Let’s not forget that on 9/11 the missile not a plane hit the area where they were auditing the money missing. They actually have a video of the missile hitting it. The #7 building already fitted with explosives for demolition when they said pull it. It is all a big lie staged by the Bush Administration with help from the Dancing Israelis. The twin towers would not have fallen the way they did without it being prepared for demolition. The Israelis pretended to be art students. There are pictures of boxes next to them with C-4 explosives. So, if you think it was attack with Airplanes by muslim terrorists you are mistaken. It was our own Government who planned this.
aint it the truth !!!
heard there were all kinds of people around the world who
had visions or premonitions of it happening before it happened,
I myself watched it play out in me eye lids 3 days before it went down.
every time i closed me eye lids it kept happening – but didnt realize what it meant.
was telling people and of course and got labeled a freak and even
said out Loud the next Big plane crash will be one the whole world remembers,
i felt like such a idiot wondering why did i just yell that out Loud for no apparent reason
like i all of a sudden got possessed by something.
everything and every one just stopped and looked at me.
i guess one should never say such a thing when at the Drop Zone – Go Fig.
and as a rule of thumb – every one was keeping a close eye on me,
seems when ever i did something like such the rite people would i guess keep
or make note of such Mickey moves.
then i heard Alex Jones was telling every one 2 weeks prior if i recall,
he was saying we know what yous are up to and to call these people and tell them
not to do it. Eeee Yikes…
Talk about Evil Mother Beep beeeep beeep ers.
any hoot just thought i would put that out there.
always use to say, when i die the whole world dies.
still havent figured that one out but i take it all back !!!
1 year ago
Though I am not a fan of Don Rumsfeld, at least he was talking as if he was fulfilling his role to provide executive civilian oversight to the Pentagon. There was a very good reason that there was a time period that had to elapse between the end of military service and appointment as Secretary of Defense. Both Trump, with Mattis, and Biden, with Austin waived this principle, and the results have not been good. Congress, by confirming these appointments, went along with it, and abdicated their constitutional duty to advise and consent. This is, in my opinion, the fundamental problem in our government today. The legislature has abdicated their responsibility, and surrendered it to the executive branch, which in most cases delegates it to unelected deep state government gangsters.
Yes, I agree absolutely. Too many (almost all) congressmen are beholden to special interest groups, which is a whitewash term meaning those who have the wherewithal to get an agenda done, usually, if not always, an absolutely evil agenda. Such a tangled web they weave.
All we need is a dependable smartphone, internet connectivity, and a responsible individual to complete the task. regardless of age, academic level, present bs08 certification, or professional condition.
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Jeffrey Allan
1 year ago
Well now I’m sure Rumsfeld was one of the people behind the 9/11 attack. Bin Laden needs to come out of hiding and tell the truth.
Bin Laden died a long time ago of, I think, renal failure. There was at least one body double being filmed and photographed for a long while after his death. Our government lied to us about that, too. They claimed to have killed him in the dessert and then buried his body at sea? Seriously? The Prime Minister of India confirmed his death and was, herself, killed off shortly after she made that revelation, if I remember correctly.
Makes sense. The CIA got two wars and 20 years of control of the opium trade. The Uniparty got 20 years of war profiteering. Obama got a win before the 2012 election. The terrorists got recruiting material. The intelligence community through the Patriot Act got massive surveillance powers. Iran got us to take out Hussain for them which tilted the balance of power toward them. And the victims of the mass formation psyop cheered it on and some paid the ultimate price. Previous presidents were able to at least pretend to give a damn about the death and destruction. Being a demented puppet, though, Gropin’ Joe could not hide his contempt by checking his watch as each coffin was wheeled from the transport plane in Dover. If we had fair elections, the only advertising that should be necessary to win is to run a loop of the watch-checking with “Is this a commander-in chief ?” in the background.
Let’s not forget that on 9/11 the missile not a plane hit the area where they were auditing the money missing. They actually have a video of the missile hitting it. The #7 building already fitted with explosives for demolition when they said pull it. It is all a big lie staged by the Bush Administration with help from the Dancing Israelis. The twin towers would not have fallen the way they did without it being prepared for demolition. The Israelis pretended to be art students. There are pictures of boxes next to them with C-4 explosives. So, if you think it was attack with Airplanes by muslim terrorists you are mistaken. It was our own Government who planned this.
aint it the truth !!!
heard there were all kinds of people around the world who
had visions or premonitions of it happening before it happened,
I myself watched it play out in me eye lids 3 days before it went down.
every time i closed me eye lids it kept happening – but didnt realize what it meant.
was telling people and of course and got labeled a freak and even
said out Loud the next Big plane crash will be one the whole world remembers,
i felt like such a idiot wondering why did i just yell that out Loud for no apparent reason
like i all of a sudden got possessed by something.
everything and every one just stopped and looked at me.
i guess one should never say such a thing when at the Drop Zone – Go Fig.
and as a rule of thumb – every one was keeping a close eye on me,
seems when ever i did something like such the rite people would i guess keep
or make note of such Mickey moves.
then i heard Alex Jones was telling every one 2 weeks prior if i recall,
he was saying we know what yous are up to and to call these people and tell them
not to do it. Eeee Yikes…
Talk about Evil Mother Beep beeeep beeep ers.
any hoot just thought i would put that out there.
always use to say, when i die the whole world dies.
still havent figured that one out but i take it all back !!!
Though I am not a fan of Don Rumsfeld, at least he was talking as if he was fulfilling his role to provide executive civilian oversight to the Pentagon. There was a very good reason that there was a time period that had to elapse between the end of military service and appointment as Secretary of Defense. Both Trump, with Mattis, and Biden, with Austin waived this principle, and the results have not been good. Congress, by confirming these appointments, went along with it, and abdicated their constitutional duty to advise and consent. This is, in my opinion, the fundamental problem in our government today. The legislature has abdicated their responsibility, and surrendered it to the executive branch, which in most cases delegates it to unelected deep state government gangsters.
Yes, I agree absolutely. Too many (almost all) congressmen are beholden to special interest groups, which is a whitewash term meaning those who have the wherewithal to get an agenda done, usually, if not always, an absolutely evil agenda. Such a tangled web they weave.
All we need is a dependable smartphone, internet connectivity, and a responsible individual to complete the task. regardless of age, academic level, present bs08 certification, or professional condition.
Discover More—————————————–>>>https://careersrevenue.blogspot.com/
Well now I’m sure Rumsfeld was one of the people behind the 9/11 attack. Bin Laden needs to come out of hiding and tell the truth.
Bin Laden died a long time ago of, I think, renal failure. There was at least one body double being filmed and photographed for a long while after his death. Our government lied to us about that, too. They claimed to have killed him in the dessert and then buried his body at sea? Seriously? The Prime Minister of India confirmed his death and was, herself, killed off shortly after she made that revelation, if I remember correctly.
Makes sense. The CIA got two wars and 20 years of control of the opium trade. The Uniparty got 20 years of war profiteering. Obama got a win before the 2012 election. The terrorists got recruiting material. The intelligence community through the Patriot Act got massive surveillance powers. Iran got us to take out Hussain for them which tilted the balance of power toward them. And the victims of the mass formation psyop cheered it on and some paid the ultimate price. Previous presidents were able to at least pretend to give a damn about the death and destruction. Being a demented puppet, though, Gropin’ Joe could not hide his contempt by checking his watch as each coffin was wheeled from the transport plane in Dover. If we had fair elections, the only advertising that should be necessary to win is to run a loop of the watch-checking with “Is this a commander-in chief ?” in the background.
Body language does not lie!
I love Bombards!!!