Body Language – Goldman, The Biden’s Forecast

Goldman, The Biden's Forecast

Goldman, The Biden's Forecast

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1 year ago

In the irony of all ironies, Dan Goldman, who was the Chief Counsel for the democrats in the first Trump impeachment, is out there trying to defend Biden from corruption charges involved with the same thing Donald Trump asked the President of Ukraine to investigate during the “perfect phone call”. Karma is a bitch.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

this would have been good to see. i wonder how long this impeachment inquiry will be?

1 year ago
Reply to  Mandy

Not that I trust most Republicans, but if they had any sense they would impeach Garfinkle and Mayorkas. They would be able to subpoena so much incriminating evidence it would bury Biden and force him to resign. But sadly they rarely play offense.

Braelyn Celia
Braelyn Celia
1 year ago
Reply to  Mandy

I love bombards!!!

Lacey Amiri
Lacey Amiri
1 year ago
Reply to  Mandy

I love Bombards!!!

Aileen Macy
Aileen Macy
1 year ago
Reply to  Mandy

I love Bombards!!!

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

It’s going to prove that everything they accused Donald Trump of was is exactly what they themselves were doing all along.

1 year ago

An easy way to determine if inverted is to look at buttoned shirts
Men’s shirts have buttons on right side (meaning left goes over right) snd women’s shirts have buttons on left side (meaning right goes over left)

Based on that guys button shirt in back left this video is not inverted and usually isn’t for news broadcasts

Only selfie mode (or live streamers or anyone who looks at themselves when filming) is inverted to not drive them cognitively crazy

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago

The Young Folks definitely know that Goldman is lying. I wonder if they’ve also seen the evidence. At this point, it’s been all over the place for the last 3 years. Kind of hard to believe they didn’t see it.
The only thing missing is the media’s role in covering it all up at the behest of all the players involved.

Francis Hamre
Francis Hamre
1 year ago

I don’t think it’s inverted because of location of ring on left hand ring finger (I assume that’s a wedding ring anyways).

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago

What’s funny about is this is that the Republicans, and some democrats, have already seen the evidence. They already know what the answers are. Hunter had over 450 Federal felonies on that laptop, and it’s all over but the excuses.
Keep in mind that An Excuse Is A Reason Hidden With A Lie.
That’s why it’s so easy to see that it’s an excuse.
Goldman is going to prove what a snake he is, while trying to get these people out of certain prison sentences.
Things are going down this way for a reason. You have to show the dumb ones what a two-tiered justice system looks like.
Everything is a show, intended to show us all what we’ve been dealing with, what our parents dealt with, what our grandparents dealt with. It’s always been this way.
The difference is, once informed, we have a choice to do something about it. Then, that’s where the nut-cutting is going to start.
Keep in mind that almost all of the 80 year olds in Congress were in on this. It’s way bigger than most people have any idea of. We all saw the Gathering of The Club at GHWB’s funeral.