Body Language – DA Fani Willis Hearing

DA Fani Willis Hearing

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1 year ago

I think the video cut off early and went to the promo on Skinwalker Ranch. I was in court Thursday as an Amicus. The Judge in that Charitable Trust case would have had her dragged out of court for contempt to spend the weekend in jail after five minutes of this nonsense. I have heard that the judge in this case has a history with Big Fani, which might explain why he let her get away with such outrageous behavior.

1 year ago

The thing that struck me was how she pronounced her name. That’s the very first time I heard “fawny” (a lot like “phony”, which to me seemed appropriate) and not “fanny”. The rest was difficult to watch and listen to. Nails on a chalkboard.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake fingernails- “ the ghetto woman triad” as I call it. She is losing her mind because her inability to keep that backwards dress zipped and her greed is likely to cost her the Federal Judicial appointment Garfinkle promised her for prosecuting this bogus case.

1 year ago

Judge Janine hosted Laura Ingraham’s show and had a body language reader flub up getting to any points of fannie’s lying. You should’ve gotten that gig nailing fannie’s fanny with her lying non singing body, hand to face etc.

1 year ago

The Consequences are she is letting down the Whitehouse, as she had 4 meetings, with them that she lied about. She lied to the court, cashed checks campaign checks and kept the cash for her personal use. She profited from the corrupt relationship with her boyfriend and his law partners. She will lose her office and perhaps her law license. Even though she committed crimes, she won’t face trial, as DemoRats protect their own. The Trump case is basically dead.

Ursula Leach
Ursula Leach
1 year ago

me and …. me and him ….. me and …. shows how selfish and self-important she thinks she is – got there with an attitude and then lying through her teeth. Saw it when it originally happened being shown on FOX news. Lying cunt – I hope she gets debarred. She talks like she just walked out of the ghetto. That woman is pure trash with attitude. She is as fake as her nails and eyelashes. Someone please give her an attitude adjustment

1 year ago
Reply to  Ursula Leach

Low IQ commie ghetto trash that has been installed in almost every urban county to destabilize the cities by releasing criminals and persecute political enemies by George Soros. We have our own version in Cook County (Chicago) Kim Foxx, who is narrowly disguised as human by her fake hair, eyelashes and nails. Not running due to the scandal of domestic violence in which she beat her man for playing video games and running interference for Jussie “MAGA COUNTRY” Smollett. She’ll just be replaced by another ghetto commie due to our crooked elections.

ej wxbs
ej wxbs
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Its the entire federal gov’t & why I left after 40 years. In their offices, the walls are adorned with diplomas demonstrating academic achievements of higher learning but if you get email from one of these “protected class” individuals you can’t read it because it is unintelligible. I’m so tired of making excuses for them…

1 year ago
Reply to  ej wxbs

I retired 6 1/2 years ago after spending time in Corrections, Psychiatric hospitals and the last 17 years as a School Administrator. One of the big reasons was that the young masters level people I had to train were almost illiterate, lacked any knowledge of history and civics, and were essentially untrainable due to brainwashing. The more “education”they had, the worse they were. I refused to hire anybody who had not worked any real job for at least summers or after high school. The few halfway decent ones I would tell “ I am going to have to “ unteach” you for a couple of years to get the useless stuff they taught you out of your head because it doesn’t work with these kids” This country is in deep trouble.

1 year ago

Hi! I’m new in here. Started watching these about a month ago and found it so interesting I had to subscribe. I’m already an intense people watcher but never realized one could discern so much with careful observation. Great stuff!

Shirley Hall
Shirley Hall
1 year ago

im a scammer

Ursula Leach
Ursula Leach
1 year ago
Reply to  Shirley Hall

this is not the place for your scam

1 year ago
Reply to  Shirley Hall

am wondering what you meant,
did it come out the wrong way,
were you trying to say something else,
just asking ?