Body Language – Vice Presidential Debate 2020 Pence Harris


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Alex Ogle
Alex Ogle
4 years ago

There was something about your description of Harris having not used her feminine wiles in a while, that put me in mind of Will Franken performing his rendition of Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and how Eve was so easily swayed by Satan.
There seems to be something about a certain group of modern women that is especially susceptible to temptation by the arch nemesis.
I was struck by the fact that almost everything Harris said was a lie, and her ‘sweet’ smile was an attempt to mask it.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Alex Ogle

Excellent comparison ! I think that shouldn’t go without pointing out the seemingly desperate need for these soy boy types to jump for the apple.

4 years ago

I don’t normally use an object to hide a face, but it was necessary for this one although it’s too late now as I am psychologically damaged from what I did see of her face. It’s almost as if you can feel the evil spirits coming through on tv/laptop. I am literally shaken, and terribly afraid of her. Whose idea was it to do a split screen? How distracting was that? A normal person is incapable of having a normal conversation with this type of person. Let us pray others see her evilness.

4 years ago
Reply to  Susie

I don’t think nancy p, hellary, and kam combined don’t have as much ice in their veins as kim jong un’s sister. Unable to get pic but there is more chatter of kim ‘missing’ and having a double.

4 years ago
Reply to  Susie

You don’t need to go that far, there are simple real world biological markers that reveal these truths.

4 years ago

“Heels Up” Harris is more annoying than I had realized. Ugh… I believe I have heard Mandy mention the “pretty pose” frequently employed by AOC; Harris’ facial expressions reminded me of that phrase.

May God protect America and Americans, before, during, and after this election. ??

4 years ago

Kamala Harris’ smiling reminds me of Hillary Clinton and her smiling during the 2016 debates. It’s as if the smile says, “I’m wrong, so I’m going to hide it with a smile.” Thank you for your analysis.

Cherian Jacob
Cherian Jacob
4 years ago

It is very hard to look and listen to her in the same it is for Hilary Clinton. Period!

4 years ago

Was on pins and needles for your body language review!… as ‘Calm’ as everyone claimed, I saw several tells that Harris was PUT-BACK on Biden’s professional SOLID candidate.

4 years ago

There is not ONE emphatic neuron in Harris’s body

4 years ago

Got off to a great start..The opening ‘NOTE’: No one’s been told in advance what topic/questions will be raised, blah blah blah {cough-donnabrazile-cough}. Pathetic. I didn’t watch it live but appreciate you assessment as always Mandy. I thought Pence did amazing, and I loved that he zinged Harris with the plagiarism comment right out of the gate. Bam! How could that not rattle her? She did not suspect that. I know I didn’t, but I LOVED it!! I like THIS Pence even more.

4 years ago

I didn’t watch the debate because it would have been exactly like having to watch and listen to Hillary, only without whatever fake accent was being employed. This video and Mandy’s analysis confirmed that. Pense was a welcome surprise here. He stood stronger than I’d ever seen him before. Loved the Clark Kent/Superman comparison. Perfect! As to the moderator, she was as I expected: Christine Wallace all over again. Glad I skipped it and glad Mandy did this great analysis. Thanks, Mandy!

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Hi Nonna 🙂 Hope all is well with you and your’s

4 years ago
Reply to  Gen. Stewart

Hi, General. I’m recovering from a couple of surgeries and feeling stronger each day. Struggling to pay medical bills, but God willing, all will be well and I will again be able to donate to this great site. Happy to report that I am cancer free now and didn’t have to undergo chemo.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Prayers and glad to hear that you are on the mend.

4 years ago

Love the metaphor of the executioner and the last rights preacher. I have dealt with more than my share of psychopaths during my career. I can only think of a handful where you can almost physically feel the evil coming off of them. That is what I get with this one. Vice President Pence did a great job.

4 years ago

I found this to be a fascinating analysis of the Harris/Pence debate. M’Lady is a clinical psychologist, and advised me on watching people of the type like Harris, that you have to take the emotion out of the observation, so you must look at it clinically. I found that my initial view of Harris is that she does NOT project empathy, but draws one in on some emotional story, or intimidates with body language, voice timbre, facial expressions, and fiery personal attacks. This was evident in the primary debates when Harris came in for the kill to Biden on a personal attack concerning his alleged racism. The ends justify the means in her mind.

Harris always replies with some sarcastic remark that is made to attempt to intimidate.

You are totally right in your analysis of Vice President Pence. He is a polite and decent man, but he rapidly realized that his usual measured and polite response was inappropriate for the situation. He had to call out her lies directly and he did it well.

I appreciate your detailed and timely analysis of this debate. Another analysis of a sociopath.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago

Hi Mandy, Hope all is well with you and yours ! I enjoyed your comments and humor more than watching the debate rerun. You crack me up ! Laugh my rear end off . Have a nice day and thank you again.

Jackie Boudreaux
Jackie Boudreaux
4 years ago

I have a question….you mentioned that face Kamala made with the squint. You asked how many of us have seen that look on someone’s face before. What does that look indicate? What is that a tell of?

Gerry Wright
Gerry Wright
4 years ago

Your interpretations are spot on. I so enjoy your sense of humor. You make my day!

4 years ago

I felt the exact same way about Pence. Pence is looking…presidential–for the very first time.

If he keeps delivering like this, it may be Pence 2024.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago

Wow ! Glad you shared that. Had no idea,as I’m sure others don’t. Thank You ! Keep them coming.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago

I don’t care for Pence’s debate style; His delivery, timing and tempo is one that is designed to run down the clock(defense).Maybe,his way of avoiding the confrontation ? A debate is like a fight. The two most important elements is,to know your opponent and when to attack or withdraw. When you attack(offense),it should be with rapid multiple counter blows.While at the same time,injecting information that would put your opponent on defense. I was livid watching the opportunities slip away as Pence seemed to be on his heels. What was a saving grace,happened at the very end of the debate,in the last remaining minutes. VIOLA ! Pence pulled up his boy shorts and gave a flurry of knock out punches that saved the day !

4 years ago
Reply to  Gen. Stewart

To debate, first you have to assume everyone is on the same level….Now? You have to debate sociopaths and psyco’s…..whether it’s your kids, your co-workers, or your family members. I have a liberal sister that loves to spout off, but never wants to hear the other side of the coin. I have a loved one coming next week for a visit and he is anti-police and pro ‘protestors’….yes, I am stressed about that but I will have games lined up and ‘diversion’ conversation topics. (he will be bringing a new girlfriend – just found out she is a vegan and allergic to shellfish. Okay….as I was cleaning yesterday I would scream out loud to hubby: oh my gosh, I am allergic to dust and spiders! Then I said to hubby of 35 years: imagine if when I met your folks you told them I was allergic to this or that, was a vegan, blahblah….she would have told her son not to bring me around).

4 years ago

Excellent. Thanks for doing this one. I wanted to watch this for Pence but had turn it off after that first look at Kamala.
Still just can’t believe what they put out there to be future leaders of this country. And people vote for them.

4 years ago

I’ve been trying to watch the videos for days & all I get is a black screen with lines buffering. What am I doing wrong? I miss Mandy!

4 years ago

You’re all trying to make sense of this in the wrong way. Mike Pence is a biological female. Kamala Harris is a biological male.

Biological males have larger heads. Biological females have sloped shoulders. Biological males look direct, biological females are less direct and more submissive. Biological females have short necks. Biological males have large tracheas.

See @Bevvie112 on twitter!