Body Language – Alex Jones interviews General Michael Flynn regarding Election


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4 years ago

Didn’t realize I could love and respect the People’s General more, but I was wrong. Love this interview! Maybe the underlying stress is from not knowing how much he can trust Alex Jones?

Anita Evans
Anita Evans
4 years ago
Reply to  BethJ547

Agreed on the stress reason

4 years ago
Reply to  BethJ547

Or maybe because he wasn’t sure he could trust Mike Pence or Congress do the right thing. (Wasn’t it Pence who got Flynn fired?) This interview took place on Jan. 5th, the day BEFORE the certification of the Electoral College votes. So, Trump’s speech “tomorrow” came and went. Nothing’s changed… yet. Maybe Mandy will do an analysis of the President’s speech. It would give us more insight. Trump did tweet today that he will not be attending the inauguration. Notice he used the word “the” and not “Biden’s” inauguration. So, how can he not attend his own inauguration? Okay, my brain is starting to hurt again. Does anyone here know if that once the vote has been certified by Congress, if can it be overturned?

4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

The last few days, my brain has been hurting…besides my heart…..I am sorry I don’t know any answers but it still feels good to be around people who are like-minded.

4 years ago
Reply to  Susie

My head doesn’t hurt ..but my heart and soul….big hurt. And for me too, Susan ..nice to see you all and hear Mandy’s voice.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  minddance

Don’t give your faith away; “The Best Is Yet To Come”. Don’t let them steal your joy; Turn the TEL-LIE-VISION off.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Susie

Hi,Susan ! I hope your not joking about your brain hurting. Mine has been hurting too ! I am hoping it’s a sign of a coming rapture :angel: I’m so excited ! Hope to see YOU ALL there :happy:

4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Twitter just suspended the President and permanently banned Flynn and Sidney Powell for “coordinated harmful activity”. Ha! Straight out of Alinsky. Always accuse your adversary of that which you yourself are guilty!

4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

My personal belief is that the crime of treason was completed when Pence Knowingly accepted one set of disputed electors without referring to the dueling electors sent by the legislatures of six states or their request to recall the electors unconstitutionally certified by governors over their objection. The executive order of 2018 on foreign interference in elections does come into play, but the only recourse now is military intervention to investigate election interference by foreign actors, as well as treason and sedition by domestic enemies. The President is meeting with military leaders at Camp David this weekend. Uncharted territory, but if not now, when?

4 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

i am pretty sure that meeting was announced by Trump yesterday to be cancelled. Staying at WH instead….but who knows ..for sure or what it means…Thanks for you posted info on that .

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Go to utube site: Monkey Werx…where you can monitor . President trump switched planes

4 years ago
Reply to  Gen. Stewart

Love Monkey Werx!

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

All those big tech companies will be seized and assets frozen for election tampering. Suckerbergs Georgia interference; Dorsey’s funding of Antifa; ALL going down ! This is going to be ” The Glorious Mysteries “

4 years ago
Reply to  Gen. Stewart

It would be justified, but I don’t know if it will happen. People have to wise up and stop posting on those sites. “…Trump said that he was in talks with other sites and is also looking at the possibility of building his own platform.”

4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

He also said he would not be attending the inauguration ‘on January 20th’. Hope this helps!

4 years ago
Reply to  Brian

Could make things worse. A sitting president’s term ends at noon on January 20th. Even if the election could be deemed unresolved at that time, the Speaker of the House is then sworn in as acting president.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

That is a horrifying thought! Thanks for the info though. These are truly historic times.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Unless something else ….stops that too.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

High Noon ? 12:01 President trump sworn in by Supreme Court Justice(Pick One)in undisclosed location(Military protection). National Emergency alert Activated…President Trump makes an announcement…”The Best Is yet To Come”… Praise God !

4 years ago
Reply to  Brian

Because Trump will remain in office and, thus, no inauguration. ?

4 years ago
Reply to  BethJ547

There is always an inauguration, even for a 2nd term. I like your thinking though!

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

I’m thinking either Biden won’t have an inaugural because he will be arrested. President Trump is here in Texas under Military protection; I believe that this has to play out until 12:01P.M. Jan.20 where he(President Trump) will be sworn in by a Supreme Court Justice. I also believe that in order for this coup to be complete ? He has to let it run it’s course up until 12:01 in order to be able to prosecute all involved.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Excellent point, Nonna, about it being before the AntiFa invasion in the Capitol. Yes, Pence definitely contributed to Flynn’s firing and I may well be wrong, but I suspect that Flynn has squared away in his mind the type of person that Pence was/is. May have been a few things contributing to the underlying stress, but Flynn didn’t come across (to me) as fully trusting AJ. Maybe they’ve made up, but AJ is still a loose cannon, regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees with him. Ya just don’t know what to expect from him. ?‍♀️

4 years ago
Reply to  BethJ547

As much as I don’t like AJ and haven’t been to Infowars in several years, I took Mandy’s advice and watched the whole interview there. Apparently Gen. Flynn and AJ have this mutual admiration thing going on. You can see it at the end. Why in the world would Flynn like, much less trust, AJ? That made my brain hurt, too.

4 years ago

So this was the night before the rally and the Pence betrayal. Of course, Pence was instrumental in getting General Flynn fired, so he probably would not trust him anyway. Wonder if the People’s General will be at Camp David this weekend with the President and military advisors, since all constitutional options have been exhausted due to corruption of every institution of government and the remaining option, beyond a very bloody revolution/civil war, is military intervention. I would certainly want him there. One of the few who can be trusted.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Why would the President be at a Air Force base in Texas and let it be known ? There are two Air Force Ones A command center that is not only protected from,but capable of nuclear attack. Just a question…can he call fire from the sky?…can he come from the clouds in the sky?…can he be seen by people around the world?

Anita Evans
Anita Evans
4 years ago

Haha ? I got my very 1st suspension from Twitter when I posted your short video – we are over the target ?

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Anita Evans

Congrats 😉 Got your first purple heart. You took one for the team;

Rand Talley
Rand Talley
4 years ago

13:37 “Then what happens, you see the access of the emotional memory again.
Could he be accessing information, such as an image of an audit or systems diagram relating to the Dominion election machines?

4 years ago
Reply to  Rand Talley

could be

4 years ago

You spin me right ’round, baby
Right ’round like a record, baby
Right ’round, ’round, ’round

I’m sorry Mandy… lol

Hogmanay everyone.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  L G

Hogmanay : Yea ! I was on the Royal Mile…Twice. Thus,my last name.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gen. Stewart

I’m in good company : ) I think you might enjoy this, General:

4 years ago
Reply to  L G

Wow! That was awesome! Thank you for sharing that, Lorna.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Glad you enjoyed it, Nonna! I thought it was pretty awesome too.

4 years ago
Reply to  L G

Thanks Lorna. Now I can’t get that song outta my head.

4 years ago
Reply to  Badcat

LOL… Sorry Badcat lol. I had the same issue.

4 years ago

This is absolutely fantastic research, Eileen. I had bits and pieces, but you did a great job on this. Pulitzer worthy. Thanks for your efforts!

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago

Boy,I was way off on this one ! I read it as the General being exited,because he is sitting on the edge of his seat. Leaning forward,into the conversation. He has both hands on his legs,like I do when happily explaining something to a child…Well,I guess it’s back to remedial :really-embarrassed:

4 years ago
Reply to  Gen. Stewart

I was thinking along the same lines, with Flynn being straightforward and up front, but excited. He looks like a little boy with a big secret!

4 years ago
Reply to  BethJ547

I got the impression that he was told that he would be Vice President Flynn soon. Okay with me. I never trusted Pence.

4 years ago

Tried to sign up for Gab today but someone already has my badcat. :miffed:

barbara jewell
barbara jewell
4 years ago

i heard there were masks under the chairs,, is this always protocol masks under chairs ???? If not. did someone know they might need them on Jan. the 6th. ??? strange don’t u think..

4 years ago
Reply to  barbara jewell

Hi, Barbara! Off topic, but were you born a Jewell or married a Jewell? Curious because that’s my Dad’s people, too, but in VA.

Light of Hope
4 years ago

There is no picture, just sound. Not sure if my my Brave browser or what. :/

4 years ago
Reply to  Light of Hope

It’s the site. It’s not just you.
WordPress doesn’t work as well as YouTube

4 years ago

I’d love to see you do this one

4 years ago

With all the I’m sorries, I think there might be a bit of Canadian in Mr. Flynn.

4 years ago

Simon Parkes talks about the Vatican being involved. (the whole pope thing stinks too).

4 years ago

Hi Mandy, great body language analysis on another video.

I know you’re busy with your life and new baby. But I would certainly be interested in seeing more frequent posts. Whether it be on political personalities or someone else. With everything going on in the world right now, it would seem there is a treasure trove of videos to be chosen from.

I don’t have a specific video to suggest. Just wanted to say that I would love to see more content from you. I’m in the learning phase and have gone through your tutorial videos. Always interested in seeing more of your analysis.

Susan. 🙂

4 years ago

ugh – not to be a hater but these videos are really boring now. you were mind blowing 3 years ago! the analysis is more surface level and the videos covered are a lot less fun and interesting. anyone else?

4 years ago

Hello badvibes….I think I understand what you are saying and let’s start with the word ‘fun’. We are dealing with pieces of a broken Country – depending on how you feel about political correctness/covid depression/the military/different ‘replacements’ and your family. The world collapsed yesterday when we discovered mike pence’s traitor-ness – the one man we thought we could rely on – is now gone and has left us heartbroken. Will Gen. Flynn do the same? I have removed the word ‘fun’ out of my vocabulary ever since 2001. (I used to think travelling and being on a plane was ‘fun’)… I have a sister who always says everything is ‘fun’….and it’s annoying and immature. I have loved ones who think I should be ‘more positive’ and ‘happy’ – I would rather be alone. The art of conversation is done – I read more and talk less. It’s hard to describe betrayal when it surrounds you, and sometimes people attach themselves more to you when you don’t want them to, nagging you to ‘get out of your funk’. For giggles, watch some Simon Parkes videos – he still has faith and hope. I don’t talk about him to my kids because they would think I am nuts – (I am, but I can’t help it). And talk to someone who thinks the same as you….stay away from tv news and scan headlines…call in to Rush..mess with people’s minds….stir the pot – now that could be fun…Good luck badvibesinthewomb.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Susie

Love ya Girl ! “The first will be last,and the last will be first”…The lord says his people will be a PECULIAR people. Meaning that is what others will think of you. I like and i think God likes nuts 🙂 God has a sense of humor. Let your nutty light shine to your children. Don’t hold back ! Scripture tells us that if we are ashamed of Jesus,he will be ashamed of us. Just look at some of my posts. People have tp be scratching their heads. Susan McCall is the best kind of nut ! She is Gods nut :angel:

4 years ago
Reply to  Gen. Stewart

Ohhhh stopppppp Gen Stewart – love you.

4 years ago

bad vibes…not to be offensive ..but truthful…if i were you and that was my perception ..i would go back into the womb and change myself…heal what is really my own irritation and come out more clearly able to see and accept and utilize the unfathomable treasure (both in myself and another) rather than project my own limitations on them that prevents that realization.

4 years ago
Reply to  minddance

Maybe you should let it go, Susan and minddance. I’m pretty sure this person posted something similar here over a year ago, wanting Mandy to do more Hollywood and pop music stars and less cerebral topics. Just wants to have fun Dancing with the Stars.
:favourite: :in-love:

4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Back in ’08, when pukefacexprezo was elected, husband voted for him…then he did in ’12…I was beside myself and for 12 years I tried to explain to him the dangers but he would yell the words: ‘SUSAN, LET IT GOOOOOO’…..One day, as I was ranting, and he said the words, I yelled: ‘THIS IS MMMMEEEEEEE LETTTTTINNNNGGG IT GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO’….also: I am PROCESSING this bulllllsheeeetttttt…….he eventually came around, voted for Trump twice, but he still has clashes in his brain….especially when he takes the sides of our liberal kids to be their ‘buddy’. After the words: ‘let it go’ were buried, then the tolerance began…conservatives were to be ‘tolerant’ of things from safe spaces to the riots back in the summer. Conservatives were to believe we are all racist, and now we are to believe Trump was an ‘incite er’ because we couldn’t let it go, and we were hurting progress. Our newest ‘political correctness’ behavior will be the embracing of the covid vaccine. How DARE I say anything bad about it? Since covid has entered through every aspect of every conversation, this is when I start talking about ‘getting a dog’….it seems to be above socially correct to have a dog (or cat but more so a dog)…what kind should I get? (then I too can show pics of my dog and tell dog stories). It used to be this way with sports – (people didn’t have to deal with reality)…but people keep watching football even though colinkaepernickdick destroyed our flag loyalty – and they still don’t mind watching cardboard cutouts and believing big strong athletes can get ‘sick’. My son told me the other day that in the process of concerts ‘coming back’, you will need to prove you have had a vaccine…this will probably happen with the superbowl as well. So sure, I will let it go…but what kind of dog should I get?