Body Language – RFK in the ring

RFK in the ring

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1 year ago

RFK Jr. Is a very interesting and intelligent guy. He has a very accurate understanding of history and the mistakes of the past. The way the Democrats deceptively attacked him shows, that like President Trump, he is an enemy of the deep state. His book about Fauci exposed a lot of the junk science involved with medical research, untested vaccines and big pharma. But, he has BIG blind spots. If he applied the same skepticism and research to what he blindly assumes about CO2 man caused climate change, which I think is more filled with junk science than anything else, he would realize that the policies promoted by the climate change hysterics are more destructive to the planet than judicious use of plentiful resources like natural gas and a worse solution to electrical needs than Integral Fast Reactors which use spent nuclear rods as fuel and produce only 5% of the waste that is so much less radioactive that is needs no safe storage after 60 years. I like him too, but his skills are best used in an area he has expertise in. He has too many blind spots so far, but he is honest and worth listening to. He is also willing to engage and a fighter.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

I remember discussions in research facilities about implementation of thorium reactors, as they are much cleaner and do not create so much radioactive spent fuel. Haven’t seen a thorium reactor story published since 1980 something.
If you look at how many nuclear reactors we’ve had in this country, and there are very many, probably 25% of them are online. The rest have been mothballed, cocooned, decommissioned, made into museums, etc. That’s really not a good look for “technological progress”. In fact, it’s a bit embarrassing.

1 year ago

They have had different names for this process over the years. About five years ago I talked to a retired physicist from Argonne Labs. He was calling them modular nuclear reactors, with interchangeable parts that are about the size of a small house and can power a city of 50,000. They use liquid sodium as a coolant and are 95% efficient as opposed to about 7% for conventional. No risk of meltdown. If the coolant fails the reactor is automatically shut down. They use spent rods from the old plants as fuel, which gets rid of them and the minimal waste has a half life of 30 years. So you have to ask yourself, “If we have this technology, why are we implementing non- functional solar and wind turbines?”

Giana Keyla
Giana Keyla
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Start utilizing Google to work from home! It’s far and away the best job I’ve ever had. I received a brand-new BMW on last Wednesday after receiving a check for 13474 USD earlier in the month. o9 I had been doing this for eight months when I immediately began to bring home at least 50USD per hour. I use this link and go to the tech page to
see my work details…

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

I do not think he is an enemy to the deep state. What is he against beside the quax mandates? He will not fight for the truth, just as we were hoodwinked with Trump (giving us a few morsels, but did not do anything significant). Anyone up for president has been groomed for one world domination.

1 year ago
Reply to  madvinmryk

Not trying to defend the guy, (his history during his drug using and womanizing days make his Uncle Ted look like an amateur, including his wife hanging herself in the garage after being repeatedly humiliated by his promiscuity), but at least he calls out the CIA for killing his uncle and father and points out that they are still doing the same type of things 60 years later. I wouldn’t be surprised if they whack him too if he starts gaining ground in the polls. The only reason he is still breathing is that they don’t think he has a chance and know the mockingbird media will not let him succeed on that issue or the Covid hoax.

Francis Hamre
Francis Hamre
1 year ago
Reply to  madvinmryk

I think you’re right and I think RFK is just a distraction so the dems can have a trump-esque candidate on their side.

1 year ago

It seems to me that RFK, Jr. is doing a lot more to expose the fake act of the Dems than most of the GOP put together has. The problem for him is that his party has gone full blown Marxist and they don’t like him because he won’t go along with their commie nwo agenda. But do not forget that he is still, and always will be, a liberal. He will not compromise his liberal values (that only seem moderate in these times) to even consider accepting a winning Trump/Kennedy ticket in 2024. I do applaud him for having the courage of his convictions about the jab and the deep state, but on other issues, not so much to not much at all. Yes, he is a fighter. So was his father. I just hope he doesn’t have his father’s hubris. In outright rejecting a Trump/Kennedy ticket, I suspect that hubris is there and might be full blown and that’s not good. I couldn’t help but notice that while he proudly stated that he has always gotten the flu vaccine, he didn’t mention those flu vaccines is what crapped up his speaking ability. Something’s off with that convenient omission at that time. He shouldn’t have mentioned it at all. Heck, I even remember him going all over the place carrying on about fossil fuels, carbon emissions, and pollution and telling people they have to adjust their behavior in those matters, yet that whole time he was using his own private jet to go to the places where he was giving that message. Hubris.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Might be a little too early to talk about, but I remember “Operation Chaos”, which ultimately backfired and gave us 8 years of Obama, but if Kennedy keeps getting closer and Trump has the primary sewed up, why not?

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Operation Chaos was created by those who surrounded John F Kennedy, back in the 1950s and early ’60s. They betrayed him, killed him, and then created the offshoots of Operation Northwoods.
When John F Kennedy exposed Operation Northwoods, they simply killed him, shut down Northwoods, and put two other operations in his place.
Just like HYDRA…
I’ve been saying this since 2008, you have to think of these “conspiracies”, these International organizations are like SPECTRE and HYDRA, because they are every bit that way. They are heavily organized, multiplied in their economics 10 times over by multi-billionaires and they are manned by people who are easily manipulated into an agenda.
Ian Fleming was in on the start of the OSI, knew everything about espionage, counter espionage, and dirty tricks. He lived on Jamaica’s Port Antonio, writing about those very things which became James Bond movies. And, if you look hard enough, but you don’t have to, you’re going to see the real world inferences in every last movie. It’s as though they were screaming it to you on the screen.
In keeping with the policy, the rule, the guideline, whatever you want to call it, of “telling you everything they’re going to do before they do it”, they literally “Telegraph” on the big screen the things are going to do, have done, and are doing.
Everything in the last 75 years is that way.

1 year ago

You’re right, but I think GOMF was referring to Rush Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos to mess with the Dem primaries.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Now that you mention it, I remember Rush Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos.
Nevertheless, it’s more appropriate to reconcile and investigate Operation Chaos as an offshoot of Operation Northwoods.
Keep in mind that both parties, Democrat AND Republican, espouse these policies, causing the CIA to violate its directive and work within the United States.
It didn’t take very long for George HW Bush, the Clintons, and the Obamas to wreck this country while using those resources.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

The “Operation Chaos”, which Rush Limbaugh spoke of and promoted, was in direct reaction to the way Democrats have always conducted their business. I still remember when Lyndon Johnson was running for congress, and people were literally being beaten and kidnapped to keep them from going to the campaigns and polls.
Hillary Clinton took it to a new level, by being the bitch that stood in front of her husband. It was Hillary who challenged everybody to “do whatever it takes”, which was pretty much saying “by any means necessary”, or, as her fellow commies say, “the end justifies the means”.
Democrats have always blown those whistles.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

The way I looked at those elections Obama won is that the GOP gave us shitfull candidates, McCain and Romney. I know I didn’t vote for them and don’t regret it at all. Of course I wasn’t happy with the winner, but I didn’t see the point of voting for the lesser evil. Evil is still evil. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who thought that and sat it out. As to your question, “why not”, I’m still a bit foggy brained this morning (allergies), why not what?

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

I was 33 years old when I realized that not voting meant that I did not fulfill an obligation and responsibility to give my voice to the process. It didn’t matter to me that George HW Bush was the lesser of two evils. He was still better than Bill Clinton by a large margin. We let Bill Clinton win, and Hillary took over. No amount of saying *why* you didn’t vote justifies that.
I still feel guilty that I waited until I was 33. Nevertheless, I’m happy with those who won along the way, except for Jimmy Carter.
By the way, Jimmy Carter was not all that genteel. He gave an order that no one was to look at him or talk to him before 9:00 a.m.. ALL of my Navy friends had a lot to say about Jimmy Carter. None of it was nice. It was pretty much along the lines of the way they spoke of John Kerry.

1 year ago

When I was in my 30s I realized that it didn’t matter. The system (in my state) is rigged. The only obligation I felt and still feel to cast a vote is to send a message and hope others will send that message, too. If our candidate wins, all the better. By sitting those elections out, I sent the message that neither was acceptable. You aren’t in a position to judge me. Your obligation is the same as mine: Do what your conscience tells you to do!

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Even In a rigged state, like Illinois, there are still a few things you can do to fight it. Thanks to Judicial Watch and the Illinois Conservative Union, we just won a lawsuit to get our hands on the same voter roll information as the parties get. What will probably follow is a settled lawsuit with Judicial Watch to get many of the duplicate and 150 year old voters removed from the rolls, which is one of the ways they currently cheat. We also FOIAed political donation lists and uncovered the fact that County Republican leadership, made donations to Democrats who won county offices and then appointed them to no-work jobs. When confronted, they were defiant, but lost alot of long-term donors.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

We’ve been finding out for the last 3 years that there is plenty that we can do to clean voter rolls, but we have to be in large numbers with it. Judicial Watch, Seth Ketchel, Kari Lake, and others have been instrumental in this.
If you can’t participate, at least try and back them.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Get active in your local government, go to the party rallies, get involved. That’s what you can do.
Don’t be offended that someone judges you on this.

1 year ago

There you go again. You’re presuming that I’m not politically active in my community. You don’t know me at all. Fortunately, the people in my community do know me and we work together to get things done. Even most (not all) of the many, many liberals here know they can have civil discussions with me and come to an understanding, respecting each other’s opinions, even if we don’t agree about everything or even anything. It’s not so much that I am offended by your judgment of me as it is that you feel the need to judge me, especially when you are no position to do so. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to mine. But, you are in no way entitled to judge me, a person you know next to nothing about (and vice versa). Let he who is without sin cast the first stone and judge not lest ye be judged. Words to live by, my friend.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

“There you go again”, being easily intimidated and insulted… Like I said before, if the shoe fits wear it. Otherwise don’t try to put it on.
If you’re active in your community, getting involved in your political process, good for you. I’m simply making suggestions. Get off your high horse, and grow some maturity..

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

I was referring To Rush Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos” And the Question “Why Not?” meaning if Trump has the primary well in hand and you live in a hopelessly blue state anyway, why not flip parties in the primary, vote for Kennedy and create chaos for the Democrats. I did this once before when Jesse Jackson was running for president against Paul Simon, I think prior to Reagan’s second term. You are right, McCain and Romney were awful, but it was a different time. If I knew then what I know now… but I also knew at the time exactly who Obama was and how he got where he was at the time. Being from Illinois, and doing some digging into his past, his taxes and knowing how he got to the Senate, I supported those guys as the lesser of two evils. Now I think they intended to lose, sort of like Bernie Sanders, who made his wife his campaign manager and she pocketed 10% of funds raised in both campaigns.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

You nailed it on every point. Furthermore, I can’t stand hearing Kennedy talk. That’s just me. It’s not that I don’t like *him*. I don’t want to hear that texture of the voice, and that constant halting and stuttering while speaking. And, yes, you mentioned something I had long forgotten. He was injured by flu vaccines. He doesn’t want to admit that, now, but that’s what happened.
I agree with Kennedy’s assessment. I don’t agree with his liberal means of doing things.
I grew up in a family of staunch democrats, who believed that you can give each of your kids a coupon and go to limit three five times through the line at the grocery store. Always finding ways of bending the rules, skirting the necessary guidelines, never confronting the evil of policies. These are the same people, though, who lived through the depression, who kept their money under the bed.
Donald Trump is the same scrapper, he speaks well, and he gave us very many good things in his first time in office. I want that again. And, if Kennedy wants that, he can tag along. After all, his family did nothing but sit on the sidelines for the last 50 years, allowing, condoning, and promoting everything that’s transpired.
I haven’t forgotten the friendship between John F Kennedy, Junior, and Donald J. Trump. It’s one reason why Donald Trump went down that escalator and declared his candidacy for president. There is a whole lot more to that, a whole lot more, than there is in Robert F Kennedy Jr. Don’t get me wrong. Robert F Kennedy has a justifiable vindication to achieve.
I’m not ready to give up on Donald Trump, and Making America Great Again.
As for Plaskett, I call her “Plastic”. Even my phone does. She does everything in a contrived and single-purposed fashion. Very much like Big Mike Obama. In fact, being from the American Virgin islands, I suspect that there is a close bond between the Obamas and the “Plastics”. Familial in nature, in fact. It’s time to drop the tired BLM narrative and get back to reality.
There is nothing in the Democrat Party World that I want to see on this planet.
At this point, and it *may* be asking too much, I would be willing to see a silent partner in Robert Kennedy Jr, acting in the background as Vice President, and Donald Trump as president doing everything right up front.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

If he gets “elected” he will go along. without a doubt.
When has a politician EVER made good on a promise that meant anything? Not lately anyway.

1 year ago

Correction Plaskett: Quackcines are life threatening, not life saving, you dingbat. Sounds to me like Kennedy will not change very much, except for possibly vax mandates, but the lie will go forward, the lie being that the plandemic is real, viruses on the loose in the air will get you (THAT lie was proven a lie during the so-called spanish flu) AND that germs are the enemy, giving false credence to the germ hypothesis and drugs via the pharmeceuticals. (I don’t give a damn that I misspelled it)