The important meeting was the dinner, I think the previous day, where about 20 CEO’s paid 40,000 a plate to sit at XI’s table. Xi knows they bribed Biden, played a major role in stealing the election and installing him as their asset. All the Chinese know this and have no respect for any of the clowns on the other side of the table. They do, however need the funds from those CEO’s, since their housing crash has their economy slipping. That was the real meeting.
i giggled twice,
once when ya said the clowns on the other side – i believe this to be true
and the other giggle was when Mandy said she dont read lips lol.
though am not giggling realizing i mist a few videos hmmm…
and 40 G,s a plate wtf wow
I think Xi met with the clowns only to give hypnotized Americans the illusion that they have a government that is not under his control, when in reality they are bought and paid for by the CCP.
wheat field
1 year ago
I also enjoyed the moment when a reporter asked Biden if he still considered Xi a dictator, and he said, “yup.” The camera was on the crowd with reporter when Biden answered, and you could see Blinken unable to avoid reacting.
1 year ago
I wonder if ANY of them believe that the plandemic was real. Even the masked wonder at the beginning may have had it on only to make it appear that he does.
The important meeting was the dinner, I think the previous day, where about 20 CEO’s paid 40,000 a plate to sit at XI’s table. Xi knows they bribed Biden, played a major role in stealing the election and installing him as their asset. All the Chinese know this and have no respect for any of the clowns on the other side of the table. They do, however need the funds from those CEO’s, since their housing crash has their economy slipping. That was the real meeting.
i giggled twice,
once when ya said the clowns on the other side – i believe this to be true
and the other giggle was when Mandy said she dont read lips lol.
though am not giggling realizing i mist a few videos hmmm…
and 40 G,s a plate wtf wow
I think Xi met with the clowns only to give hypnotized Americans the illusion that they have a government that is not under his control, when in reality they are bought and paid for by the CCP.
I also enjoyed the moment when a reporter asked Biden if he still considered Xi a dictator, and he said, “yup.” The camera was on the crowd with reporter when Biden answered, and you could see Blinken unable to avoid reacting.
I wonder if ANY of them believe that the plandemic was real. Even the masked wonder at the beginning may have had it on only to make it appear that he does.
WÂoÂrÂkÂiÂnÂg oÂnÂlÂiÂnÂe bÂrÂiÂnÂgÂs iÂn $Â2Â8Â5 dÂoÂlÂlÂaÂrÂs aÂn hÂoÂuÂr fÂoÂr mÂe. MÂy bÂeÂsÂt bÂuÂdÂdÂy sÂhÂoÂwÂs mÂe hÂoÂw tÂo dÂo tÂhÂiÂs aÂnÂd mÂaÂkÂeÂs $Â2Â9,0Â0Â0 a mÂoÂnÂtÂh dÂoÂiÂnÂg iÂt, bÂuÂt I nÂeÂvÂeÂr rÂeÂaÂlÂiÂzÂeÂd iÂt vy-02 wÂaÂs rÂeÂaÂl, vÂiÂsÂiÂt tÂhÂe fÂoÂlÂlÂoÂwÂiÂnÂg lÂiÂnÂk tÂo hÂaÂvÂe.
A lÂoÂoÂk aÂt iÂt——————————->>>