Body Language – Former CIA Director John Brennan on UFOs

Former CIA Director John Brennan on UFOs

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2 years ago

Just think about it for a minute. This man along with four other past directors of the CIA and 45 other “intelligence community” bigwigs issue a memo, prior to the 2020 election, with no corroborating evidence, that the Hunter Biden laptop “has all the earmarks of a Russian Disinformation operation”. This narrative is demonstrated to be completely false. What does that mean the true role of the “intelligence community’ really is?

2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Excellent question. The answer is very disturbing. What struck me most in this video was the end part when he was asked if these things were possibly supernatural. Mandy said he went into construction mode at that point. I got the idea that he was uncomfortable with the question because he really doesn’t want to delve into that because he thinks that some of what he saw could indeed be “supernatural”, meaning “spiritual” beings of another dimension. In order to deal with that, he would have to activate his conscience. I don’t think he can do that and not go bonkers. I don’t know, but maybe there is some speck of hope for him? Okay, it’s a long shot at best. I’m not sure I expressed myself clearly.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Not 100% sure if get your point, but I do know from personal experience dealing with kids who I knew were psychopaths and going to do progressively more evil deeds, but you could still see the tiny spark of humanity in them that was progressively atrophying, but you could still see it. In Brennan’s case, the sheer numbers of humanity killed horrifically by wars he instigated and started directly from his spot in the Middle East and then as director, having a conscience would probably be impossible, but questioning his “agnostic” stance would at least make him uncomfortable. The fact that a self- proclaimed communist and probable jihadist infiltrator could be director of the CIA and still respected by some makes me physically sick about where the country is headed.

2 years ago

ah The Truth will set you Free,
sadly upon knowing the truth it then starts to
kick the crap out of you emotionally, mentally, phytologically,
sincerely, physically, financially, every which way but loose i guess.
I don’t think i can handle any more truth THUMP !!!
the THUMP was me forehead hitting the desk…

2 years ago

I’m sure Aliens and UFO’S are a LOT smarter than our f b i. So maybe it’s OK if they (fbi) keep their little secrets and pretend they don’t know anything. Just sayin’.

Los Angeles Attorney
Los Angeles Attorney
2 years ago

Brennan is as a corrupt a swine as there ever was in ANY government, let alone ours. He is as “owned” as any corrupt toady has ever been. A tiny man, for who treason is an inconvenience.