Body Language – Epstein Accuser, Alan Dershowitz’s Response to Virginia Giuffre


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5 years ago

“Remember, it’s not just little girls that get abused. Protect your little boys, too.” Exactly! That’s exactly why the entire “Me, too” movement has been so destructive & frightening.

Charolai Moniz
Charolai Moniz
5 years ago


5 years ago

“I did not go to that island”

Sure, Bill…

5 years ago
Reply to  GaryC

” I never had sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewinski, not a single time”……..Try again Alan.

5 years ago
Reply to  GhettoRanger

Not a legitimate analogy. Bill Clinton is known as a sexually addicted womanizer and Dershowitz’s only sexual issue was defending Epstein in a previous trial. I do not believe he is lying in this interview.

5 years ago

I was hoping you would take on this one. There are some high quality interviews with Virginia Roberts (Giufrre) and several other Epstein accusers on the Miami Herald website. I reviewed them all and my initial read on her and most of the others was that they were truthful, though they made a cut and the narrator makes the actual statement naming Dershowitz. I was hoping you might do some of those unless it will get you into a big legal mess. Just the mere fact that the Dersh could defend a slime ball like Epstein and using tactics like hiring private detectives to harrass the families of the accusers including almost running them off the road makes me doubt that his hands are clean in this.

5 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

the little i have seen of epstein, shows a very arrogant man. seeing the people that defend him… i can see why

5 years ago

Alan Dershowitz, voted number 1 man in America that you wouldn’t want to drink a beer with.

Marry Duvall
Marry Duvall
5 years ago

still waiting on his to speak good on the pedophile Prince Andrew. This girl has pictures of her and Prince andrew, Guess what ? Its not a cropped picture But yet the queen still backs Prince Andrew up , hmmmm run little wabbit run

Ami Manning
Ami Manning
5 years ago

I tried to use what you taught and figure this out. My take. He did not have sex with the girl but he is scared to death of powerful people. I have not seen your opinion yet. Thanks for doing updates. I have seen everything. LOVE your site!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Ami Manning

I got the same impression that you did, Ami. Dershowitz was always a full blown liberal and Clinton (both of them) supporter, as well a great lawyer. As a result, I’m sure he has many low friends in dangerously high places. However, I have always respected him (unlike the Clinton’s) because of his tenacity to faithfully adhere to the US Constitution and fight for his clients on that basis. I don’t always like some of his causes, but I do see why he “goes there” and I respect that. To me, it is telling how the ACLU doesn’t like him anymore and vice versa. I could be wrong but, I do see Dershowitz as a man of integrity, despite his profession and his liberalism.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

This is my take on it. I think he did have a massage & kept his underwear on and is now appalled to know how deep and wide this thing goes and how his own good name is about to be stained… stress much?

5 years ago

I think Dershowitz is lying about Clintons and his other buddies, they’re all dirty. Idk if Dershowitz actually did anything to that woman but since he’s lying about Clintons, et al then he’s probably lying about everything else.

She has attempted to sue him twice now. I think there’s something to it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Luxx

Notice that when Laura interrupts him and states that Bill Clinton did go to the island, he immediately says he did not and refers to his statement of denial as a fact. He is a highly experienced lawyer and would not make that statement unless he was trying to cover for him, since Dershowitz has no way to know conclusively whether Clinton did or did not, at some point, go to the island. Clinton’s statement itself is lawyerspeak. He sterts it out by giving a time span during which he was on the plane four times, but says nothing about anything outside of the timespan. Here’s hoping that Rachel Chandler or Ghislaine Maxwell decides to flip on all of these evil people.

5 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

26 times Bill Clinton flew on the “Loita Express”. It’s documented in flight logs…whoever has them.

5 years ago

Thank you, Mandy. Been waiting for you to review something with Epstein. Hope more interviews are done, so you can review them, too. I hope all of the victims come forward, so all of the big players get prosecuted. ?

Marry Duvall
Marry Duvall
5 years ago

ON 3:09 I had to laugh, He sure rocks back and forth a lot with every word he emphasises on , “her attorney with drew.. And since when does an attorney give out lawyer client info about what they talked about, Nah He has his hands in more pockets, then just her Attorney

5 years ago

The body wiggle was creepy, but did anyone notice that Laura Ingraham did a mini version of that body wiggle right after Dershowitz did it? How do you interpret that?

5 years ago

Human behavior – whatchagonnado? Funny when you want to steal all the credit from underlings a narcissist will say: ‘Oh yea, I am in charge’ but when things go South, can’t find out who’s in charge! The way this guy said a couple of times: ‘oh yea, he’s in charge, yea, he’s in charge’. (My boss(es) do this a lot.)

Marry Duvall
Marry Duvall
5 years ago

Mandy see if you can find anything on this attorney of hers, PLEASE. because Alan Dershowitz’s has been acting like her attorney is his buddy

5 years ago
Reply to  Marry Duvall

ill keep an eye out

5 years ago
Reply to  Mandy

The attorney is David Boies, who was Al Gore’s attorney in the presidential election dispute. He also was counsel for the group trying to overturn the California proposition banning gay marriage. Dershowitz and he have hated each other for decades. Dershowitz may have illegally recorded conversations with him as his proof that he is not a depraved pervert. Since both are attorneys, the odds are high that they are both total A-holes.

5 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

I think that this video confirms to me that virtually every Lawyer does what is expedient. They know the game intimately,how innocent words can trap one. Now Dershowitz is revealed as just another duplicitous one of the sharks in a very dangerous sea,especially if you ain’t a lawyer ! What a game it is especially for Mr & Mrs Average American. Also I got to say I have lost my enthusiam for Ingraham,she always interrupts and throws her spin on everything; better as a commentator(BTW she is a lawyer too), it’s the best idea that she goes off to work on her anti-aging products business IMO.

Carol Herbert
Carol Herbert
5 years ago

Wo! Mandy! This is a shocker! I hear what you are seeing!

5 years ago

Bill Clinton did go to the island 26 or 27 times. Hillary went there too. All these people are scum bags. And I think Dershowitz is lying. I think maybe he had a few massages and a roll in the sack a few times. A lot of prominent people went to that island. I heard that Merril Streep and Opra Winfrey we’re there too ?

5 years ago

Although body language interpretations are fascinating, perhaps even insightful, it is solid evidence that will satisfies all questions and doubts. Like handwriting analysis, the clues that the interpreter can confirm can only be confirmed through painstaking observance and confirming action by the subject. The danger of misinterpretation is a huge concern. However, having said that, I think that Dershowitz would make an excellent pervert.

5 years ago

Having watched him speak many times on Fox News I find him believable in this interview. I am used to his mannerisms, accent, facial expressions and I have found him to be a truthful person. However, he is clearly upset having to defend himself against such salacious accusations. As a Hillary supporting Democrat, Dershowitz has been willing to stick his neck out to defend Trump against the Democrat’s case for impeachment, thus finding himself a pariah in his old Democrat circle of friends. He is arguing his case here, so to speak, and an unsympathetic Laura Ingram did not help him at all. That is really unfortunate as Dershowitz is an honorable man.

5 years ago

Ty. You pointed out things I’m not trained enough to see. But I did see things I wouldn’t have before your classes.