Body Language – Hope for Canada

Hope for Canada

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1 year ago

Finally a Canadian man who will stand up to WEF/ China collaborator Tampon Boy! Maybe it has finally gotten bad enough that people have had enough. Just got home from a park district meeting where about 175 pissed off parents in a normally docile town said a resounding “No!” To allowing female impersonators with male genitalia in women’s and girls locker rooms, in some cases shouting down the word games and legalese. If it’s happening it’s about damn time.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

How did the board handle it? Did you get to give them your message, too, and if so, how was it received?

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

It was encouraging that so many were there and politely irate for the most part. The board made a double speak statement that the policy was not changed and that they have never voted on the issue , implying that the statement made in the press by the facilities manager that locker rooms were available based on sexual identity was a rogue action, which I don’t believe. Their attorney who was there, I think under duress , spent the whole time looking down, covering his mouth with his hands, and made a similar statement at the end. He was the one who advised them, based on case law and contradictory to statue to change their practice, I firmly believe. I think they forced him to face the music. He had all the body language of a caught psychopath. They let us all speak for three minutes and did not intervene if somebody exceeded their limit, correctly sensing that some were ready to light the torches. Message sent. It was clear that those there will not let the issue go. Several parents told stories of traumatized middle school girls who were school refusing due to trans boys in the girl’s bathrooms, since our schools are allowing this barbarity. Since so many had already made my points, I focused mostly on my expertise in mental health about how unstable most trans individuals are and how a good percentage of them are fetisihists, who derive sexual gratification from dressing as the opposite sex and exposing themselves, and also how enabling the delusional thought processes of mentally ill people only makes them worse. I also spent some of my time on the social contagion itself and the responsibility of the board to lead instead of submitting to a fad that is based upon on lies. I noticed the board members squirming when speakers quoted scripture, so I stayed away from that and focused on their character as leaders instead.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Good for you and everyone who spoke out! Was the matter finally decided then or do they need more time to wrangle out of the mess?

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

“This issue is not on tonight’s agenda, but it will be put on the agenda at the next meeting” We are acquaintances of the Park District Director, having worked with him on Historic Commission Events. He has seen the two of us arouse the public through the press to prevent the destruction of historic buildings multiple times. When he saw us in the crowd he rolled his eyes and looked like he needed some Tums.

Anika Marisol
Anika Marisol
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

I love Bombards!!!

takow18054 takow18054
takow18054 takow18054
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

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William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago

I refuse to expose myself to anything “soyboy castro” says or does.
Anyone who speaks against him is on my side.

1 year ago

well then am on ya side,
I hope she-he gets pregnant so i can tell the none believers ah ah told you so.
I think Canada is screwed big time,
even if this P-air guy wins i think he already said some of the fire arms that are removed
will stay removed…Crappppppp…
I think he said that or something like that,
I do like him however i will vote for PPC, Peoples Party of Canada.
Because he was in the fight from the word go.
when it comes to fire arms in my opinion of course I figure if
the government takes them away from law biding people then we the people
should attain such fire arms in any way possible be it legally or not Period…
or move to a place where you can own such tools !!!

Jeffrey Allan
Jeffrey Allan
1 year ago

We should be focusing on the fascist direction Trudeau is imposing on Canadians first and foremost. He did what the Nazi’s did in 1933 Germany by making it illegal to critique and protest against government overreach and censorship. Little Nazi Trudeau needs a lesson in freedom of speech and our right to peaceful protest. He is NOT our ruler as he believes. He’s merely our representative as a nation. A free nation strong and free which he deliberately stole from us. So now what? We have to rewrite our national anthem? Why don’t we have the power to impeach?? Ship him back to Cuba and revoke his citizenship. Oppressors have no place in Canadian’s lives or in government. What this government has done to me is inexcusable. Unforgivable. Unethical and unfair. Not my country anymore.

Jeffrey Allan
Jeffrey Allan
1 year ago

Little Justin is literally the pot calling the kettle black. What a pathetic Cuban hypocrite.

1 year ago

I think the name “Tampon Boy” should be trade marked Mandy,
before the Trans community sweeps it up,

and i hope that they make a song for Tamp-On Boy
like they did for “81 million votes my ass” – God i love that song !!!
Canada needs a song about Tamp-On Boy aka Yo-B
we also need a real good song about fire arms and what happened
to those who gave up there fire arms…
and yes theres still a few people who live next to me who say they love Tamp-On Boy
because of his father, WTF,
as i listen i start speed thinking on how can i make it look like an accident lol
I can see it now – what seems to be the Officer Problem, Nope didnt see a thing lol
I dont know whats worse the Tamp-On Boy or the people telling me they like his hair.

I guess if i had to point fingers I would blame “Walter Disney”
another Tam-On Boy who ruined cartoons and every thing good – Bastard !!!