Body Language – Game Of Chicken, Police Vs Citizen

Body Language - Game Of Chicken, Police Vs Citizen

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4 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

Dangit! Missed it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

Dangit! Missed it.

4 years ago

It’s like some of the teenage “angels” I’ve taught over my career of 35 years: as the authority, you have to take this kind of crap when you really just want to smack them a good one. Lots of videos online where the teacher looks like a jackass when you don’t see the weeks and weeks of insubordinate, disruptive behavior by the students that lead to the recorded incident. It’s never happened to me because I’ve worked hard to stay calm and not react to provocation. Not saying some authority figures don’t bring it on themselves, but they are not the majority. This so-called reporter made me want to smack him!

4 years ago
Reply to  Rho

He tried to dominate the cop by telling him not to drink on the job. That was a stupid mistake and gave that cop the way out. The cop then fell for a provocation and turned around. I thought that was a mistake, he already had the way out and he gave it back. He was smart to continue and walk in.
To be fair, a lot of cops are total jerks and they will attempt this asinine level of aggression for no reason. It makes me want to see what I can do to really screw with them.

Susan Hutchison
Susan Hutchison
4 years ago

I asked my husband, a retired 42 year career cop and investigator what he would have done. He had a reputation and an instinct for maintaining control if needed, de-escalating if needed, and sometimes doing the unexpected. He says that he would have not have escalated the situation, but would have immediately taken his cell phone and begun to video the “investigative journalist.” Firstly, to have a video record to identify him. He would have asked him calmly, “Do you need any help?” If the guy had continued with the verbal harassment and intended intimidation, he would have politely said, “Well, have a nice day,” turned around and gone into the building, completely ignoring him, but staying alert to any possible aggression. This way, he would have taken the sting out of the guy’s aggression, had his own video record of it, and walked away without any escalation. He says you never play the other guy’s game. Douglas MacArthur’s father told him, “Never give an order you can’t enforce.” Knowing my husband and his reputation amongst both the community and law enforcement, I can see him doing just what he said he would. He never got physical unless he had to. He has an uncanny ability to read people’s nonverbals, a critical skill for cops. Also, in the power/authority game, no one can make you do anything, you give them the power or authority. ‘Nuff said.

4 years ago

The man filming got what he wanted. He got the cop to become angry.
I would have followed the man and filmed every move the man made through the parking lot and around the facility. While at the same time not saying a single word to him no matter what he asked me or said to me. Just go into “Robot” mode. In my own mind I would have been nothing more than an inanimate electrical powered surveillance camera. Unable to respond to any of his stimuli.
It’s not about turning off emotion, it’s about turning off any ego. Without ego, you don’t get offended or feel threatened. It’s just the “computer brain” or as my instructor called it, “The Reptile Brain”. It takes a minute to set the brain in that mode, but it’s a great way to get back at those who are instigating or trying to push your buttons. When they don’t get you fired up or worked up, they will go crazy.
Just like on social media or online when someone trolls you and you respond with a one word response like, “cool”. Watch them go into an out of control emotional driven rant. It’s great. The mind is a powerful thing. Use it. Train it like you do your muscles and body. Train it so it benefits you, instead of destroying you. In these current times of severe ideological conflict, it’s one of the best thing you can do for yourself.

4 years ago

Even for body language educational purposes I found nothing to giggle or laugh about while watching the video. Sadly, professional harassment for our entertainment has become acceptable and encouraged in our effed up society.

4 years ago

I gotta admit, I did have a good laugh!

I first heard about this when I stumbled across an interview with the filmmaker about this very episode. I suggest people check it out:

I gotta admit, it is creepy for someone to just come in and start filming your place, but I think that was the purpose of it… to put the viewer in the ‘frame’ of being a cop… and kinda getting a kick / fix out of the power of being a cop. I think our internal reaction to watching that is the purpose of this video… makes us ask more questions about the concept of freedom vs authority

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  i8a4re

Now that i’ve seen a picture of this guy. I have a little more understanding of his mindset. It is offensive to me, that these guys get military style haircuts and long beards. The military does this to blind in with the public of where ever they are deployed. These smart asses with authority complex’s take on these styles to look and act like badasses. I would like to introduce him to a future of PTSD. It happens when you’re brought to that moment that you’re willing to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

4 years ago
Reply to  i8a4re

They can use more of this type of guy in N.J. now.

4 years ago
Reply to  madvinmryk

Everywhere. I’m in Fluorida and the cops are off the chain stupid and angry. I don’t like this guy’s style, though he was well within his rights, but cop auditors have done more to change those black boots than anything else.

4 years ago

Cops will pull that aggressive questioning and start acting like total jerks for no reason at all. It pisses me off. I did enjoy watching this. The “journalist” screwed up when he said, “Stop drinking on the job,” and starting to try to act like the alpha, but he lost his credibility. He made a mistake. He almost recovered when the cop turned around. The cop dignified him when he turned around and started to play by his rules.
I think cops were all trained to interrogate and dig at people aggressively, just a suspicioun. They do it all the time so if you run into one, you have to deal with his crap. It does make you want to get revenge. Playing these games back can stress them out. This is bad for them, because their jobs are already pretty stressful.

Jack O'Niell
Jack O'Niell
4 years ago

Excellent analysis and insights. However, as a matter of personal safety it is prudent to understand the ‘filmmaker’ is a skilled veteran of years of police encounters and several unlawful and violent arrests in much less confrontational encounters. ‘Mike’ and the other officer appear to be relatively self-controlled compared to a many or even most police officers who are not in control of their emotions or even suffering from PTSD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Bi-polar or even sociopathic, and who are armed and usually have the power of a corrupt and dangerous court system behind them, and such encounters have a good chance of turning can turn bad, dangerous or fatal, unless you understand what is being observed here, and you are aware of and have control of your emotions and the emotions of all others involved.

I simply and respectfully refused to engage with two malignantly narcissistic Police officers who were violating my rights for personal entertainment, I ended up violently thrown to the ground and nearly shot, and what likely prevented that saved me from severe injury or death was understanding their dangerous mental and emotional state and being able to not react emotionally and physically. When I later protested my encounter I found that their superior was just as emotionally delusional and that those to officers had killed seemingly normal people with no criminal history several times and were considered “Armed and dangerous” by other even police officers.

4 years ago

The videos are always instructive. In this case, it’s easy for us to see how the detective might’ve handled the situation without being somewhat humiliated, since we have the benefit of time, space and all that, but what he did was effective enough. He found out who the guy generally was (“investigative journalist”), what he was doing there (attempting to provoke an altercation on camera) and ultimately decided not to press forward with the lose-lose proposition of dealing with a troublemaker who was extremely confident about asserting his rights to the full letter of the law for no particular reason.
Video footage of police has had some social value at times, and the fact of easy video recording has changed police tactics. Some changes were for the better, some to the detriment of the safety of police and the public. One positive change is that cops who might be tempted to cut corners are aware they’re on camera. A negative change is that the vast majority of police, with no intention of cutting any corners, are likewise aware they’re on camera and are forced to abandon their good instincts and impulses and second-guess themselves to avoid making any statement or taking any action which could potentially give the appearance of impropriety, or even anything that “the public” might not like.
These cops are also aware that those recording them are not similarly bound by law to be fair, nor are TV news stations. TV news jettisoned journalistic integrity in favor of desperately flailing around in an attempt to compete with the internet in a misguided attempt to not lose all relevance, with the predictable result that their programming is no longer trusted or respected, but is no more entertaining than it previously was.
Until pretty recently, video footage of police was most often celebrated as something that could provide important evidence and provide some certainty and closure where eyewitness accounts might’ve failed to do so. Cases like this have become rare post-Garner.
As with hate crimes and violations of social justice dogma, the demand far exceeds the supply. People with cameras raised the level of scrutiny and lowered the bar for outrage in order to appease the masses’ appetite for righteous anger.
Still, there wasn’t enough.
Police have adapted and instances of significant wrongdoing have become virtually nonexistent.
Conscientious citizens might cautiously declare victory and perhaps remain vigilant and watchful for the next instance of police malfeasance. Shitheads have chosen to push past justice and antagonize police in an attempt to either provoke or humiliate them.
Unfortunately, this seems to be the choice cops face in such a situation. They can either make an arrest or take some action to “win” the encounter, or they can stand there and be called a mutherfucker. Videos of cops being jeered while guys laugh and dump buckets of water on their heads were becoming common in New York last summer. Earlier this month, a video emerged of some antifa dipshit repeatedly calling a couple of cops “dickheads,” claiming he didn’t like the way they had parked. Basically, they risk either their career or their dignity.
You don’t have to be especially clever to pester the police this way, and the idea that the people who do are performing some valuable public service by keeping the police honest and giving them a taste of their medicine is highly dubious. Guys like this love confrontation, but only when they initiate it and can control it, using the element of surprise to present some cop with a no-win situation. We can only speculate on how many failed videos he’s deleted because he didn’t come off like the coolest senior in school.
The detective in this video isn’t the particular cop who I assume hurt this videographer’s feelings at some point, nor the dad who ignored him, nor the scoutmaster who molested him and whose touch he longs for in the night. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, he’s presumably a public servant who solves crimes and does his best to fight for truth, justice and the American way. Here, he’s considered a laughingstock because he apparently wasn’t fully aware that hating on cops has become a cottage industry for YouTube jackasses who will show up at the police station, behave weirdly and mock and swear at anyone who demonstrates due concern.
What makes his reaction funny (to those who “get it”) in this video is that he was caught having one foot in the not-so-distant past, when his job garnered a default of respect rather than derision. Times have changed, and through no fault of his own, he’s been downgraded.
Meanwhile, this jerkass calls himself an “investigative journalist” to pretend he’s relevant. What’s he “investigating”?
Notable that he first claimed to be an “investigator,” but that was even less true and also revealed his envy of the detective’s authority. His lack of importance, credibility, status or occupational responsibility leaves a God-sized void which defines his life, and the videos he posts depicting his childish antics can’t fill a void like that, and only serve as evidence of it.

Steve Campbell
Steve Campbell
4 years ago

Well, sorry to say, many folks out there are not exercising common deceicency, not mention plain old common courtesy with their cell phone/video endeavors. I Try to be tollerent and unassuming. I don’t know this person’s experiences surrounding this video inquest. Did he have a genuine bad experience with them, which fueled the video. Or was this an Exploratory act in an attempt to get a rise out of staff. That individual must have realized he or she would have generated a confrontation.
A lot of Cops develop habitual anxiety through their shift tours. This is why enlightened/experienced civilians of, maturity strive to educate their students on the importance of their interaction edicate with law enforcement when being challenged as of their intentions. People can respectfully decline from speaking to the police. But that doesn’t mean you should envoke a reaction on there own grounds. At he end of the day, what will one have gained by pressing an altercation with them. Would an individual feel so rewarded after invading that police

4 years ago

I have mixed feelings about this incident. I haven’t lost my sense of humor, so I get why having the cop subjected to that cocky attitude the citizens get from some cops is great. On the other hand, if I were working in a law enforcement place, I’d be freaking out about some guy wandering around the parking lot filming my car, color, make, model and license plate. There are wackos out there who might have a personal vendetta against me for some past arrest or current investigation. So, while I can see the humor in it, I also see a great danger in it. I think filming it was irresponsible. But, I will admit that giving law enforcement a taste of their own and getting away with it is satisfyingly funny.

Richard Stefans
Richard Stefans
4 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

The filming (an obsolete term really since no film was involved) may have been irresponsible but it was the whole point.

4 years ago

Pleasantly surprised at this video! Usually Mandy chooses videos which support her inclination towards authority. In this video, she has broken new ground. While I am a believer in auditing cops, I do not support this particular auditors’ style. Nonetheless, it was well done on his part, and I congratulate him for a fine job. I also congratulate Mandy for breaking out of her box as well. It is not easy to break our conditioning, and it often requires more courage than the average person is able to muster. But she did muster up the courage. And i am proud of her for it.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
4 years ago

I have mixed emotions about this needless confrontation ? I could see if the filmmaker had some firm information on the officers past violation of someone,or a history of abusive behavior. We need more context from the filmmaker !

4 years ago

Honestly, Mandy, thank you for reviewing this clip, because I had only seen the middle section. I am not a police officer, but the citizen’s filming inside and outside would have felt like a violation to me, too. Plus, people are often gunning for cops, so cops are always assessing the situation for threats and danger.

4 years ago

Wow. I’m not sure whether to be happy or sad to see such an incident. The citizen journalist was beyond rude, imho, and I’m sure there’s more to this story than we know. I also am dumbfounded that a citizen could walk into a police station and take such authority. It really tells us a lot about the Detective and when HE is willing to back down…

4 years ago
Reply to  DixieMom

The detective knew he doesn’t drink, and when the “journalist” tried to dominate him, by demanding he not drink on the job, the detective rightfully recognized his way out. I was with the detective to a point. I wasn’t feeling it when he said he was investigating corruption.

Richard Stefans
Richard Stefans
4 years ago

why didn’t the cop start taking video with his phone and ask him what drugs he’d been taking? It would have been a real standoff!

4 years ago

This is almost certainly a “First Amendment Audit”. These audits are conducted by people who go to police stations and post offices with videotaping equipment (many have GoPro’s), saying that they have a legal right to videotape anyone and anything they want because it’s a public place. They say that they’re from “the press” and are “working on a story.” However, their aim is to be confrontational and rude in order to provoke officials until they get an angry response from them. They then post these encounters on their Youtube channels. This is how some of them make a living, and sadly, some succeed at just that. Here is a video describing who they are and the dangers they present:
1st Amendment Auditors’ Terrorism Experts Call Them Threats

4 years ago

Not at all funny.
This fake “reporter” is nothing but a trouble-making hipster.
I’m sure his actions are criminal and go beyond harassment- failure to give a name to police, false accusations, video-recording the actual contents of ppl’s private vehicles is not legal, etc.
We have enough police-haters out there and if anyone thinks he is “giving him (the police) a dose of his own medicine,” then they fail to see the big picture.
He’s nothing but a bully, that’s his “authority.”

Robert Crane
Robert Crane
4 years ago

this was great

4 years ago

The majority of public buildings and especially police departments have policies against filming on the premises without permission due to confidentiality issues with employees and security issues regarding employee vehicles. That is why many police departments have gated lots with combination or card entry. I would not describe this guy as a citizen journalist, but an opportunistic jerk with an agenda and an authority problem who wants to bait a cop into overreacting by getting into a power struggle, then use his video to prove his point. Or possibly to bait the cop into arresting him for disorderly conduct provoking a physical struggle for a future lawsuit. There are certainly cops who overreact, but dealing with hostile, challenging individuals in the psych ward for 20 years and having been a crisis intervention instructor for those years and more, defusing situations like this is a major part of the job of anyone who has to deal with the deranged public. I think the detective did make the fatal mistake of not thinking through how the scenario might escalate before approaching the guy, assuming that he would respond in a normal manner to a reasonable inquiry. If he was not prepared to arrest the guy, he should probably have just kept him under observation without approaching him.

4 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Think about the numerous times cops put people in this exact scenario. Often with fatal consequences for the “citizen” and none for the cop. While I have noted I don’t support his style, turnabout is fair play.

4 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

I am surprised that the car park is not secured. The buildings may be paid for by the public but there is usually not public right of access beyond the reception area. I am not sure how one investigates “corruption’ by shouting abuse at someone you do not know. There may be a story behind this but the clip itself is an example of why “citizen journalists” are written off as lightweights or trash.

Maybe this is a poor police department but where I live random abuse like this would be part of the problem not the solution.