Body Language – Tether Reserves, Gregory Pepin

Tether Reserves, Gregory Pepin

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2 years ago

Backed by what? From what I think I understood, the Tether (whatever that is) is fully backed by the Reserves, which are backed by the US Dollar. Is there any tangible thing backing the US Dollar, besides a printing machine? What Reserves is he talking about? I know the Dollar is backed by the Federal Reserve because it says so on my paper money. Is that the same kind of Reserves he’s talking about? If so, then how can the dollar back the Reserves when the Reserve backs the dollar? I’m so confused that my brain hurts thinking about it. I just can’t understand how any of this fiat currency has any actual value without the backing by gold or silver or some other thing of actual value.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

The whole thing has an Enron feeling to it. During the same time frame my company did the same thing. Give employees company stock as a retirement benefit, pump the stock while taking profits out of the company, then go bankrupt. 65,000 turned into 250 overnight. Out of spite, I kept the stock. When they tried to reorganize, they didn’t have enough shares to do it, and had to pay to get them. These Bahama- based crypto pyramid schemes offer even less protection for the victims of their swindle.

2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

I think I’m beginning to see the picture. Just read a link on Citizen Free Press to a new statement by Archbishop Vigano. Check it out, if you haven’t already, GOMF. From his latest statement, I finally figured out that all this fiat currency is one of the parts of the multifaceted plan to deliberately force the masses into poverty and/or submission under the control of the elites who intend to rule the universe. Now it’s beginning to make sense to me why there are all these fake currencies with no real value that I can see, as the elites grab all the money from those who bought into these schemes. It is that kind of desire for money that is at the root of all evil. Vigano called that out as well as other significant things going on at the same time to achieve the same goal.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Vigano has the goods on every element of the infernal plan. Fortunately the evil ones are only on about late step two of their 2030 goal of one world totalitarian government and the enslavement of those still living to the elites.

2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

I hope you’re right about the timeline. I don’t expect to be here by then, so I’m doing all the praying I can while I’m still here. It amazes me that Vigano is still safe in hiding and continues to get his messages out. Did you see the Taylor Marshall clip this morning about Jill Biden and her atrocious Baphomet “Christmas” wreath? I had to laugh in spite of the evil, (not to mention bad taste, since extremely bad taste is a given with her) because in the intro to the video Marshall wonders what Archbishop Vigano has to say about it. I thank God for Vigano and others like him. They give me hope and let me know I’m not lost and alone in this battle.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Yes, I did. Though the mirror was donated in 1946, and hung there when the Kennedys entered the White House, it was made in 18th century France. Since the Masons allegedly worship Baphomet, I would not be surprised if it was donated by somebody who wanted to defile the White House. Nevertheless, this is no coincidence given what Baphomet represents and what Bidens do to children. I too am thankful for Vigano and Dr. Marshall. I look at Brazil, Iran, China and what will likely happen here when the evil puppets continue to push their infernal plan as signs of hope.

2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Interesting. Thank you for that background info. Either signs of hope or a signal that all hell is going to break loose. Unfortunately, I can’t see that hope yet. I see that as maybe another delay for the evil ones to achieve their infernal goal. I am convinced that those who take the Fatima message seriously have the weapon we need to put a stop to the madness. I really can’t see any other way at this point. Things have gone too far.

2 years ago

26 trillion in daily trading volume and backed 1:1? Yeah, right.

Mongo Hampshire
Mongo Hampshire
2 years ago

What I hear him saying is, “I hope we never have an audit!”

2 years ago

All crypto is nothing but sham scam Ponzi bullshit!!

William Patterson
William Patterson
2 years ago

I can’t help but notice the similarities. During Obama 1.0, all those people who jumped off the tops of Bank buildings. Remember that?

This looks like the very same thing, during Obama 2.0.

Mickey Dacosta
Mickey Dacosta
2 years ago

I didn’t understand a thing but enjoyed the video
explanation. yet still learning lol
Am back too Dam prepaid credit card company’s
now off to watch Part 2,
2 days with out membership sucks lol !!!

Mickey Dacosta
Mickey Dacosta
2 years ago
Reply to  Mickey Dacosta

PS – i will be watching all videos 3 times for the remaining
of this month,
I cant believe i just renewed 3 times for same month,
i think,maybe yes am sure go fig lol lmao lol so sad,
the funniest part aside from my wallet not speaking to me now is
I represent Canada kinda aka Capt.Fantastic
excellent Movie i might add !!!