Body Language – Cassidy Hutchinson, Sweet as honey

Body Language - Cassidy Hutchinson, Sweet as honey

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2 years ago

She touched just about every intimate spot on her head and neck you could possibly touch…

2 years ago

Just the content alone is nonsense. “The rioters are getting closer” is not a possible statement that could be a conclusion from any live television from that day. The Capitol perimeter and building were starting to get breached before the end of the President’s speech. The time frame she is describing as “the rioters are getting closer” was after the President’s speech and with the exception of the Ray Epps perimeter breach team, and the John Sullivan/ Orange Tape/ scaffold commander building breach team, nobody was rioting until they got gassed by Capitol Police. The calling them “rioters” in real time is not reasonable. There was live coverage of protestors moving toward the Capitol. She was coached to use that word in her lies. My guess would be that she was boinking either Meadows or Cippolone, accounting for her behavior at the end.

2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Or after the hug with Liz Cheney I just saw after her testimony, which was beyond inappropriate, maybe her.

2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Nothing surprises me anymore! ?

2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

omg… maybe thats why cheney is a rino lmao

2 years ago
Reply to  Mandy

They are all deviants. It is only a matter of details and degree. Why Kevin McCarthy and Frank Luntz are “roommates” will induce vomiting. And then there are the rumors about Ali Alexander and Karl Rove including nicknames.

2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602


2 years ago

I wonder if someone significant gave her the jewelry she kept touching?

2 years ago

I swear she looks like she is sweating big time near the end of this video…’sweatin’ bullets’ as they say – haha.

2 years ago

Excellent analysis! I wonder if when she was holding back that smile, she was thinking ‘damn, I actually got away with saying that!’

2 years ago

Oddly enough, the thing that struck me wasn’t the suppressed smile. That seemed to me to be the “tell”. It was the fabricated story itself, about the table cloth and fine china flying all over the place. It had all the earmarks of the Russian Pee Dossier. Too stupid to be believed by any rational person, yet they thought it was brilliant. These operatives are disgusting. Trump was right when he said that they really are stupid! They are like a bunch of wild teenagers who are out of control and never grew up, hellbent on getting their own way. Unfortunately, their arrogance is combined with their ignorance and they are totally destroying our country along with every moral value on earth. God help us!

Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller
2 years ago

the number of times she uses the phrase “something to the effect of” is also a tell that she has been coached by a lawyer/operative who understands perjury laws

2 years ago

But there was a falling out between Hutchinson and Meadows in 2021, a former White House aide told CNN. She was supposed to become permanent staff at Mar-a-Lago, but those plans fell through, the outlet reported.

Cassidy Hutchinson.. The New Jersey native has yet to hold a full-time job since leaving the White House, the Washington Post reported.

2 years ago
Reply to  pattyls

Interesting comment. Given that it comes from CNN and WaPo, well…. like her testimony, it sounds like another poorly written script by Adam Schiff.

Mickey Dacosta
Mickey Dacosta
2 years ago

well that was an excellent video,
watched it a few times, learned something for sure.
enjoyed the two pictures of holding smile in – Nice touch.
i must admit i did get fixated on the touching parts
as Cat pointed out lol
am hoping its a guy thing not just me lmao,
this video reminded me that from now on
i will be wearing sun glasses during live video chats !!!
might even keep the camera off too…

excellent video !!!

2 years ago

I wonder, with all the shenanigans going on in Congress, the House, and the WH; what do they use to let others know they are “busy”? It seems that a towel on the door handle wouldn’t quite look appropriate.

2 years ago

We’re supposed to believe that she wiped ketchup off the wall .. nonsense. Supposed to believe the ‘valet’ witnesses all of this and then he shared that moment with the perjurer – nonsense.

2 years ago

Interesting to know thoughts on Ms. Hutchinson’s answering style for the about 40 seconds after the 1:26:54 timestamp on this video: (You’ll have to scroll, Rumble seemingly can’t add timestamp starting points to their urls, sorry.)

From a portion of Tore Maras’ show when Tues. hearing was live. If Hutchinson isn’t receiving her “script” or parts of it via Biden-bot style hidden ear devices, then her speech, eyes, timing of answer seem indescribably bizarre at this point. Not that there aren’t other places, too. And the constant smirk/smile was throughout the testimony. Not to mention the bulk of her “testimony” being conveyed through the use of pre-recorded video segments introduced at the properly scripted point in the narrative. Practice and less chance for live errors? Great to hear thoughts on how that sort of “live info” i.e. someone talking via tech while subject is answering/speaking would affect body language.

Totally nutty stuff. The real question is what are they trying to distract from and set up for coming up. I pray Americans don’t fall for even more unfolding of Operation Chaos nonsense.

(I link to the clip via Tore’s show as she’s an invaluable provider of meaningful info during so many of these shenanigans. Very central to what was revealed in the Shadowgate docs that I know the proprietors here have linked to in the past. Hope this is useful. God bless!

2 years ago
Reply to  sewardsfolly

The Shadowgate series as well as Psyop the Steal are probably the most important content to watch for anyone who really wants to know what is going on with these events.

2 years ago
Reply to  sewardsfolly

When she touched her ear, I thought she had an ear peice as well….but her eyes don’t indicate she’s processing audio information…..

2 years ago
Reply to  dhh

🙂 Not always, and I wouldn’t know if I’m interpreting correctly or not but check out about 1-2 min. worth at the link/time reference above. Or since Rumble won’t do timestamp links, this from a YouTube news clip at the exact time reference: (40 minute mark)

Seems super weird if she’s not getting audible instructions. She even acts sheepish like she knows she didn’t cover well. Liz C. looks mildly annoyed as well.

2 years ago

Thanks. I couldn’t stand to watch it. I don’t see how anyone could keep a strait face.

2 years ago

She’s smirking right before the ketchup part.

2 years ago

Sexual memories aren’t as intense as sexual fantasies/desires/daydreams. IMO, had she experienced a memory there would have been more surpressive gestures (looking down, looking away, avoiding looking at herself in the video, fidgeting, distracting herself)….she would have done what she could to block the memory of any actual sexual encounter that may have occured.

When I was watching the testimony, it seemed to me that she was in daydream mode.

When I was younger (in adolescence) I suffered from maladaptive daydreaming as a result of PTS. Back in my time, they would have labeled me as ADD/ADHD….but those terms didn’t exist back then. One of the reasons I went into hypno/nlp was to help me cope/manage the condition and help me focus better during the day.

It seems to me from my point of view that the phrase ‘ I saw HIM being alone in the office’ triggered a sexual daydream fantasy. I don’t know if there is a way to tell the difference in body language from someone reliving/remembering a sexual experience vs someone fantasizing about a sexual encounter. IMO, something may or may not have ‘happened’ in that office….but IMO, it appears that she may have WANTED something to happen in that office.

You can kinda see her snapping back to reality briefly when she hears her self say ‘Mark needs to snap out of this’

In terms of body language, what would be the difference between remembering a sexual experience vs having a sexual fantasy/daydream?

2 years ago

Meanwhile, Hillary actually threw ash trays, lamps, and who knows what else, at her husband, who was a sitting president at the time.

2 years ago

so wait, is she doing it with Mark Meadows…?