For anyone who wants to better understand the mechanism that has led to mass delusional anxiety belief systems and catastrophic decisions, I cannot recommend more highly “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” by Mattias Desmet. Even if you don’t want to read the book, there are several decent interviews of him that explain the concept of “Mass Formation” hypnosis (or psychosis being less politically correct). The solution he proposes is to continue to speak out, even to people who are fully in it’s grasp, ( who will react irrationally, but the grip on them will be weakened) Social Psychology was my favorite subject in school, and I was lucky enough to have multiple professors who were holocaust survivors, and discussed Viktor Frankl and Hannah Arendt, who Desmet expands on. We are in the midst of a situation where 30-40% of the population are out of contact with reality fully, with another 50 % going along with the narrative to avoid conflict. This is fueled by mass gaslighting and lack of meaning and religion in the mechanistic culture that believes science can control everything. I just keep telling myself that only 10% were active in the American Revolution.
very good well said,
out of my league again though i did
watch a long video on and about totalitarianism,
and yes i see the stats in real life.
still see people wearing masks standing next to me and chatting
with me – But then i say to them could you please stand 6 feet away,
and they do – so sad.
was at the air show last Saturday and seen a few people still wearing masks
alone either walking and biking.
was wondering if the pilot flying the F-35 was wearing one lol
spoke with a young person today at me building telling me he went
to doctor complaining about a hacking cough and chest pains.
sorry for changing focus, but also starting to think most people
who drank the Kool-Aid may not be around by the time 2030
arrives – almost like perfect timing ?
I agree that all people can be saved from Totalitarianism
But NOT if they drank the Kool-Aid ,
though i hope am wrong.
Heard if ya healthy and young you best in joy the next 10 years
if ya drank the Fool-Aid…
am slowly starting to see and hear a lot of people having problems
and they all drank the BS !!!
The mass die off has begun, with excess deaths up 40% in the 18-49 age group, but due to the mass formation so called experts are doing everything in their power to come up with an “explanation” that fits the narrative. If the public awareness increases, confusing and crooked research will be presented to confuse the issue. Any other drug would have been pulled based on the VAERS reporting.
But why not simply say: there are people who do bad things to other people. When these evildoers are in charge, they do VERY BAD things. Like maiming, killing, illegally imprisoning, bankrupting.
As Jon Rappaport says, “mass formation” is simply one of thousands of high-falutin terms academics feel compelled to come up with, because otherwise they’ve got nothing. They can’t just talk about what’s going on in the world and who’s doing what to whom. That would be below them.
Plus, describing actual killers in high places would put them in deep shit with the people who are bankrolling the colleges they work at. Yes, there is that.
Therefore, much better to bloviate endlessly and invent intellectual garbage which is adored by an “educated audience.”
2 years ago
Seems like his conscience is bothering him with all that slumping. Whatever’s coming ain’t good. I just hope it isn’t coming here, too.
2 years ago
The Green dream becomes the genocidal nightmare we knew it would be. They listened to the chicken littles yelling that they sky is falling and the solution is going to give them the global cooling they all want. With the likes of the leaders we have in charge here, get a generator, gas and firewood.
Mickey Dacosta
2 years ago
Seems every day its the same old crap,
like ground hog day.
these people are absolutely Bad people…
Unbelievable, Be rite back one second –
JJJJJJJJJJJJJ twitch kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk twitch jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj twitch jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj LMAO lol
Maybe it is better to be Crazzzy than run around it…
Thanks Mandy, now you have me thinking if
i can freeze dry Roaches lol good for 30 years,
send a jar or bag full to these people.
let them get there own chocolate lol…
send some ‘Mickeys Hard Lemonade’ too lol !!!
Here’s some of those paper straws wrapped in plastic too !!!
for the record it was my head hitting the key board,
the twitching confirms head struck keys,
I thought it was funny,
for those who didn’t – so sad,
I mean sorry lol…
For anyone who wants to better understand the mechanism that has led to mass delusional anxiety belief systems and catastrophic decisions, I cannot recommend more highly “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” by Mattias Desmet. Even if you don’t want to read the book, there are several decent interviews of him that explain the concept of “Mass Formation” hypnosis (or psychosis being less politically correct). The solution he proposes is to continue to speak out, even to people who are fully in it’s grasp, ( who will react irrationally, but the grip on them will be weakened) Social Psychology was my favorite subject in school, and I was lucky enough to have multiple professors who were holocaust survivors, and discussed Viktor Frankl and Hannah Arendt, who Desmet expands on. We are in the midst of a situation where 30-40% of the population are out of contact with reality fully, with another 50 % going along with the narrative to avoid conflict. This is fueled by mass gaslighting and lack of meaning and religion in the mechanistic culture that believes science can control everything. I just keep telling myself that only 10% were active in the American Revolution.
very good well said,
out of my league again though i did
watch a long video on and about totalitarianism,
and yes i see the stats in real life.
still see people wearing masks standing next to me and chatting
with me – But then i say to them could you please stand 6 feet away,
and they do – so sad.
was at the air show last Saturday and seen a few people still wearing masks
alone either walking and biking.
was wondering if the pilot flying the F-35 was wearing one lol
spoke with a young person today at me building telling me he went
to doctor complaining about a hacking cough and chest pains.
sorry for changing focus, but also starting to think most people
who drank the Kool-Aid may not be around by the time 2030
arrives – almost like perfect timing ?
I agree that all people can be saved from Totalitarianism
But NOT if they drank the Kool-Aid ,
though i hope am wrong.
Heard if ya healthy and young you best in joy the next 10 years
if ya drank the Fool-Aid…
am slowly starting to see and hear a lot of people having problems
and they all drank the BS !!!
The mass die off has begun, with excess deaths up 40% in the 18-49 age group, but due to the mass formation so called experts are doing everything in their power to come up with an “explanation” that fits the narrative. If the public awareness increases, confusing and crooked research will be presented to confuse the issue. Any other drug would have been pulled based on the VAERS reporting.
But why not simply say: there are people who do bad things to other people. When these evildoers are in charge, they do VERY BAD things. Like maiming, killing, illegally imprisoning, bankrupting.
As Jon Rappaport says, “mass formation” is simply one of thousands of high-falutin terms academics feel compelled to come up with, because otherwise they’ve got nothing. They can’t just talk about what’s going on in the world and who’s doing what to whom. That would be below them.
Plus, describing actual killers in high places would put them in deep shit with the people who are bankrolling the colleges they work at. Yes, there is that.
Therefore, much better to bloviate endlessly and invent intellectual garbage which is adored by an “educated audience.”
Seems like his conscience is bothering him with all that slumping. Whatever’s coming ain’t good. I just hope it isn’t coming here, too.
The Green dream becomes the genocidal nightmare we knew it would be. They listened to the chicken littles yelling that they sky is falling and the solution is going to give them the global cooling they all want. With the likes of the leaders we have in charge here, get a generator, gas and firewood.
Seems every day its the same old crap,
like ground hog day.
these people are absolutely Bad people…
Unbelievable, Be rite back one second –
JJJJJJJJJJJJJ twitch kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk twitch jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj twitch jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj LMAO lol
Maybe it is better to be Crazzzy than run around it…
Thanks Mandy, now you have me thinking if
i can freeze dry Roaches lol good for 30 years,
send a jar or bag full to these people.
let them get there own chocolate lol…
send some ‘Mickeys Hard Lemonade’ too lol !!!
Here’s some of those paper straws wrapped in plastic too !!!
for the record it was my head hitting the key board,
the twitching confirms head struck keys,
I thought it was funny,
for those who didn’t – so sad,
I mean sorry lol…