Body Language – Bill Gates on Trump Censorship, Texas Freeze, Bitcoin & Vaccines


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3 years ago

What a fussy old lady he is! Was expecting him to clutch at his figurative pearls at any moment. ?

Something about him literally reminds me of a lizard. He’s definitely a sleazy guy. Think he gets regular massages for the crick in his neck, lol?

Of course, Trump should be allowed back on Twitter (freedom of speech and all). However, if Dorsey wants to argue private company, etc., then those Christian bakers who refused to make a cake for the gay couple should be exonerated. Quid pro quo, you know.

3 years ago
Reply to  BethJ547

Yep. Definitely sleazy. I’d comment further, but suddenly I feel the need to shower multiple times.

3 years ago

I’ve been watching your videos since May 2018 but just subscribed today as I really felt the need to comment. 🙂

When Bill Gates says he can’t predict Bitcoin, it sounds like he’s saying he can’t manipulate Bitcoin. That would explain why he’s neither invested NOR shorted it.
And that is exactly what I needed to hear to finally jump in. 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Pinksgr8

You are awesome! You made me smile ! God Bless You!

3 years ago
Reply to  NellieJ

Thank you NellieJ!

3 years ago

Having had countless psychopaths in my office over the years, I noticed how many “come at you from the side” For my own amusement, I started moving my swivel chair so I was facing them directly, telling them that it was “an experiment” Since mine was the only chair with wheels, some would keep craning their necks and a few would actually try to slide the chair so they could continue to come at me from the side. The thing he loosened up about was the new generation of modular nuclear reactors, which are a huge breakthrough, small as a house and using much less radioactive fuel. They are being tested on military bases and are a good thing.

3 years ago

He is today’s snake oil salesman, selling a “cure” for something that doesn’t exist.

3 years ago
Reply to  madvinmryk

Oh, that “something” may not exist yet, but he’ll make sure it does and he’ll also finance another vaccine to “cure” it.

3 years ago

He is such a smarmy disgusting demon, I can hardly stand to watch or hear him ! He has all the attributes of a seven year old “special” imp of an only child who brags he will someday king of the world ! Like Charles Darwin, Gates sets himself up to be an “expert” in fields he has no education, understanding or experience in… Is Gates criminally insane or just pure evil?