Interesting take on Socialism vs. Deep State vs. Trump. I’m not sure about your conclusion, though. I saw Trump’s election victory as the Hand of God, saving us from enslavement under Evil Incarnate (a.k.a. Hillary Clinton; a.k.a. Bag Lady… still don’t understand the “Lady” part of that). Call me dumb but, I really do believe God chose Donald Trump for this time in history and whoever God chooses, God enables.
There’s an old Italian saying: “When the snow melts, that’s when you see all the shit.” Trump is putting a blow torch to an iceberg. Once it all melts and all the crap is exposed, I believe the President will then move on to uniting all of us as “Americans”. It’s not that I trust Trump so much. It’s because I trust God.
I agree completely. Prior to the campaign, Trump was different. He has totally changed, and I think You have correctly hit on why. The deep staters, who incidentally, I think are the same ones who took out Kennedy, are about to go down as their nefarious deeds are exposed, the socialists will have limited support once they have to explain their pyramid scheme. Those of us who are awake will have to do a lot of work to help a lot of confused people whose fantasy world is yanked out from under them, but ultimately unity may be possible. Outsiders or people who have no hidden agenda like Trump and Barr are the only reason this could happen. I hope we are right.
I won’t put in any spoilers, but I just watched The Trump Prophecy (the movie). It seemed like it was going to be a really dry documentary style movie explaining a bunch Bible passages or something, but it wasn’t that at ALL. In fact, for an hour and 20 minutes worth of it, I had to keep reminding myself that “Yes, I did read the words Trump Prophecy”
It was REALLY good! Moving, exciting, interesting, funny at parts (and probably for anyone, not just Trump fans). I’d definitely recommend it.
Are you replying to Nona or Mandy ? I am a PRACTICING christian ! Jesus taught us how to become better people . How to look for his second coming. How to identify the ones that would herald the coming. Cyrus was not a christian. He was very successful. Everything he touched succeeded,but he was a deeply flawed man(as we all are),but god used him to bring order out of chaos. I don’t know if PRESIDENT TRUMP is our Cyrus. Only time and his actions will prove if he is. The lord also taught us how to look and act toward government. It is our responsibility to support or replace those that sit in positions of power.
My reply was more to Nonna than Mandy. I have been thinking the same thing. It comes down to a battle between good and evil, with a lot of individuals still confused by evildoers or not paying attention.
While doing an internet search for the movie “The Trump Prophecy” AlwaysHavingHope recommended, I came across an article that makes the analogy between Cyrus and Trump and includes a prophecy, as well. The amazing thing is that the article was written BEFORE the 2016 election! I think we (all of the people commenting here) are on to something and you nailed it with the Cyrus analogy! Check it out: (scroll down below the picture)
Something you might be interested in,is the significance of the number 70 and 7,and the roll it has in the lord’s direct dealings with his timeline for humanity. Starting with cain. Look at the number of years of rule of cyrus,Herod and kings before and after them. Israel was reestablished in 1948. 70 years to 2018. there is a period of prosperity after 70 year periods. There are other 70 year periods thru out history.
5 years ago
Thanks to Trump’s openness and strength we see how corrupt and broken DC is. Viva la Trump.
If Trump didn’t succeed at anything else,he has exposed the FILTH in our government. If the body is to survive,the gangrenous arm has to be cut off ! No matter how terrifying and painful the experience . WE must identify ,expose and REMOVE THIS FILTH.
5 years ago
Thank you Mandy. Isn’t cognitive dissonance pretty much the same as being hypocritical? That’s how I think of it. Man, that McCain… calling JFK’s assassination an intervention [wow]. So true, ppl have been making excuses for these psychopaths for a long time. Look how long he got away with it, and he’d still be at it if he hadn’t died.
Good eye ! That was a coded threat. She knew exactly what she was doing.
5 years ago
McCain looked like a frog. This dude was a traitor to America and all the older military personal know it! He was a lying sack of poo and I’m sure he’s in hell paying for all the lives he destroyed. Why people think this traitor is a God….I don’t know!
Tom Nova
5 years ago
Hi Mandy. I wanted to comment; if I understand you correctly.
The left and the right keep moving farther apart. Either side is determined to win even if it brings the country down around them. To them it’s not about the well-being of the country but about them (Dems, Republicans; really just politicians )
In reference to your comment at the end of the video I would also agree that eventually this country will be brought down and either start over or separate into two different states; say in about 15 years roughly. Wait till the 2020 elections; grab your seatbelt and buckle-in.
On another note. Before you started this website did you ever think you would be exposed to so many different options about life, people and government.
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago
HELLO Mandy ! Hope all is well with you and the baby and what’s his name. HAHA ..Levity is a good tension release !
oratio contraria
5 years ago
I did a reverse speech analysis of this same video. At the time I did it, I didn’t think John McCain was threatening Barack Obama, so my analysis didn’t go in that direction. Though looking at it again, it could be a threat after all.
Interesting take on Socialism vs. Deep State vs. Trump. I’m not sure about your conclusion, though. I saw Trump’s election victory as the Hand of God, saving us from enslavement under Evil Incarnate (a.k.a. Hillary Clinton; a.k.a. Bag Lady… still don’t understand the “Lady” part of that). Call me dumb but, I really do believe God chose Donald Trump for this time in history and whoever God chooses, God enables.
There’s an old Italian saying: “When the snow melts, that’s when you see all the shit.” Trump is putting a blow torch to an iceberg. Once it all melts and all the crap is exposed, I believe the President will then move on to uniting all of us as “Americans”. It’s not that I trust Trump so much. It’s because I trust God.
I agree completely. Prior to the campaign, Trump was different. He has totally changed, and I think You have correctly hit on why. The deep staters, who incidentally, I think are the same ones who took out Kennedy, are about to go down as their nefarious deeds are exposed, the socialists will have limited support once they have to explain their pyramid scheme. Those of us who are awake will have to do a lot of work to help a lot of confused people whose fantasy world is yanked out from under them, but ultimately unity may be possible. Outsiders or people who have no hidden agenda like Trump and Barr are the only reason this could happen. I hope we are right.
I won’t put in any spoilers, but I just watched The Trump Prophecy (the movie). It seemed like it was going to be a really dry documentary style movie explaining a bunch Bible passages or something, but it wasn’t that at ALL. In fact, for an hour and 20 minutes worth of it, I had to keep reminding myself that “Yes, I did read the words Trump Prophecy”
It was REALLY good! Moving, exciting, interesting, funny at parts (and probably for anyone, not just Trump fans). I’d definitely recommend it.
A thumbs down without a reply as to why ?
Here’s the trailer:
Are you replying to Nona or Mandy ? I am a PRACTICING christian ! Jesus taught us how to become better people . How to look for his second coming. How to identify the ones that would herald the coming. Cyrus was not a christian. He was very successful. Everything he touched succeeded,but he was a deeply flawed man(as we all are),but god used him to bring order out of chaos. I don’t know if PRESIDENT TRUMP is our Cyrus. Only time and his actions will prove if he is. The lord also taught us how to look and act toward government. It is our responsibility to support or replace those that sit in positions of power.
My reply was more to Nonna than Mandy. I have been thinking the same thing. It comes down to a battle between good and evil, with a lot of individuals still confused by evildoers or not paying attention.
While doing an internet search for the movie “The Trump Prophecy” AlwaysHavingHope recommended, I came across an article that makes the analogy between Cyrus and Trump and includes a prophecy, as well. The amazing thing is that the article was written BEFORE the 2016 election! I think we (all of the people commenting here) are on to something and you nailed it with the Cyrus analogy! Check it out: (scroll down below the picture)
Something you might be interested in,is the significance of the number 70 and 7,and the roll it has in the lord’s direct dealings with his timeline for humanity. Starting with cain. Look at the number of years of rule of cyrus,Herod and kings before and after them. Israel was reestablished in 1948. 70 years to 2018. there is a period of prosperity after 70 year periods. There are other 70 year periods thru out history.
Thanks to Trump’s openness and strength we see how corrupt and broken DC is. Viva la Trump.
If Trump didn’t succeed at anything else,he has exposed the FILTH in our government. If the body is to survive,the gangrenous arm has to be cut off ! No matter how terrifying and painful the experience . WE must identify ,expose and REMOVE THIS FILTH.
Thank you Mandy. Isn’t cognitive dissonance pretty much the same as being hypocritical? That’s how I think of it. Man, that McCain… calling JFK’s assassination an intervention [wow]. So true, ppl have been making excuses for these psychopaths for a long time. Look how long he got away with it, and he’d still be at it if he hadn’t died.
Didn’t Pelosi just call for an intervention on Trump?
Good eye ! That was a coded threat. She knew exactly what she was doing.
McCain looked like a frog. This dude was a traitor to America and all the older military personal know it! He was a lying sack of poo and I’m sure he’s in hell paying for all the lives he destroyed. Why people think this traitor is a God….I don’t know!
Hi Mandy. I wanted to comment; if I understand you correctly.
The left and the right keep moving farther apart. Either side is determined to win even if it brings the country down around them. To them it’s not about the well-being of the country but about them (Dems, Republicans; really just politicians )
In reference to your comment at the end of the video I would also agree that eventually this country will be brought down and either start over or separate into two different states; say in about 15 years roughly. Wait till the 2020 elections; grab your seatbelt and buckle-in.
On another note. Before you started this website did you ever think you would be exposed to so many different options about life, people and government.
HELLO Mandy ! Hope all is well with you and the baby and what’s his name. HAHA ..Levity is a good tension release !
I did a reverse speech analysis of this same video. At the time I did it, I didn’t think John McCain was threatening Barack Obama, so my analysis didn’t go in that direction. Though looking at it again, it could be a threat after all.