Body Language – Mike Lindell, what are you guys’s seeing?

Mike Lindell, what are you guys's seeing

Note: All comments in my videos are strictly my opinion.

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2 years ago

First of all, Lindell is always a bit hyper; possibly ADHD which would explain the fidgeting and thought processing. The video seems to make it appear that Lindell is looking downward for longer than he is, actually, doing so. And some of his looking down seems to be as a result of his looking at the document that he, eventually, holds up to the camera. He seems to blink a lot which could be a medical condition/habit/nervous tic which has nothing to do with the story he is telling.

Naturally, Lindell would be more excitable in the first clip, as the incident had just happened. Given a chance to calm down a bit Lindell was, somewhat, more relaxed in the second video. We know that he is telling the truth as to his cell phone being confiscated, by the FBI, as it was reported by credible news sources.

I know many people who do not have a computer, and do everything on their phone, so I don’t find Lindell saying that he doesn’t have a computer odd.

Having his phone taken, now makes Lindell feel even more of a kindred spirit to Trump, and the rest of those who, also, had their phones taken by the FBI.

I think Lindell is a good guy, who loves God and country, and is very grateful for the “second” chance he was given in life, and his success. I also believe that Lindell is convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump, and has acted accordingly.

Erika Plishka
Erika Plishka
2 years ago

I think he’s being truthful in both videos. The first video he is more startled by the event. The second video, he has rehearsed it more, had more time to think and he’s trying to give more details.

2 years ago

I’ve watched many of his interviews and shows when this happened. Everything is consistent except when he leaves out wheRE he said it’s the FBI on on occasion. Mike is the real deal, not some smooth salesman. I know he has a movement disorder in one of his hands that may be starting to affect his other one. He works so hard, flying criss cross across this country to get rid of the voting machines, appreciate him to the max! I really don’t know how he’s still standing, except for the Lord!

Roberta Iervolino
Roberta Iervolino
2 years ago
Reply to  Tinaterry

I agree. There’s alot going on there, but the fact that this man is still standing says it all. If the FBI are targeting… he’s got uh, quite the arsenal of information on his hands. He’s the my pillow guy. So… not that it matters, but this is war… way beyond a sales position, but a military rank or a civil service position which he’s now entering into in his life. If they don’t destroy him, they will have succeeded in moving him forward into this much more high profile position in his life-all while still helping american’s sleep better at night!

Linda wallack
Linda wallack
2 years ago

will enjoy seeing your analysis of the body language.

2 years ago

Ok.. he is an ex addict.. a crack addict at that. He moves a lot.

I think he looks to his memory in his first video and that second one would be the one with embellishments.

And I believe he does everything on his phone because I too did everything on my phone for three yrs up until I replaced my slow old laptop..

I think he is bragging about being FBI raided.

Edward Ford
Edward Ford
2 years ago

Ii feel like he is emotionaly charged during the first segment which I imagine is why he seemed a bit all over the place. By that I mean in his words…it just felt like he was speaking quicker than he could think. In the second segment it looked as if he was accessing memory as he was describing the actual event. I don’t know this as fact, but it felt like it was something he’d been expecting.

2 years ago

I see a guy that is feeling gut-punched, exasperated, angry, fearful, shocked, victimized, and totally off balance because the tool that is most important to him was stolen by a group of thugs that are no doubt laughing about it.
His adrenaline is off the charts, which is understandable because he’s literally just been robbed by armed thugs. I don’t think he’s being deceptive about anything, I think he’s overwhelmed by an intense and infuriating situation that he does not know how to resolve.

Roberta Iervolino
Roberta Iervolino
2 years ago
Reply to  TreesbytheSea

HE probably feels a little stupid for having so much info on his phone and not having enough of it backed up, but isn’t that everyone when we lose our phone or our computer crashes!?

2 years ago

You are right, I sure would be kicking myself for not having it backed up. But I think he’s more angry at a weaponized FBI than his own lack of foresight about data backups.
imo, the agents that both direct and participate in this kind of thuggery should be in prison.

2 years ago

First of all, the first video is reversed (probably shot with a cell phone, which is interesting based on the story). Mike wears his cross on the left lapel. Until I noticed that, I thought OK his eye movements are in visual and auditory memory, but since it is reversed they are in visual and auditory construction, which they also are in the second. He leans in in both, but he is trying hard to sell the story, so that is not surprising, his eye contact breaks more frequently in the first when he is going into details. He breaks eye contact less in the second, but the blink rate is way up, so there is something he is trying to get away from or avoid the viewer seeing. The “believe me look” appears and stays when he is discussing the request that he not tell anyone, but is not bound to keep the subpoena confidential, ( I know this is true since I have seen similar paperwork when I was interviewed by the FBI), but part of this might be the sarcasm about “ sure, I won’t tell anybody” . His body movements are more in and out rather than a true “singing” sort of body movement, and he seems a little stiffer in the second. He shuffles his papers, perhaps indicating stress when he is about to discuss the request not to tell anyone, though part of this is to retrieve the paper he later holds up. Having seen him a lot, though, his baseline is that he is always selling either himself, a product or a story. My read is that the incident happened, he is trying very hard to be convincing in his account, which may have some embellishment or distortion in it. I have seen alot more video on this, which seems to corroborate the incident, so I am trying to just focus on this. It is disturbing that he does not go to memory once that I saw. This was fun and a good idea, Mandy.

2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

I might add that from what I know about the situation, that this investigation stems from the Colorado, Mesa County clerk, Tina Peters imaging the data from the 2020 election before the data could be illegally erased by Dominion in conjunction with the Soros plant SS Jenna Griswold. Mike gave Tina a voice at his cyber symposium, she and her employees had their doors broken down by the FBLie and their families terrorized because she had the goods, and Mike does too. I think he actually wants the FBLie to violate his civil rights. He is not a victim, but wants the fight and is going on offense. This background is necessary to provide context to what we see here. The FBLie is desperate because the “stolen election” talk will not die in spite of their covert and now overt persecution of citizens.

2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

From what I have since learned, yes, he does want this fight. Do you remember “The Sting”, Newman & Retford along with a great cast?

2 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

The 60 year old narrative of the “crackpot conspiracy theory” has finally failed as has censorship and media propaganda. The deep state is panicked enough to overtly show their corruption.

2 years ago

So, this exercise is taking me back to a far distant place where I am about to write an exam in a class that I love knowing that I am about to impale myself with my own answers.

The two videos present different aspects of Mr. Lindell’s personality. Also, the first and second video are mirror images of each other. In the first video, I see Mr. Lindell as highly agitated; he is shifting his body as he tries to hope with frustration. Mr. Lindell’s eyes seem to confirm that he is both accessing his memory and dealing with his emotions. He does lean toward the camera, but I would not subscribe to a deceptive “believe-me-look” but more to that he appears he is trying to convey an urgency in his message. Like saying, “be prepared, you could be next.” I definitely get a sense that he does not yet understand how he will cope with the loss of his phone. Oh, and as he picks up the document that purports to order him not to disclose what happened to him, we get to see the delight or gloating in his face that says he knows that restriction order is both unconstitutional and meaningless.

In the second video, I see a Mr. Lindell who has internalized what has taken place so he does not access memory as much as he did in the first video. However, his “body sings with him” as he leans back in his chair and gestures with his arm where the FBI blocked his access as they took his phone. Mr. Lindell also seems much more relaxed and if I had to guess, he has already dealt with the loss of his phone and is moving forward.

Please don’t kick me out of this class.

Tracy Lammons
Tracy Lammons
2 years ago

In the first clip he is distracted or seeking approval of what he is saying from someone on his right. He was leaning in as if saying believe me. I call BS on not having a computer and running his business only from his phone mainly because of logic, but also because he was avoiding camera eye contact and messing with the papers in front of him.

In the second clip he was ummmming and ahhhing a lot and accessing memory possibly trying to put out an accurate account of the undocumented event.

Linda wallack
Linda wallack
2 years ago
Reply to  Tracy Lammons

he may not have a personal pc, like one uses for gaming (for example). but, I’m sure his businesses use pc’s—but then that is business. but a cell, he could use for many activities.

Neil Donohoe
Neil Donohoe
2 years ago

In the first clip, he is reluctant to make eye contact. He keeps averting his gaze away from the camera.

Kathleen Nicosia
Kathleen Nicosia
2 years ago

I love your videos! Thankyou so much! This was such a fun and engaging exercise.

I broke up the first video into three parts.

1-Him explaining his encounter.

-His eye lids are heavy. Narrowing in on the intensity of his gaze. He keeps his head still. Reminding me of a snake. He talks restricted like he is telling a secret, gossip.
-Emphasis verbally the FBI, looks left and right like not sure if they are right there. Eye brow raise.

2-Them taking his phone.

-A lot of mild body movements until an “OH” they took my phone moment. Then he looks away.
-“I run my business” he pulls away and displays his hands to gestures at this mess
-Then squinches face, reminding me of the pain of failure and then an inhale.
-Shaking left and right as if shaking off and dodging certain ways of looking at things.

3-Letter not to talk about what happened.

-Slaps table. A few times, as if you need to hear me. “Weapons the fbi “ huge jumbled messed. Then strong squinch and then he mentions letter.
-“And they told me not tell” 1:14 strained sadness and a well played joke. “Don’t tell anyone” ok I wont sarcastically. As if that was the worst thing they did.
-Well I am and looks very clear into camera. “Here I am “and looks away almost like talking to someone else.

The second video.
-“And ugh”, he has a tounge movement to the side. Juices news. Drawing it out.
-Starts describing the event by looking to the lower right then to top left then finally meets camera when he says “my wife and friend”. When his eyes meet the camera, he is blinking a lot. There is a wall there.
-Blinking all the way up until he talks about cars surrounding him. He has a strong pull back , sitting as far back as he can. Almost internally as well.
-This clip ends with no expressed difference the bad guys or FBI.

2 years ago

I think in the first video he was going to construction mostly. A few times he went to memory in a fleeting second or so.
The second I think he went more to memory in combo with construction.
His body didn’t seem stiff to me and he moved in the places o thought he should.
Generally I see no reason not to accept his story.

Linda wallack
Linda wallack
2 years ago

the first was pretty spontaneous vs the 2nd. IF fbi says don’t tell, that seems a little direct and would make anyone (or most) tell, but then maybe that was the point (if they said that). now, did they say that or was that the interpretation of what may have been said? I don’t see many reasons why Lindel would escape the evil ones currently running the govt and taking out people who cause problems for their activities. Maybe deception but maybe just fear and carefulness as well.

Roberta Iervolino
Roberta Iervolino
2 years ago
Reply to  Linda wallack

It could be protocall, alot of people still see them as an authority.

2 years ago

What I see in the first clip is that he seems to be all over the place with both words and body language that don’t match. Something happened to him, but being a showman, he seems to be putting on a show. That makes me think whatever happened wasn’t quite so dramatic. He isn’t coming across as being very truthful. I want to say he seemed rattled, but the body language change from victim to strong guy happens too quickly to make him seem credible to me, which makes me think he’s putting on a show.
The second clip was cut off too soon for me. However, what I saw was a lot of blinking which made me think he was either speaking memorized lines (acting mode) or he was making it up as he went along. Maybe the part about the cars pulling up around him had some truth in it, but why would he smile about that? Something’s way off in these clips. Can’t wait to find out if I passed or failed the course.

Karen Crane
Karen Crane
2 years ago

He speaks the truth, looks for memory and voices his opinion and even chuckles about it, because it’s stupid on the FBI’s part. I’d chuckle too, to think they would pull this crap!

Anne ritchie
Anne ritchie
2 years ago

he is a pissed off, honest man.

Dave S
Dave S
2 years ago

To me, he seemed either confused or distracted in the first video. The second video was smoother and perhaps was rethought to be more entertaining. It had a story-like quality.

Roberta Iervolino
Roberta Iervolino
2 years ago

He deff has situational awareness, which is what Gen. Flynn is ordering us to have.

2 years ago

In the first clip he is clearly ticked off with the situation. He leans forward, “in your face” at the camera. Eye movement up and to the left, looks to same spot each time (memory recall, script or looking at someone?). Looks down towards the end (sign of guilt or just looking for the letter from the FBI?)

Second clip, many more details but eyes all over the place. Shifting a lot. Lots of blinking. Raised eyebrows (believe me look). Clearly uncomfortable.