Body Language – Biden & Macron, The Oil Situation

Body Language - Biden & Macron, The Oil Situation

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2 years ago

While I don’t know if this oil thing is part of the script or a real thing, what I do know is Macron would have never felt comfortable hooking onto Trump like that, nor would Trump have allowed it or been in a position to facilitate it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

Bingo! ? Trump’s masculinity brought out Macron’s femininity that much more, lol.

2 years ago

Woot… I stayed logged in… that is a nice update… that could have been a me issue with all those cookies cleaned up!

Yes Macron knew it was in camera… definitely not a hot mic.

This could be anything thing from trying to improve his pathetic ratings at home to getting a message to Biden’s handlers …..

He is a sneak… from the day he started sneaking behind his parents back at 15 to have an affair with the paedophile women that is now his wife …. can’t trust him…

I bet First Lady Dr Biden would not let Mr touchy Biden be alone with paedophile Mrs Macron….. and she is the power pants in that Macron marriage… she has met with lots of other leaders from other counties!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

I like to stay logged in as long as possible!

2 years ago

my 2 cents….

No, this is not a hot mic moment. This was OBVIOUSLY staged…..the question: By who? And Why?
IMO, Macron did it to look good in front of the French/European media

Whatever the reason, Macron saw an opportunity to talk to Biden w/out his babysitters and took it.

2 years ago

I’m confused about what Macron was attempting to do with that staged mini production. I don’t think he was trying to get the resident to start pumping American oil again, since that doesn’t fit the nwo agenda, for which Macron is a puppet. Maybe he is jockeying for position in the nwo by showing what a strong, effective, and wise leader he is? (As if!!!) Could be he just wants an invitation to Martha’s Vineyard for a luxurious summer vacation to relax and receive the latest plans for the near future. I would appreciate any thoughts anyone here might have about this staged show.

Lance Kosty Kosty
Lance Kosty Kosty
2 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Personally believe he was embarrassing Joe purposefully, maybe to ascend by climbing Joe politically, or maybe simply to damage Joe for some dumb shit behind the scenes he did resulting in grudge. Maybe this is French beef against US that has nothing to do with Joe, but the result is clear: embarrassment.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

The guy directly blocking Biden next to the badge guy is Jake Sullivan, his own National Security Advisor. Knowing the background of Sullivan, (Soros, Clinton, Obama ties, and major architect of the Russia Hoax and the Iran Deal) Current CIA Director Burns, and Lurch Kerry, Green Energy Advisor, were also involved in the Iran Deal. I believe this situation was staged to cast the Saudis in a negative light for not pumping more oil, to justify the purchase of Iranian oil, the ultimate goal of which is to enrich the Iranians and allow them to get nuclear weapons to use in a war against Israel and perhaps Saudi Arabia. Now, why would Obama, the NWO, and these American infiltrators want that? That would be pure speculation, but it has been obvious that everyone in the NWO and Obama orbit wants that very thing. It is obvious.

2 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

I believe you’re right! Iran, of course! Thank you, my friend. Now it all makes sense to me.

2 years ago


Larby M.
Larby M.
2 years ago

in addition
(it hurts the eyes)
Savior of the world
realised and published by Macron’s team