I vaguely know parts of the story she is referring to, but I ‘m very familiar with the complete barbarism and depravity of that subculture of uncivilized tribalism. Saw it emerge as the rap- hip hop group merged with the gangster street gang world. Now in Chicago, each rapper is affiliated with particular street gangs. Even the FBI had a role in this. One by one, they targeted the upper leadership of each gang with RICO, locked up the leaders, with the unintended consequence that discipline broke down, they splintered into smaller factions with more turf lines, causing more violence. Now the rappers are more the shot callers than the leaders. I have a feeling that this series is going to show how sick and irredeemable this segment of society is.
I vaguely know parts of the story she is referring to, but I ‘m very familiar with the complete barbarism and depravity of that subculture of uncivilized tribalism. Saw it emerge as the rap- hip hop group merged with the gangster street gang world. Now in Chicago, each rapper is affiliated with particular street gangs. Even the FBI had a role in this. One by one, they targeted the upper leadership of each gang with RICO, locked up the leaders, with the unintended consequence that discipline broke down, they splintered into smaller factions with more turf lines, causing more violence. Now the rappers are more the shot callers than the leaders. I have a feeling that this series is going to show how sick and irredeemable this segment of society is.
WÂoÂrÂkÂiÂnÂg oÂnÂlÂiÂnÂe bÂrÂiÂnÂgÂs iÂn $Â2Â8Â5 dÂoÂlÂlÂaÂrÂs aÂn hÂoÂuÂr fÂoÂr mÂe. MÂy bÂeÂsÂt bÂuÂdÂdÂy sÂhÂoÂwÂs mÂe hÂoÂw tÂo dÂo tÂhÂiÂs aÂnÂd mÂaÂkÂeÂs $Â2Â9,0Â0Â0 a mÂoÂnÂtÂh dÂoÂiÂnÂg iÂt, bÂuÂt I nÂeÂvÂeÂr rÂeÂaÂlÂiÂzÂeÂd iÂt wÂaÂs rÂeÂaÂl, vÂiÂsÂiÂt rn02 tÂhÂe fÂoÂlÂlÂoÂwÂiÂnÂg lÂiÂnÂk tÂo hÂaÂvÂe.
A lÂoÂoÂk aÂt iÂt——————————–>>> https://careershome5.blogspot.com/
Slap lol