Body Language – Trudeau & the Nazi in the house

Trudeau & the Nazi in the house

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1 year ago

Such a show…Tampoon boy knows tyranny. The high school analogy is accurate. They give little if any care to us little people.

Anglia Steve
Anglia Steve
1 year ago
Reply to  madvinmryk

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1 year ago

Just shows that the high school pecking order and barking seal peer pressure overcomes discernment and rational thought. Also shows what clueless morons these people are about history. The minute this was reported my reaction was “Wait a minute, if he was fighting the Russians, that means he was…” Could be an educational moment about the irrational hatred of the Russians, who lost more soldiers and citizens than all other countries combined in WWII, causing them to be very guarded about enemies on their border. Of our leaders, only JFK understood this and by stating it in public, caused The USSR to negotiate instead of starting WWIII over the Cuban Misslles. The bitter irony of this farce taking place on Yom Kippur is even worse. Tampon Boy needs to go.

Anya Dorothy
Anya Dorothy
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Our company needs a well-organized and detail-oriented Remote Data Entry Assistant to work with our team of specialists on data capture. Analyze data and feed it into our online systems and social media platforms. w This is a remote job, full time or part time.
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1 year ago

Well what a mess Canada is in,
not sure whats worse Canada or the open borders in the U S of A…
every time i see Tampon Boy i feel sick, cant stand to look at He, She, It, thing.
am starting to loose faith and think it can and will possibly get worse
in Canada and the USA and around the world.
its time to get a copy rite or trade mark on the word “Tampon Boy” too
before it dose.
for a bunch of school type people you would think by now that one of them
would have at least walk rite up to he she and just bitch slap it
and say enough No more Yo B…
or give the finger to the liberals and not apologizes and quit or
pull a moon.
if i was there i would just so the whole world knows how much
i or we Canadians truly cant stand Trudeau…
what a circus from he said she said to lets turn little Billy into Lola
to so called men now wearing make-up and Tampons, lol lmfao
i guess it really is true – its better to be Crazzzy than to run around it lol !!!

PS – I want to run to America and hide but with the open borders
am actually afraid – really – heard last count was 7 million and counting Yikes !!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Mickey

We have a better constitution, even though the totalitarians keep trying to negate it. Because the states still control a lot of everyday life, you are ok if you choose one of the free states and stay away from large cities and even towns that have hotels. The globalists are trying to convert hotels into illegal alien flop houses. Since the commies control most large cities, they start there and try to work their way into the suburbs and surrounding towns. There has been push back from non- corrupt towns, but there is massive money coming from the NGO’s, paid for by taxpayers to do this. Personally, I think it will backfire on these scum in the long run. Unlike their present welfare-roach base, most of the people coming in still have religion and want to work, have family values and probably will become conservative eventually.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

That is a very inspirational post GOMF….and I just heard some hope the other night when I talked to my estranged liberal son that lives in Denver…..

Now that he has been taking his son to a nearby park, there have been two things that have happened in broad daylight….between the lines as he spoke, he is becoming more frustrated with Denver life but then he said he was thinking about looking for work in Minneapolis….Even if I said a word, how do I tell my son he doesn’t stand a chance of employment being a white person in Minneapolis? Maybe, just maybe, his support of the illegals, BLM, and antifa are starting to dissolve?

According to Larry Schweikart: Just 5% of the new S&P jobs went to white applicants in the wake of George Floyd, says a new analysis, meaning corporate America is decidedly racist.

On the flip side, I talked to my other son this morning and he said he thinks he might have covid because 3 of his co-workers tested positive last week….he took a test this morning but tested neg – whew! do I tell that son that I heard the name of the new covid is B.S.2024? What I don’t get is like 2022, he knows how I feel about ‘everything covid’, yet he is practically begging for us to visit…..I guess I should feel like I am a ray of sunshine being a pureblood and all! Imagine…..wanting/or needing to see your parents at any cost…..who would have thunk it?

1 year ago
Reply to  Susie

I think this demonstrates what Mattias Desmet says is the only way out of the mass formation we are in. If the 10% continue to speak out, even though it may not have immediate results, it will plant a seed of doubt that may cause some of the 40% under hypnosis and some of the 40% just going along to get along to notice things they would not have noticed and begin to wake up. I used to use the same technique with particularly tough cases in therapy. “I can tell you are a really strong willed person, which is a good thing, but it means you won’t take my word for it and will probably have to learn the hard way. The good thing is that it is almost never too late to change your mind, so when you find yourself in a jail cell or some other bad place, and you think “Mr. Flannery was right” , you can still change your mind” Don’t be that direct with your sons, because they will immediately become oppositional, but you can still plant the seed of sanity by speaking out calmly. They will never admit they were wrong, but if they start noticing things, they will notice more, and they might start thinking for themselves more. Can’t tell you how many letters I got from jails, prisons and psych wards even years later from people were were finally going to change their mind and remembered our conversation. I always wrote them back and never rubbed it in. I would usually tell them that God has a purpose for everyone and that they learned some valuable things in their journey that might help them find their purpose.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Excellent advice! We’d all do well to take it. Thank you for all you share with us, GOMF.

1 year ago

When the man is reading his introduction of the Nazi, he definitely pauses after “Russians” realizing what’s wrong. Right before he looks up to the gallery, his entire body does an “s” curve under his suit. He knows what’s wrong here (like all politicians) but is going along with it anyway (like all politicians). He doesn’t have any courage to just stop and step aside to whisper for someone to search engine this history first, table the nazi’s introduction for some other time…just do something even if he ends up being wrong (which obviously he isn’t).

1 year ago

Hi Mandy….are you saying the word “Goth’s”?

I had worked on an acronym just this morning for ‘those people’….what do you think?

Gothars…..God-or-Trump-hating alien reptilian satanists…..[I say Trump because he is the only human politician I know that is trying to do something and is allegedly aware of a swamp].

A human being living at this time has to make a stand: either you believe in God/’Goodness’ or you believe in satan/evil. People are starting to believe in aliens that have been bred with humans….that God may not have had a part of this… question to them is: “then why haven’t they killed us all, especially if they are so smart? [I guess this is the part where I have to believe it’s true judging by bill gates and dr. farci]. So what ‘they’ are saying is we are all one big part of an experiment? It is very scary for me….

Trump-hater’s and ‘other’s’ try to destroy America’s Constitution….they believe murder/immorality/stealing/lying or believing in lies is okay and money controls them.

Back in 1990, my step daughter became a believer in ‘everything goth’,was diagnosed bi-polar, and was living with my husband and 2 little boys….it was a very dark time in our lives and I was basically alone in the ordeal. My two sons were witnesses to this horror and therapy did not help. This was the time we moved to a small town and I thought her mother could better take care of her.

I did a little more research and found this:
Do goths love horror? The goth subculture is also heavily influenced by horror.
As with any cult, there are rules….
Rule number one; embrace the darkness. Rule number two; kill your fear. And rule number three; live for death. [what does this even mean?]….

1 year ago
Reply to  Susie

A brilliant Biblical and ancient language texts expert passed away a few months ago. I never heard of him until now and I’ve spent the past few weeks watching lots videos of Dr. Michael Heiser (available on Rumble and YouTube) and will continue to do so. He blew my away with his in depth knowledge and easy to understand way of communicating what is REALLY revealed in the Bible, and it IS mind blowing! I am totally convinced that what he said and taught is true. Finally everything, including the horror you reference, makes sense to me now. I have a clearer understanding about what’s going on in heaven and what’s going on on earth. He taught about God, gods, demons and angels and their role in geopolitics through the ages right on up to this very day. Just this morning at Mass I listened to a sermon from a traditional Latin Mass priest about angels which confirmed for me what Dr. Heiser taught. Because of the timing of it, I took it as a sign. Most Christians know next to nothing about these things because we, of all denominations, were never taught and I doubt a whole lot of modern day ministers and priests ever learned it, either. I do think Bergoglio knows it and is bastardizing it in an attempt to thwart it, which serves the dark side he is bent on imposing onto people of faith. Dr. Heiser’s 4 part series “Supernatural Seminar” is a must for anyone who reads the Bible. Don’t let the title turn you off. It’s completely Biblical. It answers your question, Susie, about the “gothic” horror (think Goliath). A lot of the conspiracy theories about white hats and such have their basis in what Michael Heiser clearly demonstrated. Not to say those conspiracy theories are spot on, but only that there is a solid basis from which they come.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susie

Like many youth subcultures, the goth contagion started with music, which attracted unstable kids and provided them with validation for their instability and encouraged them to even more bizarre behavior, so you are right on the money. That is why they were so resistant to therapy. By asking them to try and change self- destructive behavior, you were asking them to go against a cult-like belief system and peer group that gave them identity and acceptance. From the heavy metal satan worshipers, to the Juggalos, to currently the trans ideology, disaffected youth contagion follows a similar pathway. The difference with trans is that, as far as I know, it did not start with music and is the first deviant self-destructive youth contagion to be promoted by adults and encouraged by big medicine, leftist parents, and bIg therapy, in many cases for personal gain. both in terms of virtue signaling and money at the victim’s expense. Good versus evil has never been more clear. Moloch demands parents sacrifice their children.

1 year ago

Well, that was entertaining, even if the participants did not intend it to be. As English is not Mr Turdeau’s first language it is not surprising that he confused the meaning of “vetting” with “vetoing”. The security services certainly should vet any anyone who is going to be close to a visiting Head of State (even if in this case the celebrity guest was/is a lower threat than average)

When the security services come across unsavory details about a guest they should present them to the politicians for a decision. It is the politicians’ role to veto the resuits of any vetting.

Why was he not vetted? Were the people in the security services affirmative action employees? I mean, exactly who would be providing ammunition against the “evil Russians” in the 1940s (well the Soviets really were evil even if they were not particularly Russian)? History is not bunk.

Further reading;

Fun fact; September 30th 2023 is the 72nd anniversary of Babi Yar

Looks like another form of “Uniparty” to me.