Body Language – Merrick Garland, on Biden investigation

Merrick Garland, on Biden investigation

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1 year ago

To try to answer your last question, The Big Guy recently took out a 250,000 dollar loan on the Rohoboth Beach House, supposedly to pay for legal expenses. I guess Hunter’s paintings are not bringing in enough cash to pay off the baby mama to the extent she wants. Part of her lawsuit is also to change Navy Joan’s last name to “Biden”. Brandon is so arrogant and elitist that he will not recognize the child and her name being “Biden” probably is beyond comprehension for him, as a serial sex offender. There are alot of things going on that could, in a just country, unravel the Biden Crime Family. The Marco Polo “Report on the Biden Laptop” spends 636 pages documenting evidence of hundreds and hundreds of federal and state crimes committed by Hunter, Jimmy, Brandon, Hallie, and other family members. Garfinkle will hide behind “this is an independent investigation conducted by the Delaware”. Wray will hide behind, “this is an ongoing investigation”, and then if Hunter is indicted on a few minor charges-” this is an ongoing case being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney”. Everything will be stalled until after the 2024 election. These people have been foisting false narratives and Psyops on the public for decades with great success. Will we ever reach critical mass of people who perceive reality in enough numbers to overcome the election fraud these same people are conducting? I doubt it, but will pray and do my part

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Excellent response! They will stall for as long as they can, until after the 2024 selection, then a slap on the wrist, if even that. Seems to me that RFK Jr. could easily be the (D) nominee and even get credibly (s)elected, with all the fraud they do. But, the Dems and deep state hate him as much as they hate Pres. Trump, so I doubt that will happen. Although I’m not at all fan of Bobby Jr., I think it would be very interesting to see a Trump/Kennedy ticket. This country won’t survive another Potato term, but I guess that’s the whole idea. Pray and do our parts as best we can.

Just a reminder… ignore the spam trolls. They get paid for any attention, positive or negative, they get. Stop feeding them!

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

I noticed RFK Jr. is now trying to distinguish himself from those who are using the environmental movement for sinister purposes. That ticket would be interesting, potentially unbeatable from the public point of view. If he keeps gaining in the polls look for the deep state to go after him. Will it be a “Blasey Ford”, a “Science Denier”, or “Russia Russia”?

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Sure they’ll go after him, just like they continue to go after Pres. Trump. But, I think that ticket has the best chance of beating the election fraud and putting an end to the bs. It would also help Trump with the jab issue and bring many libs back to sanity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

I used to think that people on the left were either ignorant or easily manipulated. I’m sure some are, but the more books I have read about the history of the cultural infiltration and degeneration of the last century and the more I have observed the people of my state, the closer I get to the conclusion that the majority are selfish people of low character. If some can be turned back to sanity or morality, that would be great, but it will take religion to make it happen. We had four decent candidates running for the school board in the last election who happened to be active in their churches and conservative. The ferocity of the anti religious attacks on them approached the level of a movie about demonic possession. I don’t know what would get large number of people to renounce their communist and immoral beliefs, but I’m all for it.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602


1 year ago
Reply to  Mandy

Oh, it’s coming.

1 year ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Back in 1973 Fr. Malachi Martin was on Firing Line with Bill Buckley talking about “The Jesus Movement” happening at that time. The video is available online. Watch the last half of it and you will see this is the time for that “Movement” to bear fruit. There is definitely something happening all around the world now that is bringing all kinds of people to Faith. It’s amazing. The best evidence I can give you right now is the tremendous success of the series “The Chosen”, which has NO corporate sponsorship and is completely crowd funded. It is going into its 4th season and is now being translated into 600 languages. The stories in the series are based on the Gospels, but are made up stories. Yet, the stories are totally theologically sound and people all over the world are enthralled by this series, even Conservative Catholic priests, although it’s not a Catholic production. Not only are Evangelicals and other Protestants involved in it, along with Catholics and Jews, but even the Mormons are involved in it! You can watch it free online at Angel dot com. What Fr. Martin was talking about in 1973 is certainly happening now. The demonic is on the run. Keep the Faith and spread it around! It’s exciting.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonna

Hope you are right, but around here the only thing I see is the moral and religious people home schooling their kids at a much higher rate than they used to. Not that I would not do the same thing, but you would think that if you were being taxed through the roof and the school product produced with the money was so full of filth, you had to home school your kids, you would be more willing to fight about it. A few are, but when you get a 16 percent voter turn out when there is a chance of putting in a parent centered school board, it gives the impression that few are willing to object.Thanks for the tip on the show. I watch maybe one fictional movie a year, but I will check it out.

1 year ago

Why didn’t they pay off the baby mom? I think the “cabal” is setting the stage to push FJB underthe bus.

1 year ago

Gee .. what state did Biden represent for DECADES .. oh yeah the same state this hearing is being heard at … no influence there – I’m sure.

Dave S
Dave S
1 year ago

Is it odd? That they don’t pay her off? No, it is arrogance. Since they are working for the real “great satan”( and you have to remember he thought he could over throw God), then ALL their actions make perfect sense.