Body Language – Trump Accuser E. Jean Carroll


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Joan Hastings
Joan Hastings
5 years ago

well, ask and ye shall receive:

5 years ago
Reply to  Joan Hastings

Thats too funny!!! :XD:

5 years ago
Reply to  Joan Hastings

But….. this horses body sings with him. He is telling the truth, unlike her.

5 years ago
Reply to  Joan Hastings

The horse had much better eye contact. Even Cooper, who was probably sexualized at an early age by his sick mother’s pals at Studio 54 feels the urge to run from this bipolar borderline. I find it interesting that unlike most, this one has no Bloom-Allred-Avenatti handler. Even the ambulance chasers see no gain. The creepy “fascinating to talk to” comment was even worse. Uggh! Get used to it folks- the Democrats will come up with another one every two months until November 2020. They can’t help themselves.

5 years ago

? The horse nodding comment! Anderson Cooper couldn’t get any farther away without leaving the set. Dang. These false stories are so infuriating and insulting to actual survivors of sexual assault and rape. ?

5 years ago

HIknew this one would be on your list… now you mention it her grin reminds me of Elizabeth Holmes.
Anderson Cooper could not get any further back or he would fall off his chair….
And yes, she sounded like she was recounting a fantasy…

5 years ago

A hilarious video. The more she leaned into him the more he leaned away. A good evaluation, but you stopped before it got to the good part, the creepy part where she started hitting on him and gave him the “Hello Big boy” eyes.

5 years ago
Reply to  Masonsrock49

Omg, I would have loved to have seen that. I’m looking the full interview up online now. Thanks.

5 years ago
Reply to  Luxx

I saw the full interview played on Tucker Carlson’s show on FOX so you might be able to find it there.

5 years ago
Reply to  Masonsrock49

how does she not know he’s gay??

5 years ago
Reply to  kommißar

Well they do say that at that age the memory is the first to go……… that and at that age they get desperate and will jump on the first thing that doesn’t run lol.

Marry Duvall
Marry Duvall
5 years ago

Can you find out if she is a democrat ? Its women like her that make it hard for women that do get abused . I just want to slap the rest of her hair off her head

5 years ago
Reply to  Marry Duvall

Oh, yes. She a big DNC donor and past activist, natch.

5 years ago
Reply to  Marry Duvall

She is- she had donated to Hillary’s campaign as well as an abortion fund.

5 years ago

This poor lady is literally crazy. :-/ She isn’t saying anything that makes sense about rape, or the fashion during the time.e of the alleged assault. Serves you right, Andersen Cooper!

Mandy, you are so right – the fake accusers (and those who try to give their lies support) do a genuine disservice to us survivors of sexual assault. ?

5 years ago

Anderson Cooper: ‘The sky is falling!. Really, it’s really falling. I’m not kidding this time. Wait, come back!’
Funny that the accuser is also promoting a new book. Doesn’t she slur Pelosi-like? Same meds?
This little back and forth confirms that righteous liberals have no conscience, no moral foundation, always high on certitude. Yawn.
Thanks for clarifying that she’s a bold faced lair, perfect for CNN.

5 years ago
Reply to  jimmer

Pelosi-like? More like a clone, except that Nancy has a somewhat functioning brain. What’s with the flailing hands and arms? Something is really wrong with that woman.

5 years ago

This woman is horrifying. She is obviously lying, making up a big story she’s so proud of, that actually makes her feel sexy!!! It’s outrageous. I myself am a victim of rape, the shoving-you-up-against-the-wall type, so this is particularly hard to watch, as I actually HAVE the memory. No one is casual or proud or laughing at being raped – NO ONE. I don’t care how long ago it was. How can anyone believe this story? Reading comments below it appears this isn’t the first time she pretended being raped. Maybe she wants to be raped. She’s that sick.

5 years ago

I don’t think rape is her fantasy as much as she was uncomfortable lying so she tried to verbally justify her bullshit story.
Also, you can tell she’s never been raped.

She’s a weirdo and an ass. Serves CNN and propagandist Cooper right. I hope more freaks come out to embarrass them.

5 years ago
Reply to  Luxx

CNN, the most trusted name in news. The freaks just keep on coming.

Cheryl Cooper
Cheryl Cooper
5 years ago

Cooper better look out he could be accused next with her flirting. Bet talking to her made him glad to be gay.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago
Reply to  Cheryl Cooper

It’s big breaking stories like this one that makes him the hero down at his significant other gay bar.

5 years ago

You hit the nail on the head with this one! I do not have your talent for reading people but I did find her to be incredibly cavalier while telling her story. As a survivor of sexual abuse myself, I found her attitude to be the tell I needed to know she was lying. I hate liars. They make it harder for the rest of us.

Shannon Hunsuck
Shannon Hunsuck
5 years ago

Also, this story she’s telling is LITERALLY almost a duplicate of an Law & Order:SVU script! I heard that she also accused CBS’ Les Moonves of sexual assault when she interviewed him for an Esquire article. Also, in her book, I think she said Hunter S Thompson (who is dead & not here to defend himself) of using a knife to cut off her pants, and some boy in school shoving rocks up in her genitals – and more sexual “things” done to her, supposedly also in this book of fairytales she’s hocking…She’s clearly a sociopath – at the very least an attention seeking narcissist.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago

WOW ! I honestly feel sorry for her now.I hope she gets help and is assigned a responsible person to look after her.

Pamela Brown
Pamela Brown
5 years ago

Maybe this will work..LOL my horse shaking her head yes

5 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Brown

Even Better! Love her face coloring!

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Brown

Horses are so beautiful ! I can’t help myself when I’m petting one. I act just like Joe Biden ! LMAO

5 years ago

Mandy, honestly I didn’t need to watch this video because it was so obvious she was lying and Anderson clearly looked annoyed because its making him look like a liar too. There was still plenty to learn and a great tutorial.

5 years ago

Well, one thing is for certain…..she’s not Anderson Cooper’s type either. ;o)

Micaela ocello
Micaela ocello
5 years ago

shes such a loon xD i mean cmon!!! most ppl think rape is sexy? projection much?

Shannon Hunsuck
Shannon Hunsuck
5 years ago

Didn’t I hear that she also accused someone else of sexual assault when she interviewed him for an Esquire article?!!? I’m just sure I did – supposedly it’s also in this book of fairytales she hocking…now I just can’t remember who the other man was…if anyone knows, pls tell!! She’s clearly a sociopath – at the very least an attention seeking narcissist

5 years ago

Interesting. Anderson’s body was so leaning away, I thought he would fall over.

5 years ago

Mental illness is truly sad and it’s doesn’t get more sad than this woman and CNN using her!

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago

You left out the best part ,where she starts flirting with him before they can switch to the break. Here we have one “Looney Toon”(Andrea Cooper)trying to build on this house of cards with the help of another “Looney Toon”, And they say you just can’t make this stuff up ? The only thing that would have made this better,is for the “Looney Toon” entro and music to be playing. Ba Dea…Ba Dea..Ba Dats all Folks. SMDH