Body Language – The Judge, Kari Lake v. Katie Hobbs & Maricopa Count

The Judge, Kari Lake v. Katie Hobbs & Maricopa County

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2 years ago

As I told Kari, she’s approaching an illogical situation with logic.
She’s looking for answers, like small businesses had sought in ’20. It doesn’t matter if you find out why, just like those businesses weren’t supposed to be allowed to remain existing, regardless of how hard they tried to adhere.
THAT was the point/plan/strategy of 2020…. destroy the economy and make it appear strong with smoke and mirrors, while conglomerates flourish, like never before. And people were consumed with enough fear that they ran toward the jab, which had to be accepted voluntarily because that’s the only way the dark side is allowed to work on this fallen planet…deception, primarily through fear.

Anyway, I told Kari when she’d first announced her candidacy that they would never let her win if she weren’t ‘compromised’.
Her response, “Well, thanks for your support.”
Being practically an AZ native, I’m relieved she wasn’t. And if she fights this result and somehow wins, they will ultimately replace her with… her. The ‘her’ that will “play ball”, if you understand what I’m saying.
But they really cannot allow her to flip this because it would open a huge can or worms concerning the 2020 GE, even though that was the first GE ever to not have any fraud whatsoever. I know this because the “experts” said so.
On a side note:
I could listen to you talk all day, Mandy. There’s just something about your voice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chad

Outstanding comment, Chad.

I haven’t followed this. I am not interested in raising my stress level any more from it or any other voter fraud coverage. However, I am glad I watched.

Well done Mandy.

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  Cat


2 years ago
Reply to  Cat

good to see it working!

2 years ago

Looks like the lawyers get paid and nothing comes of this. Sad.

2 years ago

The trial is over now and a decision will be forthcoming. We can only hope for justice, but let’s not hold our breath. I believe Chad’s comment summed up the political situation very well. In the words of Archbishop Vigano: “Up until now, certain aspects of the political platform of the Republican Party were able to be overlooked to some extent due to the much more serious threat embodied by the Democratic Party. But it is now evident that the action of the deep state has contaminated the entire political elite without distinction, even involving Donald Trump, who up until now seemed to be a source of hope for the future of the United States.” This latest statement can be found online on several actual news sites. Also, Taylor Marshall just put up a video about that statement on his website.

Note to Mandy: If you check out Taylor Marshall, he has an interview with Fr. Frank Pavone that might be a good topic for discussion here. Pope Frankie defrocked him last month on trumped up charges and no Church official ever bothered to notify this devout priest that he’d been kicked out of the clergy. How the liberal bishops in America managed that reflects the politics of the deep church and of the deep state. The hypocrisy is mind blowing! This priest has been successfully leading the pro-life movement for many years. When the public found out about the defrocking of Fr. Pavone, all hell broke loose on the internet and it wasn’t just Catholics. A real storm is brewing. Might be a good topic for body language and comments.

2 years ago

Merry Christmas Mandy and family and all truth seekers. Believers should consider praying for this judge. He has a chance to do something important here.

2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

A blessed Christmas to you, my friend, and to everyone here! I just posted a comment and ask that you include a prayer for Fr. Pavone, too. I’m sure you know what went down with him and what’s at stake. Pray for justice all around.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Thank you. Father Pavone is an example for us all. He refuses to let the evil that he has been battling for decades get him down, even when they go after his collar. Glad he is still wearing it with a smile.

Roberta Iervolino
Roberta Iervolino
2 years ago

“This opens a huge can of worms”.