Body language – 30 day gun ban, New Mexico Gov. Grisham

30 day gun ban, New Mexico Gov. Grisham

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1 year ago

The same totalitarian game plan. Create fear of disease, guns, climate change, insurrection, violence, threats to democracy, to get people to surrender or submit to losing constitutional rights. I carry everywhere but the courthouse. Once the irrational plan to prohibit carrying guns for law abiding citizens is put in place, criminals and cartels will be further emboldened, the plan will not work so then prohibiting sale will be the next step, then confiscation. They are not fools. They know the plan will not work. This is the Soros plan being implemented by his minions. This is how totalitarianism is implemented before the boot heel approach.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Ammo is next to disappear from store shelves.

1 year ago
Reply to  scurfie

Along with Benadryl. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Big Pharma and the FDA are more dangerous than armed citizens. (If anyone uses Benadryl, stock up quickly. They are pulling another ivermectin type ban again in time for the next election infection.)

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Just detox regularly and you won’t even need the ivermectin drug (that big Pharma also sells)

gloria thomas
gloria thomas
1 year ago
Reply to  madvinmryk

All we need to get the job done is a trustworthy smart phone, access to the Internet, and a responsible person. for all students, regardless vs02 of age, stage of education, recent graduation status, or employment status. To learn more
See This Article————————————–>>>

Francis Hamre
Francis Hamre
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Are people using Benadryl for covid or something? Haven’t heard that yet.

1 year ago
Reply to  Francis Hamre

No. Many people with year round allergies, like me, rely on it for severe allergic reactions. Others use it for bad colds for the antihistamine to dry out the post nasal dripping. My guess is that the next round of election infection will involve the respiratory system and Benadryl would take care of that. In response to madvinmryk, ivermectin has been around for a long long time, is quite inexpensive, and most importantly, it works! That’s why doctors weren’t allowed to prescribe it. Big Pharma didn’t want people to get better. Just jabbed with expensive “bad medicine”.

Elodie Selene
Elodie Selene
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

All we need for work is a reliable smart phone and an Internet connection, as well as a responsible individual. For all students, regardless of age, whether they (b) are in school, recently graduated, or unemployed.
View This Here………………………………………………………

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Hunter just got indicted today (Thursday) on 3 counts of gun possession while using narcotics. Think that’s going anywhere? If it doesn’t, fasten your seatbelts for blow back.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

The news reports are deliberately vague. He is charged with two counts of false statements on an ATF form 4473, and one count of being a drug addict in possession of a firearm. What the press does not realize is that this means there are two guns involved, which explains why the complaint describes the purchase of a Colt revolver, while the naked photo from the laptop shows him brandishing a semi-automatic pistol. I have completed 12 4473’s and the drug question is only asked once. Lying on a 4473 is a 10 year felony. Drug addict possession is a 5 year felony. Both are rarely charged unless there is another crime and the prosecutor is doing add-ons to motivate the acceptance of a plea deal. My guess is there will be another plea deal an he’ll get minimal if any jail time. However, since the media is starting to turn on Gropin’ Joe, this may be a way of replacing him. He pardons Hunter and drops out of the 2024 race for “ family reasons”. If this were a serious prosecution he would be charged with many counts of human and drug trafficking, money laundering, tax evasion and the gun charges would be an add-on.

1 year ago

So it will be the gun carrying criminals that will have the upper hand. I hope people will see through this charade propagated by this evil element.

1 year ago

Yeah, the “state of emergency”/”public health order” ploy is being used for EVERYTHING these days in order to do whatever the hell they want to do.

So in this neanderthal’s head, to take away firearms from the populace is a solution??

1 year ago

Their gun-related crime rate will go up accordingly. As GOMF3602 has so eloquently stated below, confiscation is the ultimate goal.

1 year ago

Well after in joying the video and reading all the comments
i am reminded that we here in Canada are Pucked !!!
we are allowed to use whistles and flashlights providing there not to
loud or to bright.
but were not allowed to say we use these things to defend are selves unless you
want to go to jail.
Toronto is PUCKED every where is now Garbage on the streets and every store
or gas station is drug addicts wacked out or yelling to the sky or asking for money
and food so sad i might add and people having property stolen off them or taking peoples
bikes rite off what ever there lock to.
Down Town or Up Town is Yikes…
and this is in the day time Yikes…
and now a lot of these poor souls now have pet dogs with them,
not sure who i feel more sorry for either.
and yes those who do have good job security aka government jobs etc
all look like liberals to me with blue hair and face piercings.
come to think of it every one now has that look,
and if your a female cop your more than likely partnered up at home,
if thats ya thing so be it…
I think were all PUCKED – dont think things are going to get any better – strait up…
hope am Wrong…

screw this am going Woke – my pronouns are He Him and i identify as an AMERICAN !!!

PS – the good old days – Petula Clark Downtown – original version

1 year ago
Reply to  Mickey

Unfortunately Canadians are further down the path to totalitarianism than the US. This Soros and drug cartel puppet wants to impose Trudeau – like tyranny on the people of New Mexico. She has already been restrained by the court until an October hearing, but it’s really the same process. Destabilize cities, try to scare the public into accepting dictatorial edicts from a monarch without legislation and enlist law enforcement to oppress and intimidate the public. Fortunately in the US it is less convenient, due to the constitution, but this Governor is a fellow traveler of “Tampon Boy”, as Mandy calls him.

jonthan bejarano
jonthan bejarano
1 year ago

She really thinks there’s a mass problem with kids and gun violence. Only the truly mentally ill would ever even consider doing something like that. I would ask to see that stats she used to justify doing something like that.

1 year ago

Since “reasonable gun safety laws” have come up against resistance and leftist progressives are tiring of the fight, this is their play. Throw out this unconstitutional 30 day health emergency to ban concealed/open carry.
Progressives think this will get everyone back to the table to see their way to “reasonable gun safety laws” rather than have a 30 day absolute continuously renewed ban…THEY HAVE ANOTHER THING COMING…imo

1 year ago

I have always supported personal protection and having weapons close by if needed – until last week. A friend of mine’s husband had mishandled a weapon and it went off in her house…she is still very upset and wondering if he just forgot about a bullet in the chamber [maybe his age is a factor? but still…highly unusual beings as he is usually over-careful] or was it a misfire to be blamed on the mechanics of the thing?

And then I think: what if it happened in my home? As I try to help her through it, many thoughts are causing me sleepless nights. After all, even my hero Chris Kyle became a victim…then I think about the types of weapons….a handgun vrs. a shotgun or a rifle….I think about how easy it would be for a stronger person to remove my weapon from my hand and use on me….

I remember back in the college days they wanted us to use a whistle ‘in case’….I remember I took a self defense class and how that didn’t work especially when you are a victim of someone’s adrenaline….I used to work in a health club and I would often close it…one night I practiced using pepper spray and it didn’t work….from there I requested a security guy to go with me, and to get to my car.

When I had little kids and husband was gone, I went through a drill of getting the weapon & loading – I had practiced using it….and then I thought: what if? What if I didn’t aim right, and it hit my kid through a wall? What If I did hit the bad guy, and big mess in the hall with my kids to see that? I decided that the bad guy would win if he wanted to rape me in order to save my kids.

Knowledge comes from the handling of the thing…like handling a car…..but nothing is a guarantee and we have to accept that. You can be the most experienced gun person, like you can be a professional driver – until a child steps in front of your car or a careless moment/misfire occurs.

We can’t all have a Lucas McCain nearby with his trusty rifle….and we certainly don’t want a Barney Fife in charge…..I do think we need a better idea or way of protection…a simple little thing to paralyze for a few minutes – that is all I need… tie up the bad guy and call the cops…{and a few kicks to the head while waiting]…..maybe something to wear on my person or around the neck/wrist and a mist solution that could shoot ten feet?

I think a lot about protection but I don’t always want to wait for someone to come along and ‘take care of it’ – and I think professional gun handlers should be employed at schools. I think we should get to know our neighbors and be able to depend on each other in case….I think the corrupt politicians should feel the same fear many of us do as we face more mental illness and many of these corrupt politicians are to blame for this mess….and stop allowing bad guys to wander into America… the guy they just caught from Brazil….how did he get here being a fugitive there?

1 year ago
Reply to  Susie

Some of what you expressed is why I don’t own a gun. However, I am very grateful to family members and any of my neighbors who do own guns and/or rifles. They know how to handle them and how to keep them out of their children’s hands and minds. The way I look at it is that if you aren’t sure you can trust yourself not to injure yourself or someone else by accident, then don’t risk it. A kitchen knife or over cleaner spray can help to protect. An unarmed citizenry is a frightening thought and those who would deny the right to bear arms should direct their actions towards criminal illegals and known criminal gangs and leave law abiding citizens in peace to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their property as each sees fit to do and is our right to so do.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susie

It’s really a matter of training, confidence, following the four basic rules of gun safety, planning out various scenarios and choosing the right weapon and ammunition that has the best chance of preventing overpenetration or least likely to cause a hazard in case of a miss. Modern pistols have no chance of going off unless there is a round in the chamber and the trigger is pulled. If you are going to have guns around or carry, you are responsible for putting in the time to train and research, especially to learn the self defense rules of your state. I also maintain concealed carry insurance that covers legal defense in the event that I have to use a weapon for self defense. Sounds like you might want to explore non- lethal options like good quality pepper spray (Pom makes a really high quality and compact one with a handy pocket clip). Byrna also makes a non- lethal pistol that fires either pepper balls or hard rubber bullets. ( they really hurt). Bottom line is that police can only protect you AFTER a crime has been committed. Having dealt with criminals most of my career, most of the time they pick an easy target, so situational awareness and home security are just as important as any self-defense strategy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susie

I might add that if you want to check out some training resources, Stavrula and her husband Mac from the You Tube Channel “ She Equips Herself” are starting an online “Practical Handgun Academy” next week that has modules online, then worksheets to practice at the range to up your skills. Her channel is a great resource for female shooters, who are turned off by a lot of the ex-military firearms instructors, with some great ideas on concealment tools and some other issues female shooters run into like managing recoil and other issues you mentioned.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Thanks GOMF for all your advice….

Francis Hamre
Francis Hamre
1 year ago
Reply to  Susie

Freedom is risky.

Steven veteran awakening
Steven veteran awakening
1 year ago

“You just aren’t safe” therefore we have decided the best course of action is to disarm everyone, that way we can easily identify who the baddies are and the victims will get a speedy burial. brilliant

1 year ago

Styx has a good theory.