Body Language – FBI Whistleblowers Testify

FBI Whistleblowers Testify

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1 year ago

I think it was Ben Franklin who said something to the effect that all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. We all have a part to play in this final drama. All that’s left is for everyone to choose which side to join, good or evil, and do what we can with what talents we have. Make no mistake. This is a battle between the forces of Almighty God and the devil being played out in the material world. I have the utmost respect for these three men who have risked everything in an attempt to defeat evil. I’d say that about Pres. Trump, as well. Mr. O’Boyle reminds me that there is no greater love a person can have than to lay down his life for others. It’s come to that. Choose a side, friends; there is no more middle ground.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

We are all trying to stand on very shaky grounds right now….especially when our beloved Trump is being wishy washy with abortion recently. It’s time for all of us to ‘sheet or get off pot’.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susie

Not wishy washy. Even the (real) Catholic Church (not the Bergoglio fake one) allows for some abortions under certain circumstances, on a case by case basis (no payoff required). This is not new. Unless I missed something, I hear Pres. Trump saying the same thing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Institutional Christianity no longer has any meaningful political or cultural clout – do we really believe God will continue to protect our country if we refuse to protect its most vulnerable citizens?

Since 1933, the American Right has posted loss after loss in the culture war. From blasphemy laws to pornography, school prayer to abortion, gay marriage to biological men using women’s bathrooms, conservatives and Christians have suffered a nearly unmitigated series of losses.

How Should We React to Trump’s Shifting Stance on Protecting Unborn Life? (name of the article).

The publication reported that Trump was “more vague” on abortion in general, noting that the former president did not specify what kind of abortion restrictions he supported, nor would he say whether he agreed with Florida’s new pro-life law.

Trump said that abortion should simply be left to the 50 states to legislate… this is like letting your kid determine his religion/sex….[in my opinion].

What matters to me doesn’t seem to matter much anymore… and the last 7 years have proved it. You either believe in conception being a human’s right or ya don’t….either you believe the elections are rigged or ya don’t…..either you believe in every vaccination or ya don’t… [we have no way to prove if fetal cells are an ingredient in vaccines due to mysterious codes: MRC-5, HEK 59, or Hek 293], thus furthering the protection of mad scientists and planned parenthood which could be a result of transgenderism on the rise. And what happened to ‘those’ whistleblowers? If you go down that path, you might as well go along with normalizing autism and now myocarditis.

I support Trump around 90% of the time…but if I dare say anything bad/questionable about Trump to my liberal family members, they are quick to say: “We told you so”. It seems I stand alone, again.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susie

I hear you, Susie. It is up to each of us to reach out and find God on our own. I have come to believe that organized religion, any organized religion, eventually becomes corrupted. We can help each other along the way in that faith journey. As far as Pres. Trump and abortion, don’t believe what you read in the press.
And, yes, according to the U.S. Constitution that IS a matter for the States to decide for themselves and NOT something for the federal government to determine. I think that’s why Roe vs. Wade was finally overturned. I don’t usually talk about Trump with any liberals I know. It would be like talking to the walls. As a result, we usually get along just fine. My liberal friends know I am pro-life and they don’t agree with my position. Still, I understand where they are coming from. Their thing is “what happens to the unwanted babies?” I just don’t agree that abortion is the answer to their dilemma. Finally, I will say that until people sincerely turn to God, pray and live they way the 10 Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount taught us, God isn’t going to help. Remember the meme of Jesus with a suitcase saying “Obama threw me out. Trump invited me back.”? It’s like that today. The left is godless and the right respects God. We are in a spiritual battle. You are not alone. There’s a whole bunch of us out here who are with you in prayer and in spirit. Keep the faith! If you haven’t watched the series “The Chosen” yet, I highly recommend it. You will be surprised how marvelous it is for bolstering faith. You can watch it for free on angel dot com. It’s also available on Netflix for those who use that service. Hope I helped.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

The same studio that made “The Chosen” is coming out with a movie on child sex trafficking that rips the scab and the band aid off yet another evil that is being ignored by the same people who rationalize about abortion, child genital mutilation, umpteen forms of sexual perversion, rape, murder, slave labor and sex trafficking of illegal aliens, rampant drug addiction, hundreds of gang killings each weekend, the violent rioting and burning down of cities, unchecked blatant political corruption, media propaganda, swindling of taxpayer funds, and lies about history and Marxist propaganda in schools. I once had “liberal friends”. Almost all have self-cancelled, even though I will only discuss so called “controversial issues” when asked a question. Some of them asked a question they thought I would respond to differently. In one case a grown man who is married to my wife’s childhood friend, who I had known for 40 years, needed to give himself a self time out in my guest bathroom for 40 minutes, cut a visit short and cut off all contact because, when asked I said: “police shootings should be looked at on a case by case basis” and “Donald Trump is the hardest working president I have seen”. I would rather just be around positive people with good belief systems than have superficial relationships with people who enable evil things with their attitudes and beliefs., but that is just me. I spent 43 years trying to contain evil and crazy, I just want to spend the time I have left with positive and good. Unfortunately, the bottom line of this issue is that the majority of people in the country have belief systems that accept and sometimes promote evil things. In my Bible study I am trying to find what scripture says is the responsibility of those who follow God’s Law in this situation. Any suggestions?

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

After reading your comment, my first thought was the punchline, “You can’t fix stupid”. I am far from being Bible scholar, but I do read, reflect and do a bit of research on the Scriptures from time to time . Many years ago I heard a preacher call the Galatians “stupid”, so in order to start to answer your question I went there. Read Galatians Chapter 5. Hopefully I will have time later today to dig deeper for you. In the meantime, start with that. I know you have the intelligence to apply it correctly to your situation.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Thanks for the heads up on the new project. I will look for it. In the meanwhile, EWTN, the Catholic cable station started by Mother Angelica, made an excellent documentary about Saul Alinsky and the rise of Marxism in our country, “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”. In 2020 they put out another one, “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing II – The Gender Agenda” which “examines the origins and depravity of the so-called Sexual Revolution, with its current emphasis on gender dysphoria and homosexuality”. Those who are familiar with Mother Angelica have no doubt that she is a real saint. This is for several valid reasons, but we know as long as the current regime is in charge of the Vatican, her name and her legacy are anathema.

I have to go out again shortly, but speaking of “The Chosen”, your comment/question reminded me of Episode 3 of Season 3, about Jesus back in Nazareth, being rejected by his childhood community. It contains a very controversial line that has caused a stir not only in the show, but in the
Christian world, which is not in the Bible, but it kind of answers your question about following God’s Law. The writers have Jesus answering his opponents with the (controversial) words: “I AM the Law of Moses”. I will continue/conclude my reply to you when I get back home again.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Because the people in his hometown lacked faith, Jesus didn’t do anything for them and, as far as we know, He left there and never returned. But the bottom line is that He died on the cross for THEIR sins, too. I often heard Mother Angelica say to forgive others, not for their sake, but for yours, and to pray for them. That pretty much sums up what I know and/or believe. Forgiving doesn’t mean you have to keep toxic people in your life. Just keep them in your prayers. Having re-read Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, I think Paul was spot on in his dealing with “stupid” people. Sorry to “preach” like this here, but I was trying to help.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

This is where things get confusing to me because there are some things such as the active evil of child mutilation for profit, to reduce population and further destroy the family as an institution, that are beyond the pale. There is a big difference between forgiving people who are stupid or ill informed versus deliberate evil acts that are unrepented and escalating by people who know exactly what they are doing and clearly want to do them more. I don’t have a problem with praying for the evil to come to their senses and reverse their course, and that vengeance is not for us to mete out, but I also think evil needs to be confronted and believe the good have the responsibility to do that.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Doesn’t seem to me that you are confused at all. Like I said before, chose a side and use what talents God gave you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Thanks for the tips on the Galatians. When I attended the Election Integrity Planning Session over the weekend, I met a whip-smart Christian young man who was doing a presentation on the use of phony not-for profits by the Marxists to manipulate, register and motivate left-leaning students and young adults to vote for their candidates. Even though he was explaining some very nefarious, insidious and devious things, his outlook was interesting. He made the point that they have to spend a tremendous amount of money to do this and how Soros is getting frustrated because the electorate was supposed to be fully under control by 2020 and it isn’t. He’s with Turning Point USA. They are really doing some good work.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Interesting! Look for him to dole out even more money and ramp up the attacks further and worse. If they gave Senators satellite phones “just in case”, you know something huge is going to hit before the 2024 election. Evil doesn’t stop. Fortunately there are many groups (I can’t think of a better word right now) out there who are digging and getting what information they find out there, but you have to know where to go and then get others to go there, too. Turning Point USA is one of them, along with Church Militant, The Remnant, and several others. EWTN is also at the forefront doing that kind of work, along with the spiritual work. Most of the people on there now were hand picked by Mother Angelica. She was a fighter! You might want to check it out on cable or go to their website and watch things that interest you “on demand” for free. You’ll be surprised at what you can learn. Last night I saw an interview with an OB/Gyn about the abortion industry. I think it was on “Journey Home”, so don’t let the titles of the shows fool you into thinking it’s all fluff stuff. Check out Mother’s background, as well as her series. Her ongoing battle with the American bishops has now gone to the Vatican attacking the network. Evil doesn’t give up and neither do people of faith who put their trust in God. Her “legendary rant” is available on YouTube or other places online, but the audio quality is bad, on purpose. You might enjoy that one, too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Thanks, I have never checked her out, but I do remember a very good man who was the father of one of my patients on the psych ward who was a regular watcher or listener. One of the few parents of my patients who asked me to pray with him for his daughter after visiting. She was in a very psychotic state. Of course, I honored his request. Within a week, the Adderal she had been snorting to get high worked its way through her system and she returned to normal. Coincidence?

Kamari Paula
Kamari Paula
1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

My neighbor’s sister makes $95 per shift. He has been unemployed for 6 months, at least a few months ago, r30 his stake was actually $30,000 sat in front of the computer for two or three hours. Visit this page and read more…… …

Now click here and open ->

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Could not have said it better. You were looking at the kind of men that went down the ramp at Omaha beach, in some ways braver, since they bear the responsibility for their families and have to live on while being destroyed by the deep state instead of being on the receiving end of a Nazi machine gun. After what I found out today, all I have to say is that it is way worse than I thought, and I thought it was worse than 99% percent of the people I know. I am way too tired to go into detail tonight, since I am getting up at 3 a.m. to try and catch some salmon as a distraction from this evil, but start researching the ERIC system if you want to know what has been going on. Maybe I can elaborate later. God Bless those whistleblowers. President Trump, in spite of his flaws, is the only person I know of that can deal with this level of corruption, and even that will need extreme prayer and diligence to work.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

I am woefully ignorant of ERIC.

Now that I’m reading about it, I see that this is a “leftist” organization,

with board members being democrat activists and the like,

appointed by corrupt secretaries of states.

And that’s just the first 10 minutes.


1 year ago
Reply to  madvinmryk

Madvinmryk- here is the skinny on Eric. It was created by a leftist, David Becker, and marketed to red states with the promise that is will help them clear their voter rolls (it doesn’t), and to blue states with the promise that it will increase voter registration (it does, but only of Democrat leaning voters). Their contract with the states gives them access to voter lists and other election related data like “bounced back” mail ballot applications, changes in voter status, etc. They also have an exclusive contract to share this information with the Center for Election Innovation and Research, a leftist 401C4. CEIR takes the shared information and mines social media, graduation lists, driver information it purchases, membership lists to leftist organizations to micro target eligible but not registered left leaning individuals through mail text, social media, phone or email depending on what information they have, to register to vote. Once they are registered, they get all of the persons information and carpet bomb them to get them to the polls. It is very insidious (and expensive (Soros) in that they create a profile of the target and use the information they have mined, from say Facebook, to manipulate the target using issues they know will trigger them because of their profile. They also mine obituaries, and since most Clerks are required to update voter lists only every other year, and they have the voter list, they are able to contrast the two lists and create a list of dead voters that are likely still on the voter rolls. Regarding removing dead and moved voters, in most states, voters have to fail to vote in two consecutive general elections, (four years) before they are made inactive and have to Re register. That means they have ongoing lists of dead voters that, in most cases, they will be able to use to create bogus mail ballots for four years. Now that the Red states know they are pulling out of ERIC, but many states still have it. Other not for profits (they aren’t) are being used by the left to massively interfere with elections in other ways.

1 year ago

Amen Mandy.

1 year ago

Here we go again just like the 70,s
Frank Serpico all over again,
am wondering if Al Pacino is up for a part 2 movie.
though am betting Pacino would say Hell No Never,
back then was one thing, in this day and age he would be finished…
but one never knows, am sure he knows of all this and the thought
probably has crossed his mind. can see it now
Serpico 2 – da names have been changed to protect the guilty.
starts Friday at a theater near you !!!

PS – for those who forgot who Frank Serpico is
feel free to check out Serpico – Official Trailer !!!

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Mickey

Frank Serpico’s son died of an overdose of heroin in May of 2021. They found him face down in his bed.
There were empty packets strewn all over the room. A critical mind would say that this was not suicide or purposeful overdose.
Somebody was making a statement.
Anybody, who knows better, will tell you that, even back in the sixties and seventies, you kept your trap shut. You didn’t whistle blow. There *is* no protection.
What these young men are doing is heroic, IF they can carry it out to its conclusion. They are not the 1st, and they will not be the last.
We are definitely in a spiritual warfare. We are, from the day we are born.
Teach your children well.

1 year ago

Wow, you just reminded me how naive I am.
Thanks for the reminder…
I guess it’s always better to play by there rules,
and dont get cought.
like da movie
Remo Williams-the adventure begins…

William Patterson
William Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Mickey

You don’t have to play by *their* rules. But, you better LOOK like you do.
You can’t afford to be stupid at this game.
Pray, draw nigh to God, live as clean a life as you can. Help the helpless. Give when you can. Find others like you. Stand Fast.

1 year ago

Nicely said,
God it !!!

1 year ago

Very well said!

Robin Kent
Robin Kent
1 year ago

Our lives, our fotunes, our sacred honor. Those are words of true Patriots. God bless them.