Body Language – Trump’s Feedback On Coronavirus


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4 years ago

Appreciate the statistical comparison at the end, Mandy. Thanks for letting us think for ourselves while providing information. ??

4 years ago

What does this virus look like? Do people die in their sleep? Do organs just ‘shut down’? We keep hearing the # of people who have died, who have it, but not hearing what exactly they are doing for it. We keep hearing about bill gates and his magic potion but I don’t trust anything involving him (cdc is proud of him but chatter about a vaccine that needs to be monitored for years does not make bill a hero). This morning I hear how the virus is affecting the stock market, and then it will affect Trump’s re-election. It’s all very mysterious to me – (the other day I was cleaning a bank and there was information on desks about the ‘crisis’ – well, what about me? I could be moving the stuff around! snark)
If people (in China) are cramped together in a place, they will just re-infect themselves won’t they? If it can ‘get through the eyes’ (which I heard on fox business this morning) why aren’t people covering their eyes? And now some infected people are in Nebraska – (I remember when they built an ‘area’ for the ebola doctor that had to be flown in from Africa to Nebraska) – nothing makes sense. For a list of ‘pre-marshal law’ protocols (very alarming article) when strong doses of Vit. C can help? Again, makes no sense.

4 years ago
Reply to  BrendanHickey

What are they ‘spraying’ in the air? I just don’t know if I can believe fairly young people just ‘drop dead’. We are being told to believe, believe, and believe. Looks like they are defogging for cockroaches – and that in itself is bad for your respiratory system. My husband wants to defog for spiders and I won’t allow it. I go around with the vac. cleaner and get the eggs, clean behind cracks/radiators. Oh, and clean areas where I see white poop. Not with bleach, but with vinegar or peroxide.

4 years ago
Reply to  BrendanHickey

That’s China. Instead of telling people to STOP spitting, WASH your hands, and other hygienic practices, they make a big show of spewing toxic disinfectant. From the country that makes fake everything, we do not know if this is just a show with yet another counterfeit item.

Phil Logan
Phil Logan
4 years ago
Reply to  Susie

I’ll try to answer most of your questions!
Cov-19 virus is spherical with small protrusions, hence the name ‘Corona’ (like the Sun).
Yes, can die in sleep.
Organs can shut down…septic shock, which is considered a severe case.
Medical personnel are trying various off the shelf medications e.g. AIDs meds et al with some success, meaning reduced severity.
Economies/Markets historically always take a down turn during times of disease outbreaks e.g. 1918 Flu, 1665 Plague all the way back to known/recorded events, even Biblical times.
Yes, we will need Eye, Ear, Nose and Mouth protection. It’s probable this Virus will get a foot-hold here in US and unfortunately many will get ill. Once you have a Virus, it stays with you for life. I’d say most people don’t realize this. An example is Shingles (Google Shingles and read about it).
Adequate daily doses of Vitamin C will elevate our health. Generally I’d say 25mg of Vitamin C per pound of body weight per day, taken in equal amounts every 3 to 4 hours a day. I take 2000mg, 4 times a day (6’4″ and 220 lbs.).
We may indeed see some degree of quarantine and reduced travel by all modes, as we are seeing presently in China, South Korea, Italy, et al. This will be necessary to stop the spread. Prepare now with extra items you don’t want to run out of or don’t want to expose yourself by going to the store e.g. toilet paper, bleach, canned foods, rice, latex gloves, masks, flour etc.
I believe it is best to avoid contracting a pathogen, keep it out of your system, obviously easier said than done!
1. Wash your hands after touching ANYTHING in a public place or use a hand sanitizer until you can wash your hands (get accustomed to wearing surgical gloves).
2. Avoid touching your face (Eyes, Nose, Mouth and Ears).
3. Wipe contact surfaces with a good disinfectant e.g. 20% Bleach Solution, Lysol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Colloidal Silver, Structured Silver, Copper Oxide Solution. (Our paramedics use 20% Bleach solution to clean our Medevac Aircraft). As a pilot, while flying certain highly infectious cases, wear Swim Goggles and N95 mask and pre spray Structured Silver on the inside and outside of the mask with a bead of Structured Silver Gel around the edges of the Mask & Swim Goggles to form a barrier with my skin.
There is more information/science on how various disinfectants actually effect various pathogens, but it’s time to go to work!
Help each other, be good neighbors, prepare and much love to everyone!

4 years ago

Is the threat being hyped to hurt Trump’s economy? The market makers can do anything they like.

4 years ago

Thank you for doing this one, Mandy. I’ve been wondering if some of the media hype is scare tactics.

4 years ago
Reply to  GaryC

i would say its very interesting that the countries suffering the most are the same countries with protest, and civil unrest. how convenient for them.

4 years ago

So far, flu has a higher kill rate. Personally, I think the media is pushing hysteria hoping to depress the economy. There have been some irresponsible statements by government officials including “Pencil Neck” Rosenstein’s sister, who is also a SES leech. Go figure.

4 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

that whole family resembles a rat

4 years ago

This lab created virus is like no other. Yes lab created. Go find Francis Boyles interviews. Look up Francis Boyle. It was Sold to China from a university UNC who has a lab. Obama approved the sale. It was a corona virus with SARS. The Chines added (or someone) added the HIV aspect. THis virus has 14-20-30-40 day incubation period. What does this mean, and what most miss. People walk around with it showing no symptoms. So for at least 14 days they are infecting. So the people they infect, lets say 4 people each, each of those 4 walk around shedding virus for 14 days. This results in exponential growth. there is much misinformation being put out. Like 70% isopropyl will kill the virus. This is WRONG. you need at least 80-99 percent isopropyl. It must say on the label WILL KILL SARS. 70% will NOT. The masks will help, but not stop. It will help stop the Spread from people who are carriers. It will trap major parts, however this virus is uniques in that it is extremely small. It is an aerosol a mist very small and carried by air. IT IS NOT Droplet as stated in some publications. This is horrendous journalism being used, guess why. I am going to link to another site using statistics for infections etc and deaths. First those over 60- 80 have a very high death rate. For this to be a false flag a whole lot of people must be involved. Do not listen imo to WHO or our CDC and the other US health agency’s imo. First this is Chris Martenson’s site; He is gathering statistics . Listen at this rate in the US all available beds in hospitials ALL beds, just not those that need isolation containment will be full, and hospital stays for each are very long. Oh, and once you have it, you carry it for life it is claimed. Also if you do catch reports say you will never be the same. Lung scarring and other will be pronounced for many. THIS explains the videos of people walking and collapsing on the streets in China., A sydocain (spelling)response erupts with the next infection from an immune response, and results in a instant heart attack. All of this has been reported and much is verified. As for the flu rate of death is higher from regular flu, again this is not true. Statistics are what someones wants to see. To get that figure your playing with math, The death rate varies from a small percentage for the young to about 15-18 percent for the elderly or immune compromised. Watch Chris’s video. Do WATCH and Alex Jones has interviewed him THREE Times, He updates and has changed his position in t he last. Good luck.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lightdark

Do watch Francis Boyles 3 interviews on ALEX Jones I think they are archived on Francis wrote the UN law against this type of experimentation. It is ignored all over the world. These labs are not just on Plum Island. Francis shows a map of where they are in the US. you will be surprised. Heard of the doctor who was arrested from UT medical. Francis shows a lab at ST JUDE UT medical. Demand these labs be shut down.

Bryan Gordon
Bryan Gordon
4 years ago

I found articles & this info sent to me on coronavirus ‘Harsh Truth from Plejaren About SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic’ and the guy talking about it ‘Cover-up Over As Media Reveals Billy Meier’s UFO Contacts’. Is he lying?