Body Language – Israeli Minister of National Security Ben-Gvir

Israeli Minister of National Security Ben-Gvir

Note: All comments in my videos are strictly my opinion.

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8 months ago

Well as censor ship and lack of funding have shrunk our little channel. We have split our time. Winter months in Maine we make videos and the Spring, Summer, and Fall we work our organic Farm. You can watch the farm progress on X. Always, your support is appreciated. Please understand our needs in these financial times.

8 months ago
Reply to  Mandy

Thanks for the explanation. Hopefully your crops will be successful.

ej wxbs
ej wxbs
8 months ago
Reply to  Mandy

Thank you for the update – glad to hear you are not gone for good. Looking forward to whenever your next drop is this winter. Best of luck with the farming!

8 months ago
Reply to  Mandy

I used to Teach at Rockport film and etc. for several years. I loved Maine in the summer. and the old home I stayed in. Just checking in. Sheet gettin real. Is you X channel the same name as this. Been a long strange journey. Is your son still in the Marines. I read some of the comments. hmmm. No clue to reality and history.

8 months ago
Reply to  Mandy

Thanks for the explanation. Hopefully your crops will be successful.

ej wxbs
ej wxbs
8 months ago
Reply to  Mandy

Thank you for the update – glad to hear you are not gone for good. Looking forward to whenever your next drop is this winter. Best of luck with the farming!

8 months ago
Reply to  Mandy

I used to Teach at Rockport film and etc. for several years. I loved Maine in the summer. and the old home I stayed in. Just checking in. Sheet gettin real. Is you X channel the same name as this. Been a long strange journey. Is your son still in the Marines. I read some of the comments. hmmm. No clue to reality and history.

Jon Keel
Jon Keel
10 months ago

I usually love your vids, but I’m kind of shocked at this one. You equate Israel — a nation that has never INITIATED force against any people — with Hamas (and their predecessors) — a group of psychopathic murderers who routinely attack, torture & murder innocent women and children. These Israelis have just had it. DECADES OF THIS. So, this time, they plan to root them out. Also, did you know that the Israelis repeatedly send cell phone messages to all in the area before they attack, giving them time to leave, in order to minimize civilian casualties? AND, these criminals in Hamas move their artillery & weapons directly behind their own children so that they WILL BE HURT — and then run to the media with the video to malign Israel…ok, one more thing: I am guessing that most people in Gaza/Palestine would love to be rid of Hamas, but won’t say it because they don’t want their heads cut off…ANYWAY…I’m guessing maybe you didn’t know this stuff…

10 months ago
Reply to  Jon Keel

hamas is mossad and cia…. i guess you didnt know that….ANYWAY….did you think the anitchrist would be nonjew?

Dave S
10 months ago
Reply to  Mandy

Your source?

10 months ago
Reply to  Dave S

At this point in the awakening, your an idiot if you still require others to gather information for you.

Dave S
10 months ago
Reply to  Mandy

so you have no source — interesting that you stoop to name-calling

ej wxbs
ej wxbs
9 months ago
Reply to  Jon Keel

Respectfully, IMHO a lot of people are missing the point of these videos. They are about body language analysis and not a political statement.

8 months ago
Reply to  ej wxbs

WTF do you mean. thats jibberish. BOdy language reveals the truth of the statement. be it political etc. Quit whiinnnnh. The truth is the truth.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jon Keel

“a nation that has never INITIATED force against any people” – Source? I’d say refer to the man who didn’t kill himself in jail.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jon Keel

Jon Keel really Izzieland never dun nuttin to nobodi. LEts see, control the banking system , Whine like babies when anyone says anything you don’t like. Your “tribe” is from Kazaria, the BAAL worshippers. You have not Tie to that land. It was inhabitied by many peoples. You whine and whine. but facts are facts. Kazarians live in izzie land. former BAAL worshipors. Still do don’t you. Repent.

Linda Wilson
Linda Wilson
10 months ago

Let’s not forget we are funding both sides. The bankers are funding both sides. Every war both sides has been funded by bankers. Both sides have been warring since the beginning of time. I am not picking sides because there are bad leaders on each. It is about time we stay out of everyone else’s conflicts and stop giving money to countries. It is like paying someone to be our friend when they genuinely hate us. How long will it take for people to figure this out. I’m thinking BeBe needs to send back the Dancing Israelis for put explosives in the WTC. We have way too many Congress member and Senate member who have dual citizenship with Israel and other countries which needs to end. Loyalty to this country while in office but then again how will they make money? The money laundering is alive and well with Ukraine, Israel, and Iran and many more. So, don’t be Nieve to believe this is just one side or the other. People were getting tired of sending all our money to Ukraine and low and behold Hama and Israel are at war. Coincidence? I think not

Dave S
10 months ago

Revelation 7:8 – tribe of Benjamin was NOT wiped out (by God or anyone else).

Francis Hamre
Francis Hamre
9 months ago
Reply to  Dave S

I think “Ben” in this sense means “son of” and not referring to the tribe of Benjamin.

8 months ago

Well as censor ship and lack of funding have shrunk our little channel. We have split our time. Winter months in Maine we make videos and the Spring, Summer, and Fall we work our organic Farm. You can watch the farm progress on X. Always, your support is appreciated. Please understand our needs in these financial times.

9 months ago

He’s not saying ‘prisoners’..
He refers to them as ‘our kidnapped’

Oran Noy
Oran Noy
5 months ago

I was watching the Ben-Gvir clip, Please take note… the caption translation is very inaccurate.
Just one example… Ben does not say prisoners, the correct translation is kidnapped abductees.

ej wxbs
ej wxbs
9 months ago

One of the many things I learned on this site is that whenever I see an individual overly animated like this Ben-Gvir it makes me suspicious about the content they are selling. If I were talking to a person and they were hammering every point with their fist like a gavel…I’d likely dismiss their opinion.

9 months ago

Wait. Wtf…mossad is Israel’s CIA and Hamas is mossad.
So Israel is attacking itself, fighting itself, exterminating itself.
Got it.
Lost all respect for ole mandy.
Not gonna be involved anywhere near indoctrination attempts by the woke mind virus here.
And that, folks, wasn’t on my bingo card.

8 months ago
Reply to  Harvto

Kazarians. never grasp reality. Heh. WOKE you’re pitifulHarvto. your done. The world is Waking up,and your side is gonna lose just like all the Times before.