Body Language – Justin Trudeau Irks Xi Jinping

Justin Trudeau Irks Xi Jinping

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2 years ago

Don’t know how the IMF puppet and social misfit stays in office. For a moment I had flashbacks to my crisis intervention trainings. XI was using what we called the “supportive stance” where you turn your body at a 90 degree angle to the “acting out person” and stay slightly more than one leg length away from them and can take a side step back if they get into your personal space to maintain safety. Unwelcome intrusion into the personal space of the world’s most powerful dictator is not wise, Tampon Boy!

Dee Dutton
Dee Dutton
2 years ago

As a Canadian, I am deeply embarrassed by Trudeau. The world laughs at us.

William Patterson
William Patterson
2 years ago

Justin Castro is part of the entitlement class. He is one of those 20 and 30 somethings who thinks that the world revolves around his belief system. He doesn’t care who it affects, or how, the world as he sees it is how things should be.

He’s a snake, a passive aggressive, has no morals, and anything goes. He’s pretty much the definition of a luciferian. Considering his origins, it’s not surprising.

2 years ago

Not only that, but these effeminate IMF puppets that admire XI’s ruthless totalitarianism will be the first ones he puts in work camps until their organs
are harvested once he takes over their countries. It will be the first work they have ever done in their parasitic lives, and deserved justice.

Dee Dutton
Dee Dutton
2 years ago

I was hoping you’d feature Soy Boy & you didn’t disappoint! Should see the left making excuses & how terrible Xi treated him. Lol!

Mickey Dacosta
Mickey Dacosta
2 years ago

Well in insight i should have known this video
would be here – Thank you Mandy !!!
though i did think for a second its to short
then stopped thinking about it i guess.
and i really thought ok lets see if i can
guess what’s happening via body language,
But DAM i didn’t even notice the Trans minister
was moving closer – i missed it Dam duuu
I will do better next time,
Also as a Canadian and a person i know its wrong for me to say this,
and i guess am going to try to justify it by admitting am a sinner
every time i see and hear “IT” i feel sick and ill to the core…
I know i shouldn’t point fingers or cast the first stone
I know this in my heart and soul.
so i will hide behind the meaning of the word “Venting”
I truly HATE this mother PUCKER and “its” got to go
and i say this with “Extreme Prejudice”
I also say this LOUD and PROUD to any one and every one
on this so called Planet !!!

PS – Forgive me for i am a sinner !!!

Mickey Dacosta
Mickey Dacosta
2 years ago
Reply to  Mickey Dacosta

PSS – Also forgive those who have sinned against me !!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mickey Dacosta

Doesn’t forgiveness require remorse and a turning away from those sins? Be willing to forgive and ask God to help the sinner see the weight of the sin(s) so there can be remorse, repentance and forgiveness.

Mickey Dacosta
Mickey Dacosta
2 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Yes !!!
I see and hear and feel what your saying,
I will pray for him and then ask for forgiveness
for him and me.
However am still venting and have a few hiccups remaining.
I don’t think he is a Canadian,
and still think he,s set in his ways.
and am still having difficulty saying He.
He wants to divide people against each other ?
so be it – here i am turning against him.
what he puts out attracts the same thing i guess.
I also realize i was way to lenient on what i first said.
Thank U 4 da attitude adjustment – stray up !!!
N return i will dedicate a song to Trudeau
that should sum it all up…

John Oszajca – I hate you {My Friend}

Good song check it out – let some steam out !!!

Jeffrey Allan
Jeffrey Allan
2 years ago

Justin is a huge narcissist. He thinks that talking to him is a privilege. He likes to take over every conversation and the moment he suspects that you do not like him he gets aggressive and tries his best to change your mind or to find out exactly what it is you dont like so he can make excuses in order to maintain his fake persona and excessive ego. Listening to him at a function he attended as he persistently attempts to gather the attention of the room so all eyes are on him is pitiful and embarrassing to watch. He has a spoiled little brat mentality and believes he God’s gift to any social gathering. To be scolded and then snubbed like this must have hit him hard and confused the heck out of him. He’s a Biden in the making where he tries to invent an anecdote for every situation to, in his mind, appear more on the level with the lower classes of society. Which in his mind is everyone who isn’t in a position of authority or power. Watching him trying to command a room make me throw up a little in my mouth every time.

William Patterson
William Patterson
2 years ago

Xi is trying to focus on what his interpreter is saying to Justin Castro, as well as what his interpreter is saying Justin Castro says.
And, It’s Perfectly Normal to focus on the person who’s doing the translating, instead of looking at the person who the translator is communicating to on your behalf. It’s a natural human reaction to do that. It’s also noticeable how she has to step back, and keep that scrawny neo-commie WEF crony out of his circle.
On the other hand, Justin Castro feels perfectly comfortable walking into another person’s personal space. He has a “righteous” indignant nature that is obnoxious at best. Pure arrogance to think that he has authority over any other world leader. He sure as hell didn’t do that to Donald Trump.

2 years ago

I agree with almost everything you stated. The only thing I’m not so sure about is that the fidiot thinks “that he as authority over any other world leader”. To me it seemed like he really believes that he is Xi’s equal. In any event, the fidiot obviously has a serious thinking disorder.
The way he staggered out of the room made me think he got kneecapped by Xi and just didn’t realize it yet.

Francis Hamre
Francis Hamre
2 years ago

Pooh Bear don’t want that maple syrup, he lookin fer the huny