Body Language – The Debt Ceiling, Place Your Bets

The Debt Ceiling, Place Your Bets

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1 year ago

Not my area of expertise. I do know Congress supposedly controls the purse strings, so how about start with stop funding corruption, both foreign AND domestic? But, what do I know.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

More specifically, the House of Representative holds the “purse strings”.

1 year ago

Yes, thank you. And who is the Speaker of the House of Representatives? Congressman Kevin McCarthy. So, he’s the one who could have taken steps to start to fix things, instead of playing politics as usual.

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Ty MING is EHVerything.
Give it a moment.
Things are NEHver what they seem.

Freyja Jazmin
Freyja Jazmin
1 year ago

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1 year ago

It’s the same script every time. He kinda reminds me of Paul Ryan.
It’s just the same old talking points over and over and over. PITIFUL!!

1 year ago

The service on the debt is roughly 10% of revenue. There is 0% chance of a real default. The parties just have to agree what to cut, or agree to raise taxes. There is also 0% chance of that happening, I think, so then what happens? Larry Tribe’s bogus 14th amendment interpretation that will certainly be overturned in court?

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago

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