Body Language – Deleted Tucker Scene, J6 Capitol Hill Police Chief

Body Language - Deleted Tucker Scene, J6 Capitol Hill Police Chief

Body Language - Deleted Tucker Scene, J6 Capitol Hill Police Chief

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1 year ago

to this day i still cant believe these people are locked up
in solitary confinement aka the digger or QR- quite room the hole etc.
talk about the true meaning of claustrophobia,
its like being berried alive in my opinion.
not to mention as already stated those who died.
yes i know two wrongs dont make a rite,
though if i had my way the meaning of vigilante wouldn’t do it justice.
all those who orchestrated and went along with this witch hunt should all
be rounded up one day. the rest is self evident…

Above the Law – what law !!!

1 year ago

We know why he wasn’t allowed to do his job. It’s for the same reason innocent people (and one murdered in cold blood) were arrested and still being kept in prison. As long as we still have people, like this police chief, Tucker Carlson, Pres. Trump, etc., who have the courage of their convictions to speak out and act on those convictions, all is not lost. Keep the faith and fight the good fight (which, for any woke people reading this, means peacefully and without resorting to yelling “racist!” when you can’t come up with anything of real substance). As far as the poor quality of this video, was that on purpose? I recall another video, one of Mother Angelica on full blown rant against the woke American Bishops that went viral, was also of poor quality. Does anyone know enough about technical stuff to answer the question of whether or not the poor quality is deliberate?

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

As far as the audio quality, since the video was released by the National Pulse, in the state it aired in, it is possible that after Tucker’s departure, they attempted to destroy the clip but failed. There are a lot of unhappy campers at Fox that could have leaked it to the NP if they found it. Just to add to the truth about Jan. 6th, not only was Ashley Babbitt gunned down by officer Byrd, but Roseanne Boyland was crushed, beaten with a baton by Capitol Police while unconscious, and denied medical treatment before she expired. The medical examiner ruled her death a drug overdose, then had the body cremated to hide the evidence. Benjamin Phillips died of a stroke after being struck in the chest with either a rubber bullet or tear gas canister fired at an inappropriate range into the crowd. Kevin Greeson died of a heart attack while in the Capitol and a false story was circulated by the media that he accidentally tased himself to create the illusion that he was armed. The homes of many sitting in the DC Gulag were raided at gunpoint and are being held without bail while Antifa and Fed instigators like John Sullivan and Ray Epps walk free. Good for Chief Sund. Definitely buying his book.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

It’s even worse than that. It’s just as GOMF3602 said.
There were far more people killed and mutilated by the capital police than the news covered. Furthermore, there is documentation to prove it. All of that was squished.
There’s a deluge coming.

1 year ago

The NSA monitoring everything and even noted Sundlands issues.