In Utah, the state passed mail-in voting WITHOUT CONSENT. That does not mean you have to put it in the mail. You can HAND deliver it to the courthouse. I will never put my voting packet in the mail. I’m going to complete it, drive to the elections office, put on a mask, go inside, and hand-deliver it to the elections clerk.” THEN I will follow the website instructions to TRACK my vote.
If nancy peelosi can get her hair done (in the public eye) then of course you can deliver your vote!
4 years ago
Open Source Research: The funding of BLM is a little easier to trace. Look into the backgrounds and connections of the following people and organizations: Leah Hunt-Hendrix, Solidaire, Democracy Alliance (big connections to teachers unions, public employee unions, ACLU and the Democrat Party), The Ford Foundation (ditto as well as Universities, especially Harvard, The Rockefeller Foundation) Open Societies Foundations. These organizations are required to post bios of their board members. The tentacles become fairly easy to trace. The founders of BLM are Marxist revolutionaries who want to destroy law and order as we know it, the nuclear family and other social institutions under the guise of civil rights. They cunningly selected a name that unsuspecting, poorly informed people cannot disagree with. Look at what they do and not what they call themselves. Antifa pose as anti-fascist, however, most are anarchists and communists dedicated to the overthrow of the US government. Many are teachers others are mentally ill drug addicts/ petty criminals. Their funding is harder to trace, but some comes from wealthy people who are part of the same web, especially academia. For whatever reason, the insurrection act has not been invoked. My guess is that the strategy is to expose their enablers, the Democrat Party, to the uninformed people who vote them into office.
I agree ! This could also be a two fold strategy. Not only would he be exposing these subversives to the democrat followers,but force those subversives to show themselves.For legal Proof to round them up in the following years. Trump is fighting a bloodless coup/revolution/civil war. He is trying to defeat these traitors of our republic using the law,while they are breaking it. I saw one of the envelopes that was given to several individuals at GHW Bushes funeral. It had a Whitehouse letterhead with the seal on it. It stated “They have it all” Sorry ! signatured George Bush. President Trump is fighting deep state bureaucrat’s,corrupt local and foreign politicians,corrupt Corporation CEO’s,Celebrities and self interest groups with very few resources. The only avenue of information afforded him is twitter,interview’s and rallies. I hope it is not an exercise in futility.
Trumps people are looking into this. Like Nonna said can’t happen soon enough to suit us.
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
He can’t name the people behind the curtain or he would have to prove it. That would prove to be to much of a distraction. It serves him better to have them live with the fear of being exposed. HOWEVER ; He could publish under a pen name. Something like a..Q..? Since a big group of these shadow people own six of the major media and internet serves and refuse to tell the truth of what is happening. Where and how do you take your message to the people ? If not this group of high intel insiders ? Then,what a BRILLIANT idea of not only holding your base together ,but building a world following….wwgowga
4 years ago
I wonder if we will ever know the names of the stupid rich people funding the revolution. As long as they are stopped from doing further damage, killing more people and manipulating the information to the masses, I will be patient to hear the names.
I saw the two part interview on tv when they aired. No way could anyone know who he was talking about, except those people themselves. The way I see your analysis, you did a good job with what you had to work with. Good to have it confirmed that Trump was drop dead serious. Those people should be worried right now. He’s not bluffing. The only question I have, and have had for a long time, is “when?”. Can’t happen soon enough to suit me.
When is right. The patience of good citizens has wore thin. I wanna know, 1) What is being done to root out those individuals? 2) What are the legal consequences to them for what amounts to insurrection? 3) Will this admin be able to navigate the DS and go after them to the full extent of the law? That’s what American’s want – Actionable consequences!
Blondie needs to talk less and listen more?♀️ She seems to be pushing an agenda rather than trying to understand and clarify what POTUS is telling us. (My goodness, we are so lucky to have him ??) She also lost me by using the derogatory term “conspiracy theorist.” Conspiracy is simply defined as an agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement’s goal. Theory is defined as a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. There is also a circa mid-60s declassified CIA memo stating that the term “conspiracy theorist” would be used to degrade and ridicule people who questioned the Warren Commission findings. This would make Mark Lane, author of “Rush to Judgement,” the first ever conspiracy theorist — as the term is recognized today, i.e. someone who is crazy ? and believes in UFOs ?
Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it started to rain ; I’m sorry,but I can’t watch her ! I did when she first started. I used to listen to her radio show before that,but when I kept watching the forced fake banter between her and hannity,when he was mentoring her in. I just couldn’t take it,so i would switch To good old reliable lou Dobbs. This interview is a good example of her inability to read her guest.
Used to LOVE listening to Laura Ingraham when she was on radio, but her occasional (and unnecessary, IMHO) nastiness turned me away from her. I have heard her fat-shame a few women, which is simply unacceptable to me. OTOH, I legit love Tucker Carlson and follow him almost as closely as I follow Mandy. As for Hannity, dude likes to hear himself talk way too much for my preference, and it’s typically over his invited guests.
Thanks as always, Mandy! Hope you and yours are doing well.
General, I agree with you 100%. And the way she talks to “Hannity”, which is how she addresses him, with her fake forced laugh. Lou Dobbs is great. For women, I’d rather listen to Maria Bartiromo (or just about anyone else).
Yes,it’s an unnatural flowing exchange with Hannity. I don’t mean to be mean spirited. I love Maria Bartiromo and Susan McDonald ! Fox is owned by Disney now ,so we can expect it to go the way of the DoDo. They have been ever so subtly sliding to the left. As not to lose their base,in order to maintain their advertiser accounts.
We switched to Newsmax tv and we had to wait 2 days – I wouldn’t let the ‘technician’ leave until I saw the channel. Took 2 people on the phone on one end, and the tech. on my end – had to switch modem boxes, etc…it was worth the wait – 12.00 extra a month. It’s kind of fun to see different faces – but the minute they start pulling in too many ‘libs’ then I will look into ‘Voice of America’ channel. Last night they pulled a fox when Trump was talking in Penn. – just showed a couple of minutes so thankfully C-Span had it. fox would start showing a rally, then ‘mute’ Trump and put him in the corner. C-span had been a champ during the RNC. As long as we still have choices, I refuse to listen to fox.
Just in case it helps somebody, where I live Comcast has a monopoly. I wanted to get OANN, and it was impossible. Discovered a streaming service called Klowd TV. For a small monthly fee, they carry Newsmax, The Blaze, OANN, Info Wars, and other channels, streamed over Wifi. Also Right Side Broadcasting carries all of the rallies and many speeches in their entirety on their You Tube channel. They do a great job and were the only press present at the riot/ roadblock that happened prior to the Mount Rushmore Speech.
Thanks GOMF – I meant to include Right Side Broadcasting News (RSBN) – Now my friend just texted me this and I haven’t had time to look: For internet stuff: I look at these everyday:,, IOTW Report,, OAN, but anything from, facebook will not allow me to post that source.
I believe she did that knowing the left would jump on it. This way he was allowed to answer the question. No one can say she was soft on him like they are on Biden. She and Trump are actually friends.
Glad you said that Kd7ign..i was going to say something similar but will leave it with what you said. First sentence (yours here) was obviously why to me right away…from watching her a whole lot. Still love her in fact…and how she knows how to counter the libs corruption.She is actually an attorney too….
4 years ago
I see a lot don’t like Laura I do. She’s tough. That’s good because what do we think about the softball question Biden gets? She gives Trump the space to answer. They are friends.
i appreciate and love her..i think you have to get inside her mind …not go by what it sounds and looks like to you …until you KNOW her mind better , it’s easy to misinterpret a whole lot.
4 years ago
President Trump wasn’t entirely truthful when he said we’ve never heard of the names of the stupid rich people, there’s a few we know, one being George Soros, you can bet the Obama’s and the Clinton’s have funneled money into those organization too. Good video, Mandy.
4 years ago
I think we’ll find out some of
The people but I don’t think we’ll know everything. Maybe for our sake we only need to know enough to shock us out of complacency.
4 years ago
I think he’s referring to George Soros and possibly others.
“The people paying them will be overthrown, their lives will be taken.” “They will be thrown to the wolves.”
Marxists revolutionaries hate wealthy capitalists and Soros is exactly that. He’s benefitted enormously under the capitalist system and extracted a fortune from the markets at the expense of “the people.” Marxists will confiscate his private property.
“They’re just stupid foolish people that made a lot of money.”
Why are they stupid? Because they fund an opposition movement against their own interests.
“It may be an ideology, it may not.”
Indicating that the purpose may be simply to cause chaos and unrest itself, to bring about political change.
Soros has spoken frankly about the need to oppose Trump because he’s a fascist who threatens democracy. He has also ‘predicted’ and advocated for unrest.
In Utah, the state passed mail-in voting WITHOUT CONSENT. That does not mean you have to put it in the mail. You can HAND deliver it to the courthouse. I will never put my voting packet in the mail. I’m going to complete it, drive to the elections office, put on a mask, go inside, and hand-deliver it to the elections clerk.” THEN I will follow the website instructions to TRACK my vote.
YEAH ! I always go to my courthouse and vote early !
If nancy peelosi can get her hair done (in the public eye) then of course you can deliver your vote!
Open Source Research: The funding of BLM is a little easier to trace. Look into the backgrounds and connections of the following people and organizations: Leah Hunt-Hendrix, Solidaire, Democracy Alliance (big connections to teachers unions, public employee unions, ACLU and the Democrat Party), The Ford Foundation (ditto as well as Universities, especially Harvard, The Rockefeller Foundation) Open Societies Foundations. These organizations are required to post bios of their board members. The tentacles become fairly easy to trace. The founders of BLM are Marxist revolutionaries who want to destroy law and order as we know it, the nuclear family and other social institutions under the guise of civil rights. They cunningly selected a name that unsuspecting, poorly informed people cannot disagree with. Look at what they do and not what they call themselves. Antifa pose as anti-fascist, however, most are anarchists and communists dedicated to the overthrow of the US government. Many are teachers others are mentally ill drug addicts/ petty criminals. Their funding is harder to trace, but some comes from wealthy people who are part of the same web, especially academia. For whatever reason, the insurrection act has not been invoked. My guess is that the strategy is to expose their enablers, the Democrat Party, to the uninformed people who vote them into office.
The very rich globalist – want to get richer and squash the peasants.
I agree ! This could also be a two fold strategy. Not only would he be exposing these subversives to the democrat followers,but force those subversives to show themselves.For legal Proof to round them up in the following years. Trump is fighting a bloodless coup/revolution/civil war. He is trying to defeat these traitors of our republic using the law,while they are breaking it. I saw one of the envelopes that was given to several individuals at GHW Bushes funeral. It had a Whitehouse letterhead with the seal on it. It stated “They have it all” Sorry ! signatured George Bush. President Trump is fighting deep state bureaucrat’s,corrupt local and foreign politicians,corrupt Corporation CEO’s,Celebrities and self interest groups with very few resources. The only avenue of information afforded him is twitter,interview’s and rallies. I hope it is not an exercise in futility.
Trumps people are looking into this. Like Nonna said can’t happen soon enough to suit us.
He can’t name the people behind the curtain or he would have to prove it. That would prove to be to much of a distraction. It serves him better to have them live with the fear of being exposed. HOWEVER ; He could publish under a pen name. Something like a..Q..? Since a big group of these shadow people own six of the major media and internet serves and refuse to tell the truth of what is happening. Where and how do you take your message to the people ? If not this group of high intel insiders ? Then,what a BRILLIANT idea of not only holding your base together ,but building a world following….wwgowga
I wonder if we will ever know the names of the stupid rich people funding the revolution. As long as they are stopped from doing further damage, killing more people and manipulating the information to the masses, I will be patient to hear the names.
i was really hoping we could pull something out of it… sadly disappointed
I saw the two part interview on tv when they aired. No way could anyone know who he was talking about, except those people themselves. The way I see your analysis, you did a good job with what you had to work with. Good to have it confirmed that Trump was drop dead serious. Those people should be worried right now. He’s not bluffing. The only question I have, and have had for a long time, is “when?”. Can’t happen soon enough to suit me.
When is right. The patience of good citizens has wore thin. I wanna know, 1) What is being done to root out those individuals? 2) What are the legal consequences to them for what amounts to insurrection? 3) Will this admin be able to navigate the DS and go after them to the full extent of the law? That’s what American’s want – Actionable consequences!
Blondie needs to talk less and listen more?♀️ She seems to be pushing an agenda rather than trying to understand and clarify what POTUS is telling us. (My goodness, we are so lucky to have him ??) She also lost me by using the derogatory term “conspiracy theorist.” Conspiracy is simply defined as an agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement’s goal. Theory is defined as a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. There is also a circa mid-60s declassified CIA memo stating that the term “conspiracy theorist” would be used to degrade and ridicule people who questioned the Warren Commission findings. This would make Mark Lane, author of “Rush to Judgement,” the first ever conspiracy theorist — as the term is recognized today, i.e. someone who is crazy ? and believes in UFOs ?
Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it started to rain ; I’m sorry,but I can’t watch her ! I did when she first started. I used to listen to her radio show before that,but when I kept watching the forced fake banter between her and hannity,when he was mentoring her in. I just couldn’t take it,so i would switch To good old reliable lou Dobbs. This interview is a good example of her inability to read her guest.
Used to LOVE listening to Laura Ingraham when she was on radio, but her occasional (and unnecessary, IMHO) nastiness turned me away from her. I have heard her fat-shame a few women, which is simply unacceptable to me. OTOH, I legit love Tucker Carlson and follow him almost as closely as I follow Mandy. As for Hannity, dude likes to hear himself talk way too much for my preference, and it’s typically over his invited guests.
Thanks as always, Mandy! Hope you and yours are doing well.
General, I agree with you 100%. And the way she talks to “Hannity”, which is how she addresses him, with her fake forced laugh. Lou Dobbs is great. For women, I’d rather listen to Maria Bartiromo (or just about anyone else).
Yes,it’s an unnatural flowing exchange with Hannity. I don’t mean to be mean spirited. I love Maria Bartiromo and Susan McDonald ! Fox is owned by Disney now ,so we can expect it to go the way of the DoDo. They have been ever so subtly sliding to the left. As not to lose their base,in order to maintain their advertiser accounts.
We switched to Newsmax tv and we had to wait 2 days – I wouldn’t let the ‘technician’ leave until I saw the channel. Took 2 people on the phone on one end, and the tech. on my end – had to switch modem boxes, etc…it was worth the wait – 12.00 extra a month. It’s kind of fun to see different faces – but the minute they start pulling in too many ‘libs’ then I will look into ‘Voice of America’ channel. Last night they pulled a fox when Trump was talking in Penn. – just showed a couple of minutes so thankfully C-Span had it. fox would start showing a rally, then ‘mute’ Trump and put him in the corner. C-span had been a champ during the RNC. As long as we still have choices, I refuse to listen to fox.
Just in case it helps somebody, where I live Comcast has a monopoly. I wanted to get OANN, and it was impossible. Discovered a streaming service called Klowd TV. For a small monthly fee, they carry Newsmax, The Blaze, OANN, Info Wars, and other channels, streamed over Wifi. Also Right Side Broadcasting carries all of the rallies and many speeches in their entirety on their You Tube channel. They do a great job and were the only press present at the riot/ roadblock that happened prior to the Mount Rushmore Speech.
Thanks GOMF – I meant to include Right Side Broadcasting News (RSBN) – Now my friend just texted me this and I haven’t had time to look: For internet stuff: I look at these everyday:,, IOTW Report,, OAN, but anything from, facebook will not allow me to post that source.
I believe she did that knowing the left would jump on it. This way he was allowed to answer the question. No one can say she was soft on him like they are on Biden. She and Trump are actually friends.
Glad you said that Kd7ign..i was going to say something similar but will leave it with what you said. First sentence (yours here) was obviously why to me right away…from watching her a whole lot. Still love her in fact…and how she knows how to counter the libs corruption.She is actually an attorney too….
I see a lot don’t like Laura I do. She’s tough. That’s good because what do we think about the softball question Biden gets? She gives Trump the space to answer. They are friends.
i appreciate and love her..i think you have to get inside her mind …not go by what it sounds and looks like to you …until you KNOW her mind better , it’s easy to misinterpret a whole lot.
President Trump wasn’t entirely truthful when he said we’ve never heard of the names of the stupid rich people, there’s a few we know, one being George Soros, you can bet the Obama’s and the Clinton’s have funneled money into those organization too. Good video, Mandy.
I think we’ll find out some of
The people but I don’t think we’ll know everything. Maybe for our sake we only need to know enough to shock us out of complacency.
Old video discussing the birth of ‘conspiracy theories’…..
Would you consider adding Parler to your list of places where we can share your videos? They don’t have censorship. 🙂
Good idea… we will have to work on that!
I joined just to donate to Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal effort. For anyone that would like to know ? is the site
As to the first part of the video about people being fed up with these thugs:
Go to the Voting Polls to Vote.
I think he’s referring to George Soros and possibly others.
“The people paying them will be overthrown, their lives will be taken.” “They will be thrown to the wolves.”
Marxists revolutionaries hate wealthy capitalists and Soros is exactly that. He’s benefitted enormously under the capitalist system and extracted a fortune from the markets at the expense of “the people.” Marxists will confiscate his private property.
“They’re just stupid foolish people that made a lot of money.”
Why are they stupid? Because they fund an opposition movement against their own interests.
“It may be an ideology, it may not.”
Indicating that the purpose may be simply to cause chaos and unrest itself, to bring about political change.
Soros has spoken frankly about the need to oppose Trump because he’s a fascist who threatens democracy. He has also ‘predicted’ and advocated for unrest.