Body Language – Problem Reaction Action Traps

Problem Reaction Action Traps

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Jeffrey Allan
Jeffrey Allan
1 year ago

Are you sayin that this guy cut off his father’s head and is displaying it proudly on social media?? For real. So is he in jail or a psych ward or… He better not be still walking around out there. Eeesh.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeffrey Allan

He’s in jail after driving across Pennsylvania to a National Guard base to announce that he is the President and mobilize the troops to overthrow the federal government. CNN’ s article found a way to blame guns and Trump, though the root cause of this is the 84% decrease in crazy people confined in locked facilities, which we used to do to protect society from the insane.

1 year ago

All I know is that since the barbed wire and containers went in and Texas took over the park, we have gone from 50 busses a month getting dropped off at suburban train stations with train tickets to Chicago to a handful. In December alone we had 54 busses with 35-50 illegal aliens on board and one plane that landed in Rockford with way more than 100 that needed four busses to take them to DuPage County to take the train. Each bus has a handler from mostly Catholic Charities that makes sure they get on the train. I started asking them questions and they were happy as larks and started answering until they got a simultaneous text message from the handler and shut up. We started taking pictures and got on the train, but were stopped from getting into the same car by the conductor. It was like a well oiled machine. Whatever they are doing at the park, it has at least temporarily slowed down the invasion from Texas at least. It’s time for police departments to put up billboards offering to hire border patrol officers to get them to mass resign, since all they are doing is speeding up the invasion.

Francis Hamre
Francis Hamre
1 year ago

I’m really glad you didn’t show the head because my 6 year old daughter was watching with me and I didn’t know it was coming.

1 year ago

Did youtube give a reason for deleting the video?

1 year ago
Reply to  Greg

youtube deleted it because the guy that cut off his dad’s head is in it

Shirley Hall
Shirley Hall
1 year ago

I love Bombards!!!

1 year ago

Nice job please keep it up:)

1 year ago

I will say am very happy you put out this video Mandy,
in regards to not getting sucked into whats being said with out
first doing ones home work.
however Guilty as charged – i was caught up with this border thing and
rightfully so even though am leaving in a communist country now aka Canadu…
as a Canadian i know with out America Canada is a sitting duck in a matter of speaking,
my opinion of course.
the border thing almost pissed me off as much as missing last Fridays live chat
because i thought there was one more Friday in the month,
Mother beeep beep beepbeepbeep beeep F-beeeep beeeeeeep son of a beeeeep
beeepbeep beeeeep Dam ok OK i better now maybe F beeepp beeeeeep…
ok am done venting beeep opps that was a hick-up,
as for holding some one head in i suspect a bag YIKES !!! & WOW !!! & OMG !!!
Further more – i would like to thank every who text me or emailed me saying
hey Mickey were live on the chat line where are You ??? hmmm Slap !!! lol
beeeep beep beeep beeeeeeeucker beeeeeep…
and yes sooner or later when playing with a new Tactical Pen,
you will poke ya self ouch lol…ahhhh

1 year ago
Reply to  Mickey

PS – Do NOT fire a Tactical Pen with a Cross Bow,
Lets just say – am very impressed.
turns out Tungsten Steel tips do go through brick walls Yikes lol
WOW !!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Mickey

A viable alternative to your Sub 2000 Tampon Boy is trying to take away?

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

well i have more than a sub 2000,
AR,s plus figure about under 50 different tools,
from old to new, semi to single shot.
am doing quite good when it comes to my toys
sadly only toys i dont have is a 50 cal, & a Lever action,
should have got LA but Tampon boy moved in Bastard !!!
am sitting Pretty – No complaints here !!!
PS – Puck Biden & Trudeau 2 tyrants that have to go.
i have No time for DICKtators !!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Mickey

Good. The Henry lever actions are really nice. Our obese governor and his commie henchmen passed a law that required owners of most semi auto long guns to register them and banned sales of those and .50 cal. Just over .6 % of gun owners complied and our sheriffs are only enforcing when other crimes are committed.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

wow for the registration and yes i too love the Henry,
they send out catalogs if you ask, got mine…
sad to say this is all about property theft,
first they want to know who owns what then they try to take it away
from you the owner.
if they take every ones guns away then every one will be criminals
because every one will make or by there own under the table lol.
am ready to put fletches aka feathers on my tac pen AND use it as a dart for fishing or defense lol soon they will take that away too…
the Pen,Cane,and Flashlight are the only things we can carry
that can still be used for defense.
we cant even carry a knife here but at least i know i can break any glass window and Walla can start whipping glass around like a flying knife lol…
if need be of course !!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Mickey

Wow- not even a pocket knife or pepper spray? My edc is a primary firearm, secondary, pepper spray, flashlight, telescopic baton and knife, though the same law that that caused the registration banned spring assisted knives so I carry a fixed blade. I’m guessing your commies grandfathered in existing guns but banned transfer. Here it will eventually get overturned since the courts have decided we have a constitutional right to self defense that can only be limited, gun -wise, by limitations that have an historical precedent at the time of the passage of the second amendment or are “ dangerous and unusual”, which means that any gun in common use cannot legally be banned, though the legislators have defied the Supreme Court. That really sucks. Mickey.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Holly molly lol WOW lol
we can carry a very small knife but it depends, ‘if your cutting open an apple while doing lunch at work cool, if its 2 in the morning in a dark scarry laneway police wont be happy. Guessing its just me I would love to be able to carry a side arm, however i do admit being raised here i wouldn’t be use to it.
But i believe i would be a quick learner lol and get use to it asap…
as for pepper spray i some times carry pepper from the drive through,
comes with food, do own lots of expensive flashlights though lol
Olight,Acebeam,Nightcore got them all throwers to floods ALL.
yes am a Flashaholic lol i watched at least a thousand flashlight videos lol
its true, what a shame it is that we here have been conditioned and molded
to be and feel scared or nervous to even think about
caring a side arm in order to protect are shelfs.
yet at the same time i also learned that if I defend my self with or with out a tool that I shut up and leave asap and never call police lol Never !!!
it goes to the grave with me for Judgement Day…Strange
that yous defend then call police, and we cant defend but Never call the police lol,no sense defending twice again when ya in jail lol Really.
time to make a glass knife lol so if i get checked out i can drop it and watch it shatter and say what knife lol
PS its nice to see am not the only one here slightly off topic either lol lol

1 year ago
Reply to  Mickey

The funny thing is that when you start carrying, you are semi paranoid about “printing” , bulges and so forth. After awhile you realize how oblivious everyone except other carriers, cops and criminals are to their surroundings. I carry all that stuff year round and have never had a problem. In most US states, both pepper ball guns like the Byrna and black powder revolvers are not considered firearms, so they are technically legal to carry, but once you use them all bets are off. Not so far off topic, since the climate being created in our countries is making them both more unsafe.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

I do carry but not side arms, so sad,
but learned to carry extra wallet for bad guy,
extra sharp credit card and a small ready to use hook knife,
every one should carry a hook knife in case some one turns
a zip tie into a neck tie then waits for you to black out then robs you.
scarry but possible and suspect if it happens once then it will
become the norm, yes my imagination kicks the crap out of me…
always have a good solid mini hook knife at the ready.
now’s not the time to be using a knife to cut off a real tight zip tie
as your blacking out… Be prepared Not scared !!!

I honestly think the safest thing to do is dress like and walk like
stink like and look like a junkie and no one will bother you
and you get free meals plus be first in line at all the food banks,
walk into any store take what you want and they will leave you alone,
I should invent a through over in seconds bum suit clothing,
comes with booze smell too lol
can see it now, hay budy you see a rich guy run by here,
ya he went that way as i make the great escape lol !!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Mickey

It is good to imagine possible scenarios in your mind and be prepared. Situational awareness is your best tool for self defense. Working in very unsafe environments with dangerous people almost all of my career, I have had to physically manage thousands of violent situations without weapons. Most you can see coming.

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