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Body Language – Petraeus, US Response To Russian Nukes
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Look at the list of unelected corrupt bureaucrats on the trilateral commission, the WEF, the Bilderbergs and you will see a list of globalist traitors to their countries. The smirk when he discussed deliberately not talking to fellow traveler, Jake Sullivan, was infuriating. They blew up the pipelines and are daring Putin to use nukes because they want an excuse to attack and commence WWIII. They float in and out of the CIA, government and these organizations but have the same goal-totalitarian world government. They created China and want their system world wide.
I appreciate you and Mandy…thank you…..
What most concerns me is this narrative they’ve been building for months now around Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant; Russia’s causing a gun fight there, Russia’s shelling the plant (even though they’re occupying the place), apparently NATO commando’s even tried to infiltrate the facility under the cover of that recent failed offensive in Kherson.
Putin has always been clear he would use nukes only as a response, and I fear these maniacs in the US will try to engineer some sort of nuclear disaster and pin it on Russia.
They control the narrative after all, and it’s clear from their recent shenanigans that Blinken et al don’t give a good goddamn about the welfare of the people of Europe.
They want to enrage Europe to fight their battle with Russia for them, but they don’t want to be directly involved, because they know that they would lose.
This country needs a REAL leader. Scary.
Ukraine is part of Russian so it’s not really illegal what Putin is doing. He’s only been going after the bio labs and trafficking so far.
Betrayus has a Spine??? Just like all the other Generals who have sold their soul to the Elites and NATO they are traitors to this country. McRaven, McChrystal, Kelly, Mattis, and Many more. Makes you wonder how He got the job at the tri-lateral Commission and shutting down the fact that He shared confidential info to his mistress. Kind of like they said we will make this news go away and we will give you this Job as long as you do what we want. Seriously these Generals should be boiled in Oil and hung in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Let me not forget General Hayden and McMaster who are also bought and sold. These people disgust Me being a veteran. I would recommend doing your research on the History of the Russian Czar who came to help the U.S. during the war which i fact why they sent the Bolsheviks to kill Him and his Family. You know the History We have never been told and the continue Psyop of the C_A, FBI, and the Media keep pushing about Russia. Wake up
I suck lemons and gravy
Could you explain that statement? If ya can’t, get some sleep.