Body Language – FBI Wray, Trump Raid Evidence Concerns

FBI Wray, Trump Raid Evidence Concerns

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2 years ago

As one rightfully said,
the FBI ist the biggest employer of terrorists in the US.

2 years ago

Just watch the media and the usual suspects to read the tea leaves. Within an hour of the raid, Mark Elias, who engineered the election steal, tweets that he wants to see Trump litigate that a records violation does not disqualify him to hold office. Then the media parrots “ Domestic Extremist groups including “Qanon” are very active making threats on the internet including groups active on January 6th” Then a mysterious gunman fires shots at an Ohio FBI office. The deep state has been trying to set up Donald Trump in increasingly blatant ways since 2015. Just the latest attempt. They will try to connect him to Domestic Violent Extremists, a false narrative they have spinning and amplifying for several years.

Nia Fernanda
Nia Fernanda
2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Work At Home Go This

2 years ago

Glad you did this one, too, Mandy. Good thing the security cameras at Mar-a-Lago were running during the invasion. When orange tie popped his head up at the mention of agents being threatened, I got the impression that he was thinking, “Oh, good! The public actually bought that one. This could work.” They must be in panic mode doing damage and narrative control. A little while ago today, a gunman in Cincinnati attacked the Fib Building there. Just another “coincidence”? Oh, that guy got away before they could grab him. The area is in lockdown mode due to an “armed standoff”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Fib is right. and these clowns are mad people are ‘threatening’ them. i dont believe that one. they just want to scare everyone in to submission.

2 years ago

Violence isn’t the solution, it’s money. Defund and disband all of the 3 letter agencies that seek to oppress the citizens and lord over us. Especially the “Just Us” Dept. needs to go. If these guys want to seek employment in the Federal Govt or retain their pensions, they all need to be vetted by interrogation and a polygraph. so we know who the rats are in the “Feral Govt”. We don’t need 2 million federal employees.

2 years ago

And no comment on the planting of evidence. They’ll just say ANYTHING.

2 years ago

notice the Freudian slip at 3:35? Law enFarce…

Jeffrey Allan
Jeffrey Allan
2 years ago

He shouldn’t have said that he was going to drain the swamp. The swamp apparently goes very deep. He’s gonna need a bigger pump. Trump needs to start pointing fingers. Accusations lead to investigations. At least they should. What’s good for the goose…..