This affirmative action hire has the tell-tale sunken cheeks and pointed chin shared by many individuals with eating disorders. My guess is that she is no stranger to mental health services. Yet another example of someone who has swallowed the wokeatarian gospel and spews it out, because there is really nothing inside. It will be fun to watch the woke companies go broke as they drive their customers away.
1 year ago
This creature is a perfect example of the culmination of 50 + years of new age psychobabble. This pathetic little wretch may or may not wake up some day, I hope she does, but for now she is lost.
1 year ago
Being in the middle of a battle with my son and his wife, I believe they have been told how to respond to us parents like alissa’s handler has done.
Regarding my son’s response as to why they don’t come visit me, there was the over-use of the word ‘boundaries’, (3 x’s), and that we haven’t shown any respect. No examples given. I believe my d.i.l. has been seeing a therapist, and I have offered to go through family counseling but am waiting to hear back…It was such a ball of wax of perceived hurt feelings that I don’t know if we can get through it…
If we do attempt family therapy, you can bet I will interview the therapist first before the session – (of course in a non threatening way). I would like to tell this ‘handler’ she/he has destroyed my family – but I won’t say the words like that. Us baby boomers have to outsmart some of these controlling people…kind of like what Elon Musk did in his recent interview….VERY CALMLY.
And one other thought: when will the day arrive that we even get a chance in an interview (or session) like Elon got to?
Why do people that do this kind of interview always act like marshmellows, saying ‘yes’ to every little stupid idea/thought? I pray I get the opportunity like Elon or Peter Doocy, ask the tough questions right back and push back on these flakes.
Having worked in mental health for 43 years, there were only three psychiatrists and maybe 12 family therapists I could in good conscience recommend to a friend. I’m afraid that based on the continuing education I am forced to do to maintain my license, things are getting even worse- the training is full- on wokeatarian psychosis. When I was practicing, the better therapists subscribed to Family Systems theory. I always considered it a conflict of interest to do both individual and family therapy within the same family, but alot of therapists did not. Good luck with your situation. You are wise to be extremely cautious.
Just curious about why you believe individual and family therapy within the same family poses a conflict of interest for the therapist. Not challenging you, since I do respect your opinions. It’s just that I would tend to think the opposite. But what do I know? It’s not in any way my area of expertise. You are obviously seeing something I’m not.
In family systems you are treating the entire system as a single item, not parts of the system. If you are doing individual therapy you are treating a part. You can lose your perspective if you are working with an individual then trying to incorporate that into the family system framework. Where I work, our youth have individual therapists, then they come to me for their family therapy. I can intervene in a crisis, I can be one-on-one to build rapport, but I don’t do individual therapy. I hope that is clearer than mud! 😉
I am waiting for their 2nd reply which has been 5 days today…the first reply had 9 statements stating my faults as a parent and not respecting their boundaries which I don’t know what they are.
An example fr/my son: “Or all the times where I dread driving back to ……. because I know all you want to talk about is vitriolic rhetoric against any number of subjects”. {See how vague that statement was? I didn’t know he ‘dreaded’ coming back home – apparently he loves Denver so much and hates Nebraska – maybe it’s too much fresh air? Plus we were all dealing with the covid battle and he became a new daddy to which I have only seen his child one time, face to face, over a year ago}.
The only ‘vitriolic rhetoric’ involved the experimental vaccination – which I thought I was informing, but it wasn’t supposed to be ‘political’ – I mean the liberal left said it wasn’t right?
My reply to that one was: “I wanted to hear your opinions on topics but I didn’t mean to cause a division within my own family. For this I am sorry. Fast forward to today, and I don’t have any desire to discuss current events. The days of debates are over for me as … nor does it seem that you care about my family history, or my belief system. And that’s okay because that is your right. I only want to enjoy my grand kids”.
If therapy is allowed (in my ‘case’), I feel like it’s a court case presenting two sides….only I am walking into the courtroom facing a biased jury, judge, and executioner. Regardless of therapeutic approaches, I am finding less respect for the psychology field because the Millennial’s are being told, handled, controlled to disrespect their baby boomer parents and I can’t fight this. Parents replaced by handlers – great.
My son ended it like this: ” I would love for you to come out and see us, but I really need to see some acknowledgement that you understand my boundaries and take them seriously.” {we are reaching the age where we can’t always drive and Denver’s crime is getting uncontrollable plus high hotel rates since their place is very small. It would be much easier for them to come home for a short weekend}.
As in Alissa’s case presented, she does acknowledge her parents, however, her parent’s were replaced by her ‘handler’ just as I think I have been replaced by an invisible therapist who they will listen to and obey.
Your explanation, similar to mud, covered the ground and that’s a good thing in this case. Now I can see through the mud to what lies beneath it. It makes sense to me now. If people are seeing a therapist, the situation is probably muddy to begin with. A therapist cannot help them very much once perspective is lost. Everyone, including the therapist, has to get past the mud. Thank you, MeMellie!
I really could not explain it any better than MeMellie, other than to add that when you have a previous therapeutic relationship with an individual in the system, it becomes very difficult to manage the expectations of that individual as well as your own perspective. Also if you are intervening with a family unit, you are probably going to have to do things are going to make everybody in the system uncomfortable at some level, which makes it hard to maintain a proper therapeutic relationship with an individual in the system. The closest analogy I can think of is that it is like asking a back surgeon to do knee surgery at the same time..
Okay, I think I understand. It’s not only perspective, but expectations as well. Between your reply and MeMellie’s, I can understand your position very clearly and it makes a lot of sense. Maybe Susie hasn’t heard back about family counseling for that very reason.
Those who are perpetrating this on families don’t want to be “encountered”. They want to do it on the sly, where there are no repercussions or embarrassment for them.
A recent trend has been for therapists to label themselves a “life coach” or other such title. I’m not casting aspersions on anybody, but I have always been suspicious of that because it almost encourages the individual seeking assistance to engage in denial and muddies up professional ethics and responsibilities. At least someone presenting themselves as a “counselor”, “social worker” or “psychologist” has to pass a licensing exam and is bound by professional ethics.
We’ve seen the same thing done by American Communist party members, calling themselves progressives. People change their names to alleviate the possibility of getting caught. It’s all the same. It’s a form of avoidance, and is used to infiltrate and corrupt.
Just finishing “Battle for the American Mind” by Pete Hegseth. It is a surprisingly excellent explanation of the decline of the Western Christian worldview and it’s replacement first by a “Progressive” and now by a Marxist worldview through the infiltration of the educational system by German Marxists starting in the 30’s. It explains how this belief system is implanted in kids at an early age by the pedagogy of the “educators” as well as the content of their teaching. I suspect that this may be the root cause of many of the issues those of our generation are having with younger family members. We are actually members of different cultures with drastically contradictory belief systems.
They’ve been hiding in plain sight, infiltrating hospitals, classrooms, churches, anywhere they can create influence.
Still, you will know them by their buzz phrases:
“The end justifies the means.”
“Whatever it takes.”
“No matter what.”
“By any means necessary.”
Nowadays, it’s right out in the open. They’re not hiding anymore. Which is advantageous to those who would like to make it stop.
I meant absolutely no disrespect in your profession but I think you are one of the last of ‘A Few Good Men’.
I remember telling my son in 2012: “Son, you are not thinking outside the box”….he has fought me on that ever since. That same summer, he asked me: “Mom, what’s wrong with the government taking care of us?” So you see, I have not been successful in trying to change his mind about anything. And that’s when he was 24 years old.
I did point out the most hurtful thing he wrote last week:
[My son saying this:] “When you bring up babysitting Orion, I don’t know if I can trust you to honor any boundaries we set, seeing as how we’ve seen nothing but resistance against each one. I don’t know if I can trust your judgement should Canyon come down with something while we’re gone.”…
I have absolutely no idea what he is talking about, so maybe his ‘wife’ wrote it?
I ended the email this way:
In less than 2 years, it seems I failed you as a parent. How did this happen?
[this text sent from my son on May 2021]……”Happy mother’s day! I hope this reaches you (bad service). I love you so much and thank you for everything you’ve done to make me who I am! I’ll call you tomorrow when we’re back in civilization”.
In two short years, he has completely changed and the above text was written when he and his ‘wife’ eloped, (with 20 other friends?) which I did not know until the next day. I have nothing against elopement because my husband and I did it 38 years ago tomorrow. But I had a very Catholic mother who forbade me to marry in a non-Catholic church.
And we didn’t have 20 ‘friends’ witness it like my son and his wife did….so there they were, completely freaked out about covid, and they ‘risked it all’ by being around those 20 people….[in hindsight, why did some people make their own rules regarding ‘safety issues’ and then turn around and use it against people like me?]
As I have said before, I don’t know how to handle all of this and I have been putting his things and pictures in the attic, with little notes. Ex: ‘By the time you go through this stuff, I may no longer be around or I may not be of sound mind’….also: ‘Do not shed tears for me as you were a victim’.
Yes, it’s sad and borderline morbid. I have lost my son ‘for now’ and I may continue to reach out, but not sure. We’ll see if he communicates tomorrow to wish his dad and me a ‘Happy Anniversary’.
First off, happy anniversary. Yes, I was considered a curiosity and a dinosaur- a conservative, law and order therapist. Ironically, I only became more conservative the more I saw the negative results of permissive policies, friend non-parenting, and lack of clarity on what is right or wrong. The younger know-it -alls fresh out of Marxist brainwashing institutions were more than happy to rely on me to maintain order once their techniques did not work on psychopaths, (that they and their professors did not believe existed or redefined as victims of oppression). You are in a tough spot. No easy answers. My wife and I have been cancelled by a number of former friends, who we thought at the time, could have a discussion about police shootings or other current events. What I figured out too late was that the people with that ideology consider disagreement as violent hate speech and a personal attack. I can write it off by saying it is on them. Would be much harder if they were kids and grandkids were involved. Best of luck with your situation.
William Patterson
1 year ago
WOW… She went all Tom Cruise and got up in that chair.
That zealous kind of enthusiasm is what will sink that company into oblivion.
That woman is 39 years old, and has forsaken all morals for the worship of somebody she thinks is wiser than her.
This is what happens when you forsake you’re belief in God for the “woke” ideology.
I’ll bet her “counselor” has indoctrinated her well in the 1619 project.
This affirmative action hire has the tell-tale sunken cheeks and pointed chin shared by many individuals with eating disorders. My guess is that she is no stranger to mental health services. Yet another example of someone who has swallowed the wokeatarian gospel and spews it out, because there is really nothing inside. It will be fun to watch the woke companies go broke as they drive their customers away.
This creature is a perfect example of the culmination of 50 + years of new age psychobabble. This pathetic little wretch may or may not wake up some day, I hope she does, but for now she is lost.
Being in the middle of a battle with my son and his wife, I believe they have been told how to respond to us parents like alissa’s handler has done.
Regarding my son’s response as to why they don’t come visit me, there was the over-use of the word ‘boundaries’, (3 x’s), and that we haven’t shown any respect. No examples given. I believe my d.i.l. has been seeing a therapist, and I have offered to go through family counseling but am waiting to hear back…It was such a ball of wax of perceived hurt feelings that I don’t know if we can get through it…
If we do attempt family therapy, you can bet I will interview the therapist first before the session – (of course in a non threatening way). I would like to tell this ‘handler’ she/he has destroyed my family – but I won’t say the words like that. Us baby boomers have to outsmart some of these controlling people…kind of like what Elon Musk did in his recent interview….VERY CALMLY.
And one other thought: when will the day arrive that we even get a chance in an interview (or session) like Elon got to?
Why do people that do this kind of interview always act like marshmellows, saying ‘yes’ to every little stupid idea/thought? I pray I get the opportunity like Elon or Peter Doocy, ask the tough questions right back and push back on these flakes.
Having worked in mental health for 43 years, there were only three psychiatrists and maybe 12 family therapists I could in good conscience recommend to a friend. I’m afraid that based on the continuing education I am forced to do to maintain my license, things are getting even worse- the training is full- on wokeatarian psychosis. When I was practicing, the better therapists subscribed to Family Systems theory. I always considered it a conflict of interest to do both individual and family therapy within the same family, but alot of therapists did not. Good luck with your situation. You are wise to be extremely cautious.
Just curious about why you believe individual and family therapy within the same family poses a conflict of interest for the therapist. Not challenging you, since I do respect your opinions. It’s just that I would tend to think the opposite. But what do I know? It’s not in any way my area of expertise. You are obviously seeing something I’m not.
In family systems you are treating the entire system as a single item, not parts of the system. If you are doing individual therapy you are treating a part. You can lose your perspective if you are working with an individual then trying to incorporate that into the family system framework. Where I work, our youth have individual therapists, then they come to me for their family therapy. I can intervene in a crisis, I can be one-on-one to build rapport, but I don’t do individual therapy. I hope that is clearer than mud! 😉
Thank you GOMF, Nonna, and MeMellie.
I am waiting for their 2nd reply which has been 5 days today…the first reply had 9 statements stating my faults as a parent and not respecting their boundaries which I don’t know what they are.
An example fr/my son: “Or all the times where I dread driving back to ……. because I know all you want to talk about is vitriolic rhetoric against any number of subjects”. {See how vague that statement was? I didn’t know he ‘dreaded’ coming back home – apparently he loves Denver so much and hates Nebraska – maybe it’s too much fresh air? Plus we were all dealing with the covid battle and he became a new daddy to which I have only seen his child one time, face to face, over a year ago}.
The only ‘vitriolic rhetoric’ involved the experimental vaccination – which I thought I was informing, but it wasn’t supposed to be ‘political’ – I mean the liberal left said it wasn’t right?
My reply to that one was: “I wanted to hear your opinions on topics but I didn’t mean to cause a division within my own family. For this I am sorry. Fast forward to today, and I don’t have any desire to discuss current events. The days of debates are over for me as … nor does it seem that you care about my family history, or my belief system. And that’s okay because that is your right. I only want to enjoy my grand kids”.
If therapy is allowed (in my ‘case’), I feel like it’s a court case presenting two sides….only I am walking into the courtroom facing a biased jury, judge, and executioner. Regardless of therapeutic approaches, I am finding less respect for the psychology field because the Millennial’s are being told, handled, controlled to disrespect their baby boomer parents and I can’t fight this. Parents replaced by handlers – great.
My son ended it like this: ” I would love for you to come out and see us, but I really need to see some acknowledgement that you understand my boundaries and take them seriously.” {we are reaching the age where we can’t always drive and Denver’s crime is getting uncontrollable plus high hotel rates since their place is very small. It would be much easier for them to come home for a short weekend}.
As in Alissa’s case presented, she does acknowledge her parents, however, her parent’s were replaced by her ‘handler’ just as I think I have been replaced by an invisible therapist who they will listen to and obey.
Your explanation, similar to mud, covered the ground and that’s a good thing in this case. Now I can see through the mud to what lies beneath it. It makes sense to me now. If people are seeing a therapist, the situation is probably muddy to begin with. A therapist cannot help them very much once perspective is lost. Everyone, including the therapist, has to get past the mud. Thank you, MeMellie!
I really could not explain it any better than MeMellie, other than to add that when you have a previous therapeutic relationship with an individual in the system, it becomes very difficult to manage the expectations of that individual as well as your own perspective. Also if you are intervening with a family unit, you are probably going to have to do things are going to make everybody in the system uncomfortable at some level, which makes it hard to maintain a proper therapeutic relationship with an individual in the system. The closest analogy I can think of is that it is like asking a back surgeon to do knee surgery at the same time..
Okay, I think I understand. It’s not only perspective, but expectations as well. Between your reply and MeMellie’s, I can understand your position very clearly and it makes a lot of sense. Maybe Susie hasn’t heard back about family counseling for that very reason.
Those who are perpetrating this on families don’t want to be “encountered”. They want to do it on the sly, where there are no repercussions or embarrassment for them.
A recent trend has been for therapists to label themselves a “life coach” or other such title. I’m not casting aspersions on anybody, but I have always been suspicious of that because it almost encourages the individual seeking assistance to engage in denial and muddies up professional ethics and responsibilities. At least someone presenting themselves as a “counselor”, “social worker” or “psychologist” has to pass a licensing exam and is bound by professional ethics.
We’ve seen the same thing done by American Communist party members, calling themselves progressives. People change their names to alleviate the possibility of getting caught. It’s all the same. It’s a form of avoidance, and is used to infiltrate and corrupt.
Like teachers calling themselves “educators”. They really do need to go back to teaching and stop indoctrinating and corrupting young minds.
Just finishing “Battle for the American Mind” by Pete Hegseth. It is a surprisingly excellent explanation of the decline of the Western Christian worldview and it’s replacement first by a “Progressive” and now by a Marxist worldview through the infiltration of the educational system by German Marxists starting in the 30’s. It explains how this belief system is implanted in kids at an early age by the pedagogy of the “educators” as well as the content of their teaching. I suspect that this may be the root cause of many of the issues those of our generation are having with younger family members. We are actually members of different cultures with drastically contradictory belief systems.
They’ve been hiding in plain sight, infiltrating hospitals, classrooms, churches, anywhere they can create influence.
Still, you will know them by their buzz phrases:
“The end justifies the means.”
“Whatever it takes.”
“No matter what.”
“By any means necessary.”
Nowadays, it’s right out in the open. They’re not hiding anymore. Which is advantageous to those who would like to make it stop.
Dear GOMF,
I meant absolutely no disrespect in your profession but I think you are one of the last of ‘A Few Good Men’.
I remember telling my son in 2012: “Son, you are not thinking outside the box”….he has fought me on that ever since. That same summer, he asked me: “Mom, what’s wrong with the government taking care of us?” So you see, I have not been successful in trying to change his mind about anything. And that’s when he was 24 years old.
I did point out the most hurtful thing he wrote last week:
[My son saying this:] “When you bring up babysitting Orion, I don’t know if I can trust you to honor any boundaries we set, seeing as how we’ve seen nothing but resistance against each one. I don’t know if I can trust your judgement should Canyon come down with something while we’re gone.”…
I have absolutely no idea what he is talking about, so maybe his ‘wife’ wrote it?
I ended the email this way:
In less than 2 years, it seems I failed you as a parent. How did this happen?
[this text sent from my son on May 2021]……”Happy mother’s day! I hope this reaches you (bad service). I love you so much and thank you for everything you’ve done to make me who I am! I’ll call you tomorrow when we’re back in civilization”.
In two short years, he has completely changed and the above text was written when he and his ‘wife’ eloped, (with 20 other friends?) which I did not know until the next day. I have nothing against elopement because my husband and I did it 38 years ago tomorrow. But I had a very Catholic mother who forbade me to marry in a non-Catholic church.
And we didn’t have 20 ‘friends’ witness it like my son and his wife did….so there they were, completely freaked out about covid, and they ‘risked it all’ by being around those 20 people….[in hindsight, why did some people make their own rules regarding ‘safety issues’ and then turn around and use it against people like me?]
As I have said before, I don’t know how to handle all of this and I have been putting his things and pictures in the attic, with little notes. Ex: ‘By the time you go through this stuff, I may no longer be around or I may not be of sound mind’….also: ‘Do not shed tears for me as you were a victim’.
Yes, it’s sad and borderline morbid. I have lost my son ‘for now’ and I may continue to reach out, but not sure. We’ll see if he communicates tomorrow to wish his dad and me a ‘Happy Anniversary’.
First off, happy anniversary. Yes, I was considered a curiosity and a dinosaur- a conservative, law and order therapist. Ironically, I only became more conservative the more I saw the negative results of permissive policies, friend non-parenting, and lack of clarity on what is right or wrong. The younger know-it -alls fresh out of Marxist brainwashing institutions were more than happy to rely on me to maintain order once their techniques did not work on psychopaths, (that they and their professors did not believe existed or redefined as victims of oppression). You are in a tough spot. No easy answers. My wife and I have been cancelled by a number of former friends, who we thought at the time, could have a discussion about police shootings or other current events. What I figured out too late was that the people with that ideology consider disagreement as violent hate speech and a personal attack. I can write it off by saying it is on them. Would be much harder if they were kids and grandkids were involved. Best of luck with your situation.
WOW… She went all Tom Cruise and got up in that chair.
That zealous kind of enthusiasm is what will sink that company into oblivion.
That woman is 39 years old, and has forsaken all morals for the worship of somebody she thinks is wiser than her.
This is what happens when you forsake you’re belief in God for the “woke” ideology.
I’ll bet her “counselor” has indoctrinated her well in the 1619 project.
OMG! We’ve finally located Mr. Ed’s Broodmare!!
Or Jay Leno’s long lost daughter?
thinking you have the ability to read minds is a symptom of schizophrenia, whoever made this video needs their head checked.