Body Language – Satanic Ritual Murder & Abuse

Satanic Ritual Murder & Abuse

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1 year ago

Such a brave young lady. To have endured such depravity and debauchery. And then to know her daughter also witnessed and experienced these heinous EVIL People. May all of them rot in HELL for their crimes against the innocent. Praying for Theresa and all those like her, that they might know redemption and peace.
As for the perpetrators, I pray that their souls never rest! That God’s vengeance and judgement provide more torment than they ever perceived in this life!

Taytum Andi
Taytum Andi
1 year ago
Reply to  Chipparoo

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1 year ago

That grandmother “nan” plays with her mouth just like Nazi pelosi. Hmmm….

1 year ago

And now nikki haley wants to ‘humanize’ abortions….

Sex used to be a great thing….now, it has become a ‘pass the salt’, no big deal…thing. Makes me sick, and now I need to try to get some sleep after witnessing such horror….sweet dreams right?

What is next is ‘humanizing pedophilia’.

I commend you GOMF for trying to help the misguided soon-to-be murderers….it’s just getting so big and out of control.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susie

I think I helped a lot of the victims. I had no illusions about the offenders. Those I tried to contain and get to places where society would be protected from them as much as possible since there is almost no hope of diverting them from their compulsive perversion, as evidenced by decades of evidence. Only problem is the government disagrees.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susie

By the way, you called it. Children are being brainwashed in public schools to call pedophiles “Minor Attracted Persons” The leftist agenda is Satan’s agenda.

1 year ago

Spot on Mandy. I only dealt with about a dozen SRA victims, but hundreds and hundreds of incest and rape victims that were not ritualistic. Most were like Theresa. A few became abusers and manipulators themselves due to identification with the aggressor, especially males, but some females who became prostitutes and thieves at ages as early as 12. Brings back bad memories. Believe it people. It’s only worse now with the border wide open and sex and labor slavery rampant world wide. I was just doing research to get ready for my three minutes at the park district to object to trans penises in women’s locker rooms. Our county has 360 registered sex offenders. I have dealt with 4 of them as young teens and they continue their carnage into their 40’s. They don’t stop, in spite of treatment. The level of evil involved with the SRA cases was so bad, many of them were hospitalized in Chicago from all over the country for their safety, some had post- hypnotic suggestions to trigger suicide. Local police and even politicians were either involved or bought off.

Francis Hamre
Francis Hamre
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Would you mind explaining what you mean by “post-hypnotic suggestions to trigger suicide”? Are you saying these people have been programmed to commit suicide if questioned?

1 year ago
Reply to  Francis Hamre

Yes, a few I dealt with from Arizona. Code words and symbols. They were moved to Chicago for safety and we had to assess any communication due to this. Nothing happened as far as I know to the perpetrators.

Dave S
1 year ago

Jesus said in John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

1 year ago

well i can honestly say this video has traumatized me…

1 year ago

And nobody asked wjhere was the mom while all this was going on?? WTF??

1 year ago
Reply to  Badcat

That was the first question that came to my mind after the trauma eased up a bit. (Mickey wasn’t the only one traumatized by this video.) What happened to the dad? Was “Nan” her maternal or paternal grandmother? The video said she was left in the care of the grandmother. Why? What happened to her parents that they couldn’t raise their child? Why did they not know what kind of woman “Nan” is? Not even a hint? Once the family unit is destroyed, society goes bad. Another job well done by and for the despicable world elites. And as far as those “white hats” we mentioned in the video before this, I can only hope that if it’s true and they do have some sort of plan, that they hurry up and make these despicable degenerates their first target. That should take out a great many of the political elites who are bent on destroying God’s people.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

I have done a little research into the back story. The mother was in a failed relationship that broke up. She was, by her own description, unable to care for her two kids, one of whom was Teresa, so she sent the kids to the father. The father then moved in with his mother, “Nan”, then left the kids with her. There was never a clear description of how Teresa escaped. The mother thought Teresa’s problems were a result of the break up until Teresa started to talk about the events that took place. Teresa and the mother gave two interviews to 60 Minutes Australia, and disappeared. Unfortunately all of the hype surrounding the “Satanic Panic” of the mid to late 80’s caused crazy and unscrupulous psychiatrists who I knew of but will not name to start using hypnosis to create repressed memories of SRA, putting all of their victims on one unit, which reinforced the repressed memories with each other. When these things were discredited and said psychiatrist was sued successfully by his victims, it caused people to discount the real cases. The one case I had that was fully investigated, the young man was given hallucinogenic drugs and forced to participate in what were probably simulated and animal sacrifices in an abandoned church. The police found evidence of the break in at the church and painted symbolism inside. Whatever happened to Teresa, her non- verbals and even speech, as Mandy pointed out, are consistent with a severely traumatized person. There are more Epsteins and elites that participated in abuse who await justice.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Thank you for the research. Gotta wonder what was up with the father and what happened to the other child, but I won’t dwell on it. It will just upset me more. Very much unlike that father, you, my friend, are what a man is supposed to be. You provide and you protect and you do it with God’s love. I admire you for that, as I’m sure others here do, as well. I just want to make one little adjustment to your last sentence, since those pervs think they are above the laws of God and man. There are more Epsteins and elites that participated in abuse for whom justice is waiting. May our Lord continue to bless you and those you love, GOMF.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Thank you, Nonna. In 43 years of mental health work you see so many things you wish you could forget. Unfortunately for me, I still have a really good memory. By the last 18 years, I finally met my match when I started working with the same group of kids for an extremely long time in the Therapeutic School who would go in and out of stability. Many were too traumatized for that level of care, but we did our best. Only daily prayer for guidance and strength got me through that. Most “civilians” as I used to call them have no idea of what the effects of that kind of abuse are like, and probably don’t want to know. It really and truly was fighting a spiritual war on a daily basis.