I’ve thought before that I didn’t like the guy, but now I understand it’s because his portrayal salesman pitches look so much like lying and deception. Thanks for including his relaxed truth. I was just about to look for it in another video when you shared it. This tutorial was really useful for me!
ej wxbs
5 years ago
Really enjoyed this one – watched it a couple of times.
5 years ago
He so looks like a salesman. I worked for Toyota years ago and he could easily been one of the salesmen. Cringey.
5 years ago
Great illustration of baseline truth-telling and manipulation- deception body language. When I had the video on wide screen that eye roll to his left almost gave me vertigo.
I’ve thought before that I didn’t like the guy, but now I understand it’s because his portrayal salesman pitches look so much like lying and deception. Thanks for including his relaxed truth. I was just about to look for it in another video when you shared it. This tutorial was really useful for me!
Really enjoyed this one – watched it a couple of times.
He so looks like a salesman. I worked for Toyota years ago and he could easily been one of the salesmen. Cringey.
Great illustration of baseline truth-telling and manipulation- deception body language. When I had the video on wide screen that eye roll to his left almost gave me vertigo.
:crying: :XD:
another good one, Mandy! I followed schiff way back when he was such a good-looking man.