Body Language – Putin after The Battle of Bakhmut

Putin after The Battle of Bakhmut

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1 year ago

It’s a sad commentary that a foreign totalitarian dictator has more credibility than the president of the United States. Sad but true. Check out Tara Reade’s statement about defecting to Russia because she will be safe from being locked up on false pretenses or killed in her own country.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Ed Snowden had to flee our country for exposing how our(?) government is spying on law abiding American citizens just minding their own business and now Tara Reade feels she has to get away from our(?) government to live in peace, without fear. Look at the way our money is being sent to other countries and spent where the American people don’t want it to go while Congress keeps on and on and on increasing the debt limit to accommodate everybody except the ordinary, moral, American people. There’s a whole lot of finger pointing we can do within our(?) government at so many levels, past and present. Like I’ve said before, I won’t condemn Putin for putting his people and their country’s interests first and foremost, dammit. The whole thing gives new meaning to the words “totalitarian dictator(s)”.

Again, just a reminder, STOP FEEDING THE TROLLS! Just ignore them. As of now, 3 people put some money in Emerie Lylah’s pocket with their downvotes. Just ignore them!

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Not to mention Julian Assange. I went fishing yesterday with two never Trumpers who were moaning about having to choose between Trump and Biden. I told them it was a perfect choice between a corrupt government that is sold out to multiple countries, or somebody who will at least try to put American interests first. They countered with the usual ” he got impeached twice, stole classified documents, etc. etc. ect.” I said ” You just proved my point- the corrupt people who have been destroying our country for the last several decades will stop at nothing to stop someone who might threaten their interests” Subject changed.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Julian Assange most of all! I was just focused on Russia and the words “totalitarian dictator”. Assange in is Great Britain and I haven’t heard anyone use those words about them (although a case can be probably be made by one or more countries still under British rule). Ya done good. Keep on chipping away at the lies and at the least you give them food for thought. Some might wake up.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

The most telling thing about Julian Assange’s case is the fact that nothing he’s ever divulged has been untrue. Everything Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have posted has been true.
That puts the full weight and burden of proof on the people who hold him to prove anything different. And, we are all watching.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Yes and it’s a case of the pot calling the kettle black when ‘our’ media talks trash against the Russian media. I’m to the point that I believe RT way before CNN or even Fox.

1 year ago
Reply to  madvinmryk

Now the propagandists are trying to spin the Tara Reade situation that she was a “Russian Asset” all along. It is absolutely disgusting. I started wearing a hat around town with “Russian Asset” on it. It has started more positive conversations with hypnotized citizens about how every time they hear the words “Russian Asset”, “institutional racism”, ‘climate crisis” or other buzz words they are being lied to and manipulated.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

There is one word that when I hear it from a politician or the news media my mind shuts off automatically. “Systemic”. Once I hear that word, my mind goes elsewhere and I honestly don’t hear anything else that is being said.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Whenever I see or hear any member of the MSM use that word, “systemic”, I know I’m talking to a sycophant puppet. They probably didn’t know what that word meant, until they had to look it up.
Some will be saved, not all. I just try to keep in mind that it’s not my duty to filter them. That’s GOD’s job. And, HE’s doing it while we watch.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Imagine an entire class of people who believe a certain way, and everything they don’t believe is a Russian asset, Russian disinformation, or some other cognitive dissonance symptom which they exhibit so well.
I have been entertained by this lack of critical thinking in great many people, almost my entire life.
There are no multiple truths. There is only one truth. That’s the reality we live in. Anyone who constructs their own reality is somebody I turn my back to. I have very seldom found that these people can be changed, or convinced of anything different, from what they have convinced themselves of.

1 year ago

Very true. The sad reality is that it has taken about a century for the communist infiltrators to turn a once strong nation into a nation of sheep with no critical thinking skills. Almost all of the people I know swallow every form of bullshit from the media and the left, hook, line and sinker. Brannon Howse’s book Grave Influence explains the process in detail. Doesn’t really matter because the damage is done. Senator McCarthy was right.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  madvinmryk

The last 45 years have shown us that our mainstream media is exactly like Pravda, and is replete, and pervaded, with false information which is purposely created to control the population.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago

It’s hard for me to grasp how long this has been going on. The whole lie about the relationship between the people running our country and the people running Eastern Europe.
It looks, now, like we were sold a bill of goods for quite some time. Nevertheless, I still believe that there were people in the Soviet Union who victimized their people, and aggrandized themselves in the process. The very same thing is happening in the United States, and we see it very well, now.
That said, I listened to the words which Vladimir Putin gave in his speeches over the last 10 or 12 years. His concern was about his people, about Orthodox Christianity in Russia, and about the decadence and criminal behavior being perpetrated throughout not only his country, but all over the world.
What he said was true. No one can deny it. So, we have to look at the actions taken by the individual who said the words. I can’t find anything untoward or unlawful on the part of Vladimir Putin. On the other hand, I see a lot of corruption, perversion, and outright trees and committed by the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, and their cronies.
They weaponized social media to squash the truth. People’s lives were changed and destroyed over this.
Don’t forget the Justice that needs to come for the treason they committed.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago

The first time I began to see that Vladimir Putin was actually working toward protecting the people of his country, and trying to maintain stability in the region, was back around 2014. Members of our United States Congress, as well as Barack Obama and Joe Biden, conspired to build bio labs, traffic human beings, and launder money in the Ukraine region.
The above is not a belief, it’s a fact. It’s already been established as a matter of history. And, these people are trying to their death to keep from being prosecuted for treason.
They have literally been doing everything they can to keep the American people from finding out how guilty they are, even to the point of undermining and preventing a duly elected president from accomplishing his job.
They committed treason even before Donald Trump ran for office. They undermined his campaign, they tried to discredit his reputation, they filed false information, they pulled off a kangaroo court to try and impeach him three times, now.
Starting on January 5th of 2017, they chose to use “whatever means necessary”, and many of those people who perpetrated these crimes on our president, and against our people, have been overage to be where they are at. Nevertheless, they managed to aggrandize themselves in the billions of dollars while they kept us from seeing any of it.
Their crimes, their conspiracies, require us to understand that they must be punished. We have sat by, stood down, and watched, while we have waited for those who are still asleep to wake the hell up.
Yes, we are all getting stretched very thin. But, that drip of true information has turned into a stream. There is more to come.. much more.

Emerie Lylah
Emerie Lylah
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