Body Language – Jerome Powell, Jack in the box

Jerome Powell, Jack in the box

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1 year ago

Things done in the dark, like rigged elections and things brought to fruition by bought and paid for judges, senators and congress critters, have serious consequences for everyone, including these perps who make it happen, which I believe is why Powell is so nervous. He talks about the “independence” of the “federal” reserve, an entity that should never have existed in the first place. Yet, he is a nervous wreck while he defends that so called “independence”. Seems he knows damn well there isn’t any independence for anything and anyone right now.

“The globalist dictatorship — imposed and financed by well-known conspirators — does not value diversity but rather seeks to annul it; it does not want our freedom but rather our enslavement to vice, our dependence on a PERVERTED POWER THAT REWARDS ONLY ITS ACCOMPLICES (emphasis mine), and our subjection to the elite caste of corrupt people whom no one has elected and no one dares to arrest for high treason.” (Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, June 16, 2023)

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

I think the most important part of Archbishop Vigano’s letter was how he sums up everything that is happening in multiple areas under the words of Satan himself “You will be like Gods”. Everything from abortion, euthanasia, climate change, trans ideology, fornication, child abuse, transhumanism, medical tyranny even manipulation of the economy to enrich the elites, falls under this temptation and abomination. Going to the meeting of our local park district to protest the allowing of biological males in women and girls’ locker rooms and vice versa, and displays of gay pride propaganda at our local children’s petting zoo. Of course they will blame the lawyers and ignore me while waiting for my time to be up. Maybe I will end with a prayer for their repentance to save themselves from eternal damnation in the fires of hell. That might make it more interesting.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Yes, they have replaced Almighty God with themselves and expect us to bow down to them and forget God and His Commandments. Good for you for going to speak out about the sick, evil agenda. I know you won’t let them blame anyone else before blaming themselves for being accomplices to evil instead of trying to fight it with truth. A prayer at the end might help one (or more?) to comprehend the severity of the situation and repent. Please let us know what happens.

jawih75900 jawih75900
jawih75900 jawih75900
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna
1 year ago

Yeah, even before he started reading the answer, I realized he must have had the question beforehand. Yes, I found it odd that he seemed to be hunting through his papers WHILE the question was being asked (and the question sounded complex) so how was he supposed to answer such a question when he wasn’t listening to it?

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago

This guy reminds you of a jackrabbit standing behind a weed, wondering whether it’s big enough to hide him from the hunter. He’s like Michael J Fox on a bad day.
He knows the stuff he wrote down isn’t fooling anybody. So, he’s just going through the motions, hoping somebody doesn’t pull the trigger.
These Central bankers have been pulling a scam since 1913. People weren’t as smart, back then. They trusted the government. The central bank, the Federal Reserve, is not a federal entity. They are not legally created. It’s way past time to remove them.

Roselyn Louisa
Roselyn Louisa
1 year ago

I love Bombards

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago

He mentioned the independent nature of the Federal Reserve, at that. He doesn’t care that the public knows that the Federal Reserve DOES NOT SERVE THE PUBLIC.

Time for people to start asking the question. Who DOES the Federal Reserve serve?

fidayi6634 fidayi6634
fidayi6634 fidayi6634
1 year ago

I love Bombards!!!