Body Language – Pelosi & Biden, When Politicians Attack


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5 years ago

Excellent read!!! I love that you emphasize that if this is the way they behave in front of the cameras; you can imagine how vile and full of rage they act among themselves. Truly evil.

Ursula Leach
Ursula Leach
5 years ago
Reply to  reneco

Hillary is the perfect actress with her pedophile husband fight in private and show the perfect face and the “happy couple” to the public. She is especially vile and mean. She too is an alcoholic. A bunch of dems are alcoholics. I lived in DC for a long time and frequented some of the places they go for dinner etc. I have seen them drink like fish

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago

Her fake piety is truly disgusting ! “I was raised in a catholic house” “raised with love” ” I love everyone “. Pelosi never met an ABORTION she didn’t love ! Defended MS13 members that hacked a 16yr. old girl to death with a machete.

5 years ago
Reply to  Gen. Stewart

comment image

5 years ago

Thanks be to GOD the journalists are challenging her! It’s about DAMN TIME. GAH.

5 years ago

As a Catholic, I am appalled by Nancy Pelosi and her hypocrisy. And Biden… there’s another one cut from the same cloth. I see them as having been taken over by evil and are now just beginning to pay the price for dancing with the devil.

Ursula Leach
Ursula Leach
5 years ago
Reply to  Nonna


Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago
Reply to  Ursula Leach

I am praying for you ! As prophecy is being fulfilled,we are coming closer to that day you will reconsider rethinking your position. EVERY knee shall bow !

5 years ago
Reply to  Gen. Stewart

I understand where Ursula is coming from. When the theology turns into most, if not all, organized religions, sooner or later it gets corrupted. “Keep the Faith” is not just a slogan. It should be a way of life for any believer.

Ursula Leach
Ursula Leach
5 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Religion is fear mongering so people go to church and put plenty of money in to the collection plate so they can feel better about their imperfections. Remember the catholic church is still the richest state in the world. But if you go to a catholic charity they give you 10 bucks to buy some food other than that they don’t do shit for their followers.
Christianity is a philosophy like any other religion and I though I live a life according to the 10 commandments I don’t believe in brainwashing from the church. I got my own believes

5 years ago
Reply to  Ursula Leach

Atheism was invented when someone’s father died. Go read, Faith of the Fatherless.

Ursula Leach
Ursula Leach
5 years ago
Reply to  Peter


5 years ago
Reply to  Ursula Leach

You mean Satan and Eve then. It’s already in the Bible.

5 years ago

Pelosi’s own daughter in reference to her barn owl looking and psychopathic mother-“ She’ll cut off your head before you know you’re bleeding.” I see panic that they are being challenged and that some of their own are waking up, and sheer terror that their coup is not going to work and that their crimes will be exposed. What does an animal do when cornered? Don’t forget that Pelosi’s “ Good Catholic Family” was headed by her father who was the crooked congressman in Baltimore, and was the closest associate of the mafia don of the city. If God wanted to immediately covert half of the country to Catholicism, he would send a lightning bolt through the roof of congress the second she gavels impeachment and send her back to hell where she belongs.

5 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

poetic 🙂

5 years ago

At the ~53s mark Creepy Joe looks down as the dude in the maroon sweater says “Trump” as part of his accusatory question regarding the Ukraine. To me this is very telling about what’s going on in Biden’s mind. Curious to get Mandy’s take on this.

5 years ago
Reply to  GaryC

i would say that he starts off with submitting to the ‘wisdom’. unfortunately the wisdom was not in-favor of Biden.

Ursula Leach
Ursula Leach
5 years ago

These demonrats need to be voted out permanently for eternity. Since the beginning of the demonrat party they have done things and then accused others of their misdeeds. This is just the most recent thing with Russia and accusing Trump of being a Russian asset. Come 2020 the demonrats are going to be history. NY and CA and a few other areas that are run by socialist/communists/demonrats are going to be sorry, big time sorry. They have not done a damn thing since they came into power but try to unseat our President Trump. I just like for everyone to imagine what Trump could have accomplished if those demonrats had not blocked him every step of the way. Time to help Trump to drain the swamp. If it wasn’t for Trump all this would not have come out into the open. He exposed them for what they are. Hopefully the worst of them, Obama, Hillary, Maxine Waters, the squad and quite a few more are all going to do time for treason, lying, and crimes committed against America – PERIOD

5 years ago
Reply to  Ursula Leach

There are two roosters and some hens that have ‘moved into the neighborhood’ in August. (Hubby and I have lost sleep since then – I have fans under the bed but don’t know what else to do). This is a small town and we live on the edge of town so the roosters have jurisdiction to be there. I have named one squawker ‘max’ (for maxine waters) and the other one ‘milano’ (for alyssa milano). I would name one ‘hellary’ but hellary coughs too much so that won’t work. ‘nancy’ slurs too much and ‘joe’ creeps me out.

5 years ago

Biden is acting like he’s confronting Corn Pop! :crying: :crying: :crying:

5 years ago

Those *are* her “gun violence” bracelets.

5 years ago
Reply to  DixieMom

Great reading!! I didn’t think she was drunk, personally. I’ve heard rumors that she drinks heavily, but I cast them aside. To me, she looks super nervous as she’s reading her speech, initially. It was the first time I believed that we are “watching a movie,” for she seemed to be doing something she was forced to do, and was doing it under great duress. I could almost smell the fear coming off of her, but quite honestly, I am intuitive and not trained, and certainly could be projecting my own “feels” onto it.

5 years ago
Reply to  DixieMom

To me Pelosi behaves like someone with an alcohol problem. Regardless I agree with your thought that she’s being forced to do something. Many politicians are puppets for hidden deep state actors. I believe this is the case with Nancy Pelosi.

Eileen Guthrie
Eileen Guthrie
5 years ago
Reply to  GaryC

It’s interesting to me that Biden and Pelosi are both well-known DC alcoholics, and your covering them both. Biden started drinking after his wife and daughter died in a car accident. Biden maybe known as lunch box Joe, but he always had a liquid lunch. I grew up not far from Philadelphia, one of the local news stations, ran a segment on Joe Biden, it was the interviews he did during the week, where he was slurring his words, his eyes were blood shot. He was very drunk. The segments ran on Friday nights and they were hilarious, but it eventually became mean spirited and cruel when it became obvious this guy needed help. They eventually dropped the segment. Back then in the late 80s and 90s, his local nickname was Joe “Absolut” Biden.

As for Pelosi’s drinking has gotten out of control recently and there are reports that she had to be physically removed from the House chamber because she was so drunk. I know it’s happened 3 times this year. So, this should explain why they both have these blackouts and fogginess. You just can’t drink heavily for decades and not have physical and mental issues. Every alcoholic beverage kills 10,000 brain cells and both of these people are running on empty. I imagine when their blood gets taken, it will end up being 80 proof.

Ursula Leach
Ursula Leach
5 years ago
Reply to  GaryC

Just the fact that she seems to always have a dry mouth which one can see and hear cause it seems as if her tongue gets stuck to the roof of her mouth all the time is a sign that she is an alcoholic. Alcoholics can act quite normal when they have too, I know I was married to one (got rid of him), but the signs are always there. She is a drunk and I wonder how often she appears in front of the camera with a few under her belt to steady her.

5 years ago
Reply to  GaryC

I am convinced that too many in both Houses of Congress are alcoholics. They are the ones who sold their souls, so they abuse alcohol to numb the conscience.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

My guess is that in addition to the ones who are drunkards, many are also on a cocktail of prescription drugs that are being abused. Pelosi in particular shows a triad of indicators of meth or Adderall abuse with her sunken cheeks, lack of a real tooth in her head, and extreme twitchiness. Many of the ones who are undoubtedly sexual deviants or pedophiles also like to use meth themselves or give it to their victims. Schiff’s pal, Ed Buck being a case in point. I read somewhere that Crooked Hillary was popping anti- narcolepsy pills, which are similar to Dexedrine, like candy on the campaign trail in 2016. In any event, the evil, corruption and depravity go way deeper than most people think. Lots of swamp to be drained.

Cheryl Cooper
Cheryl Cooper
5 years ago
Reply to  DixieMom

Definitely drunk as usual! Pelosi gives out fear to her “underlings” so it would be great if she felt some but I doubt it. Great reading Mandy.

5 years ago

Hmmm… is it just me or is there noticeable deterioration in her kinesthetic abilities? ?

As for Biden, anyone who hasn’t realized who and how he is hasn’t been paying attention.

Russ Botto
Russ Botto
5 years ago

Joe is an absolute tower of emotional strength lol

5 years ago

There are literally a handful of very corrupt people trying to jock our President so they can continue to run this country into the ground and Biden is just another dumb ass puppet. However, he’s also a pedo and I can’t believe he even has supporters. I wish all these sicko Dems would crawl back under the rock they all live under!

Bob bradley
Bob bradley
5 years ago


Jeffrey Allan
Jeffrey Allan
5 years ago

If your power to lead the public whether, in politics, law enforcement, justice or media comes from alcohol or drugs you’re driving drunk and do not have the better judgment, clarity, or wise decision-making capabilities nor the physical capacity to act responsibly. Just as a drunk driver is taken off the road or doctor with a substance abuse issue has his license revoked so should these people in positions of power, authority and influence. Sound judgment critical thinking cannot be achieved under the influence. These people are making decisions for the rest of us based on how much alcohol or drugs they’ve taken to get the job done! Scary and despicable at the same time. These addicts are a threat to national safety and security and they’re wasting everyone’s time. Their incompetence is obvious by the lack of time they’ve spent solving issues more important to the people for whom they’re supposed to serve! Unlike Donald Trump who has surpassed everyone’s expectations.

5 years ago

Awesome job with this one. People really don’t think what they’re like off camera. There true colors are showing now that seeing the end. Scary. This is too why they’ve been there soo long. I remember when she took that gavel for speaker you could see the evil in her eyes.

5 years ago

Why does it always say I have already ‘liked’ a comment when I wasn’t even signed in? Something suspicious is going on here.

5 years ago
Reply to  Exentrik

Because you haven’t signed in.

5 years ago
Reply to  Exentrik

Your “like” would be recorded as Anonymous, so when you get the comment that you’ve already liked a comment it means someone not signed in beat you to liking it. 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Exentrik

Odd behavior though normal. What you’re seeing has to do with the way WordPress and/or the comment module handles those who aren’t logged in. (Web developer here)

Suzanne Newman
Suzanne Newman
4 years ago

You are so spot on and funny, which of course makes it a little easier to digest the…. “inauthentic crap“ in the government and world! Blast those walls down… kudos to you! So enjoy your keen eye and witty humor!

5 years ago

Looks like the dams are cracking. Donald is doing a great job.

Romo Shovel
Romo Shovel
5 years ago

Haah, classic…my fav to date. Thank you