Body Language – Isaac Kappy


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5 years ago

Interesting analyis. Not being sombody whose identity is defined by social media, and having dealt with thousands of suicidal people, he is an interesting study. He attempts to apologize to his “audience” for an unspecified heinous act that is so bad that he can”t say it, which he is apparently ashamed that the audience will become aware of in the cyber world. Then he suicides in a manner that not only traumatizes at least three people (the two who tried to stop him on the bridge and the driver of the truck) in the real world. He could have easilly killed multiple people in the truck or other vehicles on the road. He did apparently have a conscience, but also an unhealthy level of narcissism. Ironic that after his moment of self reflection about being a bad guy who does not think of the effect of his actions on others, he does the same thing in how he chooses to end his lefe. He could have easilly checked in to a motel and overdosed. Instead, he wanted the drama and publicity. The DSM 6 should add “Social Media Induced Personality Disorder”.

5 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

lol…im sure as soon as enough cases come to light that will be a new PD

5 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

Interesting observation. I had not considered the level of narcissism involved in the way he chose to end it.

Kara Logsdon
Kara Logsdon
5 years ago
Reply to  Dagwood

You’d be hard pressed to find someone who committed suicide with the well-being of others in mind. It’s such a selfish act all around.

5 years ago

Have to give you lots of credit, Mandy. I couldn’t put myself through an analysis of Kappy’s body language without getting depressed. I don’t really know much about him but, I suppose as an actor/musician he was a deeply sensitive person. Hollywood and “medication” is a deadly combination for a sensitive soul with a conscience. I believe God forgives but, the hard part is forgiving ourselves.

On a side note, did you receive my email and check? Looking forward to viewing more videos and learning whatever I can from you. Many thanks for all you do.

Monica Castro
Monica Castro
5 years ago

I gotta admit watching was tough and sad. It must be difficult to read someone when there was no way to have seen it before or in time. Thank you for your work.

Btw I hope you’ll consider reading AG Barr his interview with Fox News yesterday. God bless you. Have a good week end . 🙂

5 years ago

We never had this problem until Billy Jo McAllister jumped off the Tallahachie bridge.

5 years ago
Reply to  GhettoRanger

i loved that song

5 years ago

I watched the replay of this scope shortly after he did it. The comment section was going off with tons of questions by his viewers. The things he chose to respond to are as interesting as the questions/comments he chose to bypass, but he showed microexpression while reading them. Thank you for doing this analysis.

5 years ago

Only because Kappy appeared so deeply distressed by what he did that I wonder whether he got sucked into the ‘machine’ (for lack of a better description) that he was trying to fight. No, I don’t mean he abused anyone, but I wonder whether those pulling the strings played him, he didn’t realize it, played into their hand, and that’s why he couldn’t forgive himself. Because he was a good person with a conscious, they knew he would end his life as a result, due to feeling so bad about being duped. Does that make sense to anyone else? Whatever it was really bothered him, enough so that he didn’t think there was any other way out. :-/

5 years ago

RIP, Kappy… :'(

5 years ago

I honestly think they very cleverly set him up somehow, that would make him look like he’s one of them. They took videos of it and threatened to expose them unless he just WENT AWAY. Isaac Kappy had been exposing pedophilia with big Hollywood names, including Tom Hanks. And he was a believable chap. The Illuminati – deep state or whatever you call it – had to stop him. And they did. My heart breaks.

5 years ago

Terrible.I see a man who was forced to make the video and knew he was going to die.
I also feel like he knew there was no way out and no last change of heart of his killers even tho there was a glimmer of hope.

5 years ago

I’ve never heard of this guy. I had to Google him. Extreme depression causes you to magnify all the things you’ve done wrong and tell you there’s no way out. He really could have been helped. A waste.

5 years ago

Sad to say, I have no idea who this individual is. If he was looking for a shock value, then perhaps he wasted his life to make a statement. If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, does it still make a sound? I have no desire to explore who he is or read his suicide note.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago

To be forgiven,you have to VERBALLY confess your sins to Jesus. As it is written in the bible…call on my name. I didn’t watch his videos,but am saddened by his passing ! I am glad however ,to hear that he did enfact say and believe that jesus

Shannon Gifford
Shannon Gifford
5 years ago

My son woke me up at 6 AM distressed and wanting me to know what happened. It is sad. Curious circumstances for sure. Very interesting body language analysis. Thanks for all you do.

5 years ago

Just heard about the bad storms and flooding out your way. Are you guys okay?

Donna Weikel
Donna Weikel
5 years ago

Someone is hurting his little dog. That disturbs me.

5 years ago

Dying for attention……

me you
me you
5 years ago

He won’t say what it is because it isn’t in the script.