Body Language – Preacher Kenneth Copeland


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5 years ago

Reminds me of Bill Clinton with the finger pointing and “believe me” face.

5 years ago

Watching this slimy opportunist gave me the same creepy feeling as I got watching the Peter Strzok video you analyzed. Eeew! Snake oil just seems to ooze out of every pore of their bodies. Still, I learned something new about body language. Thank you. Gotta jump back in the shower now and hope Norman Bates isn’t in the area.

Cherian Jacob
Cherian Jacob
5 years ago

and remember Jesus doesn’t take credit cards, he takes empathy, grace and a giving heart ” ..I love you Mandy!

5 years ago
Reply to  Cherian Jacob

Well said, Mandy. This man is clearly one of the false prophet the Bible warns us about.

5 years ago

You’ve gotta be soft in the head to give a creep like this your money, don’t you think Jesus would pick a better representative than this clown?

Cheryl Cooper
Cheryl Cooper
5 years ago

He really creeps me out too!

5 years ago

He looks like he is possessed by something evil

5 years ago
Reply to  Tammy

You saw that, too? Between that smile and those eyes, I was thinking he looks like Lucifer.

Eileen Guthrie
Eileen Guthrie
5 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

He has the “look” of having his eyes “done.” Those are the eyes of a man who had cosmetic eye surgery.

Birgit Michael
Birgit Michael
5 years ago

Jup , He’s got a snakes face .. demons eat snakes

Amanda Mitchell
Amanda Mitchell
5 years ago

My husband’s family goes to goes to his church, they are totally blinded to his pure evil creepiness!!

5 years ago

My Grandmother in law was the same about the Jim Baker. She would send them a check and my Father in Law would go take the check out of the mailbox.

5 years ago

Maybe they’re weak willed and looking for something that they feel good about, something that feels authentic about, something that tells them what to think and feel.

5 years ago

Maybe they’re weak willed and looking for something to obey. They’d feel it was authentic and right to them. It would tell them how to think and how to feel, and they would be assured they are always right.

5 years ago

I don’t even think he belives in God. The bible says there would be false prophets

5 years ago
Reply to  SouthernDan

Copeland believes in God as long as you slide your credit cards into his pocket.

5 years ago

Close your eyes. You can almost hear a “hsssssssss.” I would love to be a fly on the car wall when he got back in!

5 years ago

To Charlene – when you said: “For everything God has satan produces a counterfeit”….I saw this comment regarding the word ‘counterfeit’ the other day: If I had five dollars for every gender out there….. I would have ten dollars and a whole sack of Counterfeits.

5 years ago

I suspect that one of the reasons for all the serpentine references, in addition to the slow, creepy fake smile, is the extreme pupil constriction. Unless the camera crew had extremely bright lights (and he is not squinting), his pupils should not be so pinpoint-classic sign of opioid intoxication. Also since he shows no other overt signs, maybe an addict? The skill of recognizing a hustler of any type, be they race, religion, politics, cons or anything else, is to recognize the signs of manipulation. Mandy does a great job of pointing them out. Unfortunately there are still many “marks” who are susceptible to being manipulated by con artists who will tell them what to believe while extracting their money or votes. Perhaps the upcoming downfall of the Clinton Foundation will help some of them be a little discerning.

5 years ago

Good for this reporter. She asked the questions others would have been afraid to and didn’t back down. That finger was just like Bill Clinton’s. And being tax free they have the right to flaunt their riches with no worries. He could run for President this year.

5 years ago

Reminds me of PTL in the day. Jim Baker was just a body Tammy could use to do her bidding. She was a snake and he did the jail time. Her daughter was a sad little lonely girl. Never met the son.

5 years ago

He’s a snake and a NWO puppet.

5 years ago

He’s got that strong illuminati Secret Society lizard people- Aura

Ursula Leach
Ursula Leach
5 years ago

I am wondering if even without knowing body language like you do, one can have like an instinctive reaction to a person either positive or negative like I had to this guy just watching him. My sound was turned down for some reason when I first started watching this and the guy gave me the creeps even without the sound. It’s not the first time in my life for this to happen and I was usually proven right

J.B. Beverley
J.B. Beverley
5 years ago

Longtime fan of your videos, Mandy. Now a new subscriber! Cheers!

5 years ago

Let’s be fair here. He does own oil and gas wells, he’s been smart with his investments and he happens to be a preacher. These facts were unknown to me from the 70s through the 90s when I was a big follower. Never been a heavy contributor though. When he was followed and caught flat-footed by a “journalist” in a hotel where he was holding meetings he really pissed me off the way he reacted. What REALLY makes me mad is he keeps the reason for his wealth hidden because if that was published loud enough and long enough he would lose a ton of people (followers) and his ministry. I should have put the word ministry in quotes. He is a “faith” preacher, meaning “The just shall live by faith”. I’m not happy with this guy and there are many others out there like him. “Dr.” Frederick K.C. Price, Creflo Dollar (incredible last name) one of Copeland’s proteges, the obnoxious Jesse DuPlantis, there’s a guy in Johannesburg SA whose name escapes me. He recently was busted when he faked raising a man from “death”. But there are ministers from whom these fakers sprang who are not fake. John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, Maria Woodworth-Etter and others. When they drew tens of thousands in crowds, the snakes started to see there was money to be made. It’s really a biblical principle at work. For everything God has satan produces a counterfeit. We as christians have to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. True discernment is knowing the difference between what is right, and what is almost right. Osteen immediately comes to mind here. In other words just like Jesus said, “A little leaven (sin) leaveneth the whole lump”. One fraudulent preacher makes all ministers (appear) fraudulent. Let us be discerning and not just give our hard-earned substance to just anybody.

1 year ago

Whoa, what happened? Did the Kenneth Copeland video get deleted?