedown?

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2 years ago

So Milo brought in Nick, got Kanye to bring them to Mara Lago, figuring Trump would be polite and say “ bring your friends in” and anti- Trump RINOs have their press releases ready to go, condemning Trump for having dinner with anti-semites, and much of the fake news conservatives fall right in line with “he should have better judgement”. The thirty pieces of silver graphic applies, but not to the hapless Kanye, who is so mentally Ill, he does not know if he is on foot or horseback.

Austyn Dalia
Austyn Dalia
2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602


2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

First Desantis seems to have turned and now they have MTG implicated in the setup of Pres. Trump. Laura Loomer believes MTG put Milo up to the hit job. But, Milo does have a rep for blackmailing people and he hates Trump, so it’s hard to say what is true and what isn’t. I do think that the RINOs are behind all of this not only to destroy Trump, but I believe our country is their main target. Trump is in their way, so he has to be stopped. Too many swamp creatures and their international friends are keeping the Uniparty alive and thriving at the expense of the American citizens and our freedom. Money truly is the root of all evil. This whole thing is sickening.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Milo is not to be trusted. There is a lot of corruption getting exposed in the Republican Party. Both on the national and local levels. I like MTG, but her support of Kevin McCarthy is very suspicious. On the local level, the only Republican on the Election Council happens to be representing the Democrat County Clerk’s office and ran interference for a blatant election fraud operation counting mail ballots with non-matching signatures in violation of the Illinois Election Code. Our poll watchers caught them and a judge issued a restraining order to halt what they are doing and preserve all records. Uniparty is absolutely right. Some of my friends objected when I called the guy a corrupt scumbag because he is a Republican. Told them this is a matter of good and evil not R and D.

2 years ago

Here’s the thing about antisemitism: the powers that be love to use wordplay. They’re doing it with “woke” right now in relation to CRT, when thwy want to confuse it with “awake,” as in I know what’s really happening on this fallen, prison planet.
It’s the same thing with Zion and Zionism. Those are two totally different things. Zion is Jerusalem/Israel, and Zionism was created by TPTB in case people became “awake” to who really runs this planet.

If you read REV 2:9 & 3:9, you will see it talks about fake jews, the synagogueof satan. Well, if anyone becomes wise to that and starts speaking ill toward Zionism, voila… they’re labeled antisemitic. They’ve got the bases covered because they knew this day was coming. It’s no different than the CIA creating “conspiracy theory” in the late ’60s to cut truthers off at the pass from exposing real truth. They know the majority is never right and always deceived. But they also know the majority will always have the numbers in their favor, so they can convince them that the remnant minority is “crazy”. Why?
Cognitive dissonance runs this fallen planet, so let the laughing and finger pointing begin.

Same for the most recent ploy to cut truthers off at the pass: FAKE NEWS. As long as the sleeping majority believes mainstream media, and by the looks of all the feamongering that had taken place in 2020 and what has all transpired since then, they certainly do, so they will automatically see truthers as “crazy people spreading misinformation.”

Judahites/Israelites/Zion/Nazareens….don’t run this world.
Fake jews do…they just blame real jews in order to mock Father, so the stigma that “jews run everything” is one big ruse….primarily ever since the fake rebirthing of 1948, when the Khazarian Mafia (fake jews) infiltrated Israel for themselves, making the world believe Father had called His people home.
Nope! 90% of people living in Israel today are not of the true bloodline.

The gathering doesn’t happen until after Armageddon.
And if anyone calls them out, now that more and more people are waking up to the truth, well, you’re antisemitic. It’s the newer version of the demoncrats’ ace-in-the-hole “racist”. And they’ll get away with it, too, because the majority isn’t awakened to the truth, nor will they ever be because “many are called, but few are chosen,” so they’ll believe it’s true, even though they’re deceived…because, once again, they will always have the numbers in their favor, unknowingly doing the bidding for TPTB.
See a pattern yet?

Why did they infiltrate Israel for themselves?
So they could prepare to get ready to usher in their father ….of lies.

2 years ago

Thank you for the strong opinion. Ye’s reference to “they” or “them” is appropriate because he may have read that “we wrestle … against spiritual wickedness in high places.”