Body Language – Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, Presidential debate

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, Presidential debate

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4 days ago

Very interesting. Watching this in real time and trying to imagine how a normie would react to it, it was just as you described. A normie would watch the rehearsed sound bites , movements and facial expressions, versus being on the attack with jab after jab and think the Indian won and that the President was mean. It was very similar to one of the Bush/ Gore debates where Gore had rehearsed movements and made a lot of faces and the media said he won. Then once it was broken down to clips, it became apparent that Gore said absolutely nothing but platitudes. The reality is that Trump got every point in against three opponents, and that anything close to a good clip from the Indian was factually untrue. Tip for your chicken coop- put a sloping roof above your laying boxes with scrap wood or a piece of siding. It will prevent the other chickens from sitting on top and making a mess in them. Good luck with your project.

3 days ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Oooh, good tip!

Ursula Leach
Ursula Leach
3 days ago

That woman is a nasty bitch she is worse than even hillary. Trump 2024 MAGA

2 days ago
Reply to  Ursula Leach

The facts that she was introduced at the convention by Leon Panetta and endorsed by Dick Cheney prove that she is the next CIA puppet to bring us into WWIII.

1 day ago

As Harris says … You’re going to hear the same old playbook rhetoric

How many times this past week have you heard the same drivel about peoples aspirations …

she was raised in the middle class ….

her ‘second mother’ as a small business owner and she loved her second mother and Hillary – oops I mean Kamala lies lies lies.