I think we have to keep in mind that Wray is a lawyer and thinks like one. Though he may not be a total psychopath, as a lawyer he has a tremendous ability to compartmentalize blame. I believe he knows that the Justice Department is politicized and is selectively making prosecutorial decisions based on politics. In his lawyer mind, his agency only investigates and has nothing to do with prosecutorial decisions. Even though he is getting smacked down by courts on FISA, warrantless surveillance and inducing social media to censor political information, in his lawyer mind, he has no guilt because FBI counsel gave him an opinion that what they were doing was legal, so he is not guilty of a crime because he has no intent. I have never known a lawyer who wastes any energy thinking about right and wrong. That is why he has discomfort when the use of SWAT teams to raid the homes of non-violent suspects who are willing to turn themselves in is pointed out. He is being asked to think in terms of right and wrong, fairness and unfairness, and honesty versus hypocrisy, none of which computes for a lawyer. Until we have leaders in agencies with morality instead of legalese mentality, we will get more of the same.
As Mandy said: He knows he isn’t in any trouble. They ALL know it. I’ve been saying this for a long time. They have NO fear. They are so comfortable. They have it all under control. They KNOW there will be NO accountability!! They will continue the lies and corruption – everything they are planning will come to fruition. NOTHING and NO ONE will be accountable! And the corruption will be complete. Just watch all of liberals. They aren’t worried about ANYTHING!! And I AGREE with you about these stupid military tribunal discussions. They are NOT happening and it’s ridiculous to think that is happening. NO ..what is happening is they are all on the same page and they will corrupt the government to their satisfaction, and we will all be sitting out here knowing what they are doing and having no one and no way to stand against them. It is so sad and so frustrating.
I think we have to keep in mind that Wray is a lawyer and thinks like one. Though he may not be a total psychopath, as a lawyer he has a tremendous ability to compartmentalize blame. I believe he knows that the Justice Department is politicized and is selectively making prosecutorial decisions based on politics. In his lawyer mind, his agency only investigates and has nothing to do with prosecutorial decisions. Even though he is getting smacked down by courts on FISA, warrantless surveillance and inducing social media to censor political information, in his lawyer mind, he has no guilt because FBI counsel gave him an opinion that what they were doing was legal, so he is not guilty of a crime because he has no intent. I have never known a lawyer who wastes any energy thinking about right and wrong. That is why he has discomfort when the use of SWAT teams to raid the homes of non-violent suspects who are willing to turn themselves in is pointed out. He is being asked to think in terms of right and wrong, fairness and unfairness, and honesty versus hypocrisy, none of which computes for a lawyer. Until we have leaders in agencies with morality instead of legalese mentality, we will get more of the same.
I always look forward to your salient comments Mr. GOMF
Mandy & staff are really crushing it the past few weeks – very much appreciated!
It’s like it’s just a show and they’re just passing time.
Every time i watch these videos
I realize I’ve been dumb down my whole life,
but at least now i realize that i am dumb !!!
Thank you Mandy – I think lol !!!
HB Jenny cotton ball – 41
with all my Heart !!!
14th Not 15th
took to long typing duuuuu lol !!!
I love Bombards!!!
As Mandy said: He knows he isn’t in any trouble. They ALL know it. I’ve been saying this for a long time. They have NO fear. They are so comfortable. They have it all under control. They KNOW there will be NO accountability!! They will continue the lies and corruption – everything they are planning will come to fruition. NOTHING and NO ONE will be accountable! And the corruption will be complete. Just watch all of liberals. They aren’t worried about ANYTHING!! And I AGREE with you about these stupid military tribunal discussions. They are NOT happening and it’s ridiculous to think that is happening. NO ..what is happening is they are all on the same page and they will corrupt the government to their satisfaction, and we will all be sitting out here knowing what they are doing and having no one and no way to stand against them. It is so sad and so frustrating.